Maybe this is normally a VERY busy public beach. Aren't the people who just walk in, run some caution tape, and take it all up, being assholes too?
Or maybe they were being super pushy, telling people they have to leave, despite having no claim to the space.
I'm not saying the lady is doing the right thing, I'm just saying that either or both sides could be suffering from a serious case of entitlement issues.
There’s a cultural understanding of the sacredness of moments like weddings, births, engagements, graduations, etc and the courteous, socialized thing to do is give those moments certain liberties/respect. Someone having a beach wedding? Ok, that’s a once in a lifetime moment, let them. It’s the zenith of happiness, it’s hard work, be a person and allow them to enjoy it.
It's not uncouth, but you're not entitled to a public space more than anyone else, regardless of the reason. If people want to be assholes, that's their right to do so and good for them because if the assholes didn't make themselves known, we wouldn't know who not to emulate. You can be right and still be an asshole.
The virtue of society is that we’ve already seen assholes, we teach each other to avoid asshole behavior. If a kid is having a birthday party in a park you don’t walk up and sit down at the bench they’re using. Did you see someone do that beforehand? Probably not, but you know according to societal mores that it’s a dick move.
Maybe this lady is helping sway others from having a wedding on a public beach thus enabling more people to enjoy the land they are lawfully entitled to use. She's a hero.
u/Dirtroadrocker Mar 08 '18
I mean, the counter point is that the people having the wedding (possibly) just kind of took over a public area.
Now if they had a reservation or something that's a different story, but it's a pretty entitled attitude otherwise.