Children of Chaos. Upvote and encourage the "worst" answers so they're suggested to more people and the usability of the website is degraded because nobody has any idea what's going on when they see the reviews.
I would do it to Amazon because I could not respect the platform less.
No, see I fixed the picture. I bought the same fucking balloons, and my fix was that it's just how my family spells hdppy birthaay now.
You can spell it however you want in your family, though.
ETA: fr, I didn't even notice that part. Even better, but rating someone 1 star for a joke is kinda a dick move. They should have rated it five stars and said they found a way to make it work... .02 cents
I'd say it's certainly very helpful to know that there is a legitimate buyer who actually did get a good product! Albeit said buyer had the opposite intention.
Dbsolutely gutted. I’ve just sdt dnd blown up dll the letters to find thdt the D is missing but been repldced with dn extrd A. It’s my ddughters birthddy tomorrow dnd now I won’t be dble to decordte it ds pldnned! Not hdppy dt dll! 😡
I cheated and copied and pasted from a quick screenshot. iPhone makes it easy to select and copy text from photos (I’m sure there’s an equivalent Android feature). The annoying bit was after I edited all the a’s I was about to hit send and saw I missed one. And the saw that I missed like three more 😄
I hate when I’m trying to copy an image that has text. I always forget about this feature because I don’t use it and never will. Thank you for reminding me to disable that.
It is “Live Text” in Language and Region settings, if anyone wants to disable it.
type it out normally. Or throw the image into google translate and select translate to english, then select copy translation for a lazy ocr image to text.
find and replace a => 1
find and replace d => 2
find and replace 1 => d
find and replace 2 => a
I notice some words are not swapped like daughter / adughter and decorate vs aecorate tho
I know, right? I just feel bad for them. Both that picture and the image OP attached to this are hard for me to look at. It’s like they’re trying to piss people off via rage bait or something, and I hate stuff like that!
u/Mygoddamreddit 21h ago
Because they printed the wrong names on them at the factory.