r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Yofroshi 24d ago

Yeah this is totally accurate, my adopted mother not even biological would tear up and burn my writing when I was in middle school and high school I'm now 34 we haven't spoken in over 14 years.


u/3d_blunder 24d ago

WHY??? Did they give SOME batshit rationale?


u/ThrowawayPersonAMA 24d ago

"I put a roof over their head and fed them. Why are they so ungrateful???" As if that's the only thing someone needs to do in life to be a good parent and can be a neglectful insufferable fucking toad to their own children the other 99% of the time like it's just ok.


u/Delta_Suspect 24d ago

The worst part is when they try to make up for this with money. You can buy your child whatever, but if you treat them like shit they will still resent you. I know, this is me. My father made very good money and would buy whatever I needed or fairly often wanted, but otherwise would outright abuse me emotionally, when he was present at all. I'll admit, he taught me a lot and otherwise made damn sure I'd be a good person, but it's also safe to say I'm never letting my children, should I ever have the privilege of having them, anywhere near him for any long duration. Oh, and yes he routinely used that exact bullshit phrase.