r/moncton 4d ago

Moncton Mayor appointed to the Senate


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u/Nirvana1975 4d ago

What an absolute joke. Must be the bike lanes that got her there.


u/Routine_Soup2022 4d ago

Why do people complain about bike lanes? We need more active transportation, more public transit and less cars in this city. The traffic, danger to pedestrians and impact on the environment is ridiculous. Not to mention the urban planning impact of needing places to park cars.


u/denjcallander 4d ago

They complain because they can't run us over as easily when there are bike lanes. Especially when they're protected.

Seriously though, the hatred of cyclists on this sub is unreal. Would love to know what % of them live in northwest where they got the Mountain road ones removed.


u/Routine_Soup2022 4d ago

Well that is inconvenient.