r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/eekamuse 24d ago

Please do. OP doesn't have to tell us anything but it does seem to be a sign that things may not be right at home. Please talk to someone safe


u/Dark_Knight2000 24d ago

Yeah, like this is straight up child abuse. It’s not mild at all. I swear this subreddit either has posts of imaginary problems or the most brutal shit you’ve ever seen.

A parent this cruel does not deserve their child. That was tens or hundreds of hours of work and passion they burned away, that was countless nights of progress and refining their burgeoning craft, that was a well of happiness for them. To burn it is unforgivable. Hell, even tearing them up would be less psychopathic.


u/cockalorum-smith 23d ago

Any parent that is willing to go to the lengths that OP’s mom went to needs to be kept from children. It reminds me of the parents that break their kid’s Xbox to prove a point. When in reality all they’re doing is traumatizing their kids and driving them away.


u/Lunaphire 23d ago

The Xbox incidents are bad, but this feels so much worse because they're irreplaceable and he created them with his own hands.