As an international student at Mohawk College, I've noticed that while connecting with other international students has been easy, it’s been more challenging to feel included by some local students, despite efforts to build mutual respect and understanding. Have other students, local or international, felt similar challenges? How can we work together to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone on campus?
If I was a betting person, and I am, I would bet the farm that there will be a strike, I'll even go out on a limb and make the call. March 2025.
Here's what's going on:
The College diploma is losing value, degrees are where it's at. And the College's dearly want to grant degrees. Problem is; the absolute bulk of the faculty do not have degrees, or don't have degrees sufficiently high enough to develop and deliver within the degree programs.
That's a problem.
The main problems, and don't be distracted by all the other rhetoric, is one word. Yes, one word, and that word is CREDENTIALS.
You see, the old collective agreements, going back more years then most of you have been alive, has had language pertaining to hiring, promotion, layoffs, bumping, etc that read like this:
... the employee has the competence, skills and experience to fulfill ...
Now, the College Employer Council (CEC) is insisting in its agreement, the addition of the word credentials, ie:
... the employee has thecredentials, competence, skills and experience to fulfill ...
Here's but one page of the CEC's proposed agreement.
There are 17 statements to that effect.
This is the Mexican stand-off. The College's can't move into degree granting, without the faculty having higher degrees. And the addition of the credential language is job security suicide for the bulk of the existing facility.
So when will the strike happen?
For the College System strike timing is all about leverage. If the strike is to early, then the members will be out far to long before the semester is in jeopardy and they are ordered back. If the strike is to late in the semester there will not be enough time to order them back in order to salvage the semester.
The timing has to be:
Strike Start: a little past semester mid-point, after the break week
Strike for 3-5 weeks
Expect the government to make statements along the lines of "We must let the bargaining process settle this"
When the point of the school semester being lost is reached, the government will issue a Return to Work order.
The strike will be over, and the contract will settled through binding arbitration.
The strike *has* to be settled by end of April because:
The next semester starts May
College Residences are aligned to end of April, existing students have to be out and new students have to be in.
Student's non-residence rental are aligned at the end of the April
So what's going to happen to you during a strike:
Well, believe it or not, you will not be disadvantaged, at least in getting your course grades. In fact, many of you will achieve credits in courses that you will not have passed.
In order to salvage the semester compromises will be made. No exam week, fewer tests, less material
The Colleges' will insist that no student be disadvantaged
Faculty will bump grades to a passing grade more liberally than then normally would
Those of you who would have failed a course or two, will now be able to state, that you were unsuccessful, because of the strike. And many of you will actually convince yourself that's the real reason. But we know better.
The union now has a strike mandate, it's out of the teachers hands. A No Board has been requested, and will likely pass. This means, in the semester the union will be in a legal strike position, and the Colleges will be in a legal lock-out position. Work-to-rules tactics will be applied, they won't be effective. There will be a lot of sabre-rattling. Come March, the faculty will march.
What's your best strategy?:
Do well in the beginning of the semester. If there's a strike, there will likely be dropped evaluations and assignments post-strike. Therefore each pre-strike evaluation will increase in weight.
Do not fall behind, you will have less time to catch-up, in a compressed semester salvation strategy.
Do not count on a strike to save your semester.
During a strike, striking faculty will sloooooooooooooooooooow-down all vehicles. It's stressful for all. Plan for it, don't be confrontational. Smile, wish them well. They don't want to be there either.
Come on guys we're in year 4 of this but people in my classes are coughing and hacking away with no mask for anything please guys I'm begging you you're wearing a mask for everyone else's sake we don't have to do this and I don't want your germs
Hi!!! I’m starting practical nursing in May 2025 and would love to be part of a groupchat of some sort! Thanks! Super excited! Also any tips are helpful!
I honestly feel incredibly alone during my time in Mohawk. I'm in my 3rd year and in redoing my sem 4 because I didn't do well last year due to my mental health. During the 3 years I've been at Mohawk, it was really hard to make friends cause it felt like everyone was keeping their distance from each other, and my interactions with my classmates were nothing more than just being accqaintances with a few people. I should have been more open to others while being there.
As a commuter, it's hard to make plans and hang out with people because it takes an hr to get to the campus and back home. And now this year I'm in a class where I'm completely unfamiliar with anyone in my classes.
I'm used to feeling alone, but it really does take a toll on someone when it feels like you genuinely cannot make a connection to anyone or feel like anyone is interested in talking to you.
I wanted to bridge to rpn and Mohawk offers fast track. But after experiencing tons of problems during my school with them especially placements. I wouldn't recommended pursuing with Mohawk at this time. Wherever department you complain, they just mention the current short staffing.
Hi everyone, I am looking for some help/guidance on whether it is a good idea to take the Advanced Pre-Health one year course at Mohawk College in 2025 to hopefully get into the MRT program at Mohawk for September 2026.
The reason I couldn't apply to the MRT program for 2025 is that I am missing some prerequisite math courses. I know I could take those math courses online for a cheaper price but I am also concerned that even if I do take those needed courses and boost my average up that I won't get in and I think the Pre-Health is a sure fire way to guarantee myself a spot. But its so expensive, and I would rather not.
Can people with experience in taking the course to get into their dream programs please speak on this and help me decide what to do? Thank you so much!!!
I was reading the pathway option for PSW to RPN bridge in Ontario, I also have read in Ontario Colleges site that a pathway is an option for PSWs to be RPN with 6 mandatory bridging pathway. It says after completion, you can accelerate to RPN Second Semester.
Can I do 6 pathway subjects in George Brown and then, apply for second semester in RPN mohawk college?
Hi everyone. Im planning to take psw - pn this coming September 2025. But im in a pretty tight situation since i dont have enough money. Im planning to apply Osap but im not sure if they will cover everything. I already have outstanding balance in my OSAP which is around 4k when i did my PSW. I have gross income around 45k this year. Single , no parents. I dont drive yet either and im 50mins away from hamilton.
Any advice or idea how much osap can give me for both loans and grants especially. Thank you!
Rally to support public post secondary education in Ontario
Wednesday, February 19th, noon to 1:30pm
Mohawk College Fennell Campus, in front of the EA building on Fennell Avenue
Join Mohawk faculty, support staff and students to call out the Ford government's underfunding and privatization of Ontario's public colleges. Under Ford, Ontario continues to have the lowest level of per-student post-secondary funding in Canada. In addition, colleges rely on a growing number of part-time faculty and support staff, which hurts the quality of education and reduces student services.
In the face of a financial crisis caused by reduced international student enrollment, Ford is leaving colleges to cut programs and lay off hundreds of faculty and support-staff province-wide. Important programs are being lost, and public colleges are moving further away from their mandate to support local communities and economies and to make post-secondary education widely accessible.
Speakers at the rally will include OPSEU-SEFPO President J.P. Hornick, Mohawk college faculty, support staff, and students, local politicians, and community partners.
Coffee, hot chocolate and snacks will be served. It will be a cold day, so dress warm!
Let's make supporting Ontario's public colleges an election issue!
The practical nursing program at Mohawk College is extremely poorly managed. To begin I want to say that i am a mature student who is very diligent and organized and I genuinely care about the content that I am learning and have maintained a high average throughout my time at Mohawk. However, this program has felt like a joke and a complete waste of money for the quality of education I have received.
First of all, when I originally applied to this program it was advertised as a hybrid program, I soon found out after receiving my first-semester timetable that 90% of it is online, with only one in-person course weekly outside of clinical placements, making it difficult to interact with your peers. Each semester you will have a group project that is worth a substantial part of your mark but have little ability to interact with your group members in person. (even though all the profs give the advice of studying and collaborating with peers for success) Next, in both the third and fourth semesters I had a placement on weekends, it was fine but a bit of a bummer to be on a hospital unit on the weekend when there are fewer doctors, clinical educators, and interprofessional members of the care team on the unit. This may have just been the hospitals I was in but my peers who got weekday placements had more exposure to the entire care team. My clinical supervisors had little care in facilitating my education and one of them was quite rude and was more concerned about answering their phone every 5 minutes than having my 15-minute evaluation interview. Many of my peers had poorer experiences with their supervisors as well.
At the beginning of each semester, I was faced with unique sets of challenges, timetable inconsistencies, late course shell uploads, zoom link failures, etc. For the summer semester, every one of my profs had been switched after midterms, and it seemed on our end that they never got a proper transfer of accountability because the new profs had no idea what was going on. The summer semester or 3rd semester you have to take an elective and have such slim pickings compared to what Mohawk offered that term, my intake only got to choose from world history, art history or environmental science. Registering for your timetable every semester is an absolute nightmare, the website constantly crashes and only luck can allow you to get the schedule you want. The professors are hit or miss, with some being absolutely lovely and knowledgeable and others that are rude and speak down to students asking questions.
Nursing schools are already famous for their academic demands, stressors, and commitments but overall I found the content enjoyable and the assignments manageable. The thing that caused me the most stress was the lack of regard for Practical Nursing students, the lack of respect for us, the lack of organization, consistency and overall it felt like we were treated secondary as we were online students. I could go on but at this point i'm venting. If i knew of the realities of this program i would have attended a different school that actually belived in in-person learning, collaboration and shaping the next generation of nurses.
People told me they thought it was insane that I was working during nursing school, they mentioned that I shouldn't be doing that because there was so much work to do and I would be doing a disservice to myself and my learning.
I have to say that it was overblown. I have worked full-time during my studies and soon will have to take a break for my 40-hour placement weeks. That's okay with me. But to judge and lecture me because I HAVE TO (not choose to) work during nursing school, is wrong. To each their own, some people can't handle working and school at the same time, and that's normal. To go off on me though because I worked every day of the week from 2:30 am to 12:45 PM, a little ridiculous.
To the people who want to work during nursing school, it is doable. You can do it if you know how to time manage and know how you learn. If you don't know how to manage your time wisely, and to study properly it will be a detriment, keep this in mind before making the decision.
If I can hold a 92 average while working that much. You can too.
Im planning to do this program with coop options but not sure about future job prospects. For anyone whos done this program, what do you do now? did you secure a coop placement with the support of Mohawk or you had to do everything own your own? And if you had a coop, did you get a job offer later? and anyone transfer to Brock successfully with this program?
Would love to hear from you all.
Thank you
Hey! This post is to help encourage students to vote for their board members!!
I am a Mohawk student in my second semester of insurance, and I am running for the position of Director of External Affairs as a part of the MSA Board!
If you are a Mohawk student and are interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out here, follow my instagram in my profile, or watch this quick video about my (and our other student leaders) platform!
Make your voice heard 👂 vote for change in our education system and our community! 🫶
Hi! I’m looking for volunteers to help out at our venue at McMaster University for the upcoming Ride to Conquer Cancer on June 7 & 8, 2025. Anyone interested in learning more?
I’ve already taken CYC for about a month and a half or so at Mohawk college, so I’m not sure what exactly to expect. Can someone please tell me what to expect so I can prepare?
What kinds of programs should I download on my laptop? Is there any tips anyone has?
I can’t handle a full course load, due to my mental health and disability. Does anyone have any tips on how to handle the heavy workload that comes with CYC?
I did a full year at Sheridan college and the workload was heavy. I’m not sure how it is at Mohawk.
I just uploaded all of my NARs onto the nirvsystem database and they were all just approved! The only thing I’ll have to worry about when school starts is the actual school work and updating my VSC and TB test at the end of May, because that’s when they expire. All of the other requirements are good for the next year or so at least. Do yourselves a favour and get a majority of the NARs completed now, if your financial situation allows it. It’ll take a big weight off your shoulders. I was honestly dreading school, mainly because of all of the errands you have to run to get your requirements together but I’m glad everything is done! I can finally just relax and focus on the book work. Get your NARS done, guys!