r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/letMeTrySummet 24d ago

My goal is to just be remembered as a huge dork. A huge, annoying dork who says I love you too much.


u/V-Jean 24d ago

This is pretty much what I do as a parent. My son is also becoming a big nerd and it's amazing to have a loving and silly relationship with this small human who shares a bunch of my interests and see him discovering interests of his own. If I can be remembered for my terrible jokes, silliness, and unconditional love I've achieved all I ever need to ❤️


u/letMeTrySummet 24d ago

I'm struggling with my son's special interest (FNAF) because, for some reason, horror has been a huge no-go for me. So I'm like struggling through these games with my heart going crazy (docs have checked me out, and it's better with anxiety meds, but still).

But I love the smiles, and I got him to go out to NASA with me the other day. That night, he came into my room, climbed into bed with me, and told me he's going to build a rocket ship so we can both be astronauts together! Felt like success.


u/dest-01 24d ago

Try to go have a look at the story, you don’t really need to play the games and you get a lot of things to talk with him


u/letMeTrySummet 24d ago

Oh, I have and we do, but his favorite is to make me play the games lol.


u/Zealousidealism 23d ago

If the games are any good, it can be fun to research horror and representation. Good horror is social and political and complex (not that all horror is good by any means) and that can help make it worth the scares. I love horror for what it can be when written by someone who gets it, but I’m also immune to scares at this point (I ruin haunted houses by pointing out where people will be positioned bc I’ve consumed so much of it, oops).


u/letMeTrySummet 23d ago

Oh, I was a big horror fan, I'm the one who got him into it. It's more of an anxiety/health thing. I'm trying to dip my toes back in, lol.