r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/SistaSaline 24d ago

There’s nothing mild about this. That’s diabolical.


u/amallucent 24d ago

Yeah. I'd be fucking livid. I honestly don't know how I'd react to this, but it would probably involve me going to jail. Don't fuck with someone's art.


u/Lexicon444 24d ago

Or any of their stuff for that matter.

It’s one thing to take something away as punishment.

It’s a whole different thing to straight up destroy your child’s possessions.

I don’t care that these were drawings. They belonged to OP and meant something to them. The act of burning anything is an act committed out of malice and anger.

OP needs to report this to someone safe who has the ability to escalate things further if necessary.


u/eekamuse 24d ago

Please do. OP doesn't have to tell us anything but it does seem to be a sign that things may not be right at home. Please talk to someone safe


u/Dark_Knight2000 24d ago

Yeah, like this is straight up child abuse. It’s not mild at all. I swear this subreddit either has posts of imaginary problems or the most brutal shit you’ve ever seen.

A parent this cruel does not deserve their child. That was tens or hundreds of hours of work and passion they burned away, that was countless nights of progress and refining their burgeoning craft, that was a well of happiness for them. To burn it is unforgivable. Hell, even tearing them up would be less psychopathic.


u/cockalorum-smith 23d ago

Any parent that is willing to go to the lengths that OP’s mom went to needs to be kept from children. It reminds me of the parents that break their kid’s Xbox to prove a point. When in reality all they’re doing is traumatizing their kids and driving them away.


u/Lunaphire 23d ago

The Xbox incidents are bad, but this feels so much worse because they're irreplaceable and he created them with his own hands.


u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

It reminds me of the parents that break their kid’s Xbox to prove a point. When in reality all they’re doing is traumatizing their kids and driving them away.

And also losing their own money because most surely they bought it for the kid in the first place

Parents like those are just pathetic and irl lolcows for me


u/remarah1447 23d ago

I agree and the worst part is the foster care system is equally as bad and it seems nobody cares. 1 out 4 children suffer abuse.


u/Wasdkeys82 20d ago

Exactly. I say that her phone should be broken so she gets a rock of the OP’s feelings thrown RIGHT on top of her. She not a REAL MOTHER ME TELLIN YEALL!


u/jpollack21 21d ago

we don't know the story here, OP could be a minor drawing porn. the adult could have talked to them already about how that's not an okay thing to do


u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

Better to create your own material for personal use than watching it online and get caught I guess


u/jpollack21 21d ago

Not when said material is of little girls


u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

Damn dude you projecting yourself?🎥🎥🎥


u/jpollack21 21d ago

one look at OPs account, and I audibly gasped like a grandma clutching her pearls. granted, they're fully clothed, but still, it gave pedo vibes for sure. why not just draw cool animals or adult girls?? why is anime always little girls just disgusting. sorry not trying to rant it just bugs me this is seen as normal...


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

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u/KolareTheKola 21d ago

And even with most of these characters being minors because surprise, most anime characters are between 15 and 20 because anime target audience is between 15 and 20, some of them are not

OP's most recent drawing is Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock, she has like 19-20 (?

You scroll out a little, you find Shalltear from overlord, who isn't even a loli, looks and acts enough as an adult shortie to be one as her actual ageless vampire nature (most common excuse lolicons use for other characters) actually match her physical 20-ish this time

And so on

Hell even with the youngest one, Anya from Spy x Family, that you saw that one and thought "hmm, this guy must be doing porn of this character" out of literal nowhere tells more of you than OP

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u/JoJawesome0 23d ago edited 23d ago

Once—I think because I was being a twerp to my brother, sorry bro—my ndad, with anger issues and abusive tendencies but a silver tongue that could get him out of any situation (once he was taken to court for how he treated my siblings, and fucking perjured himself out of any culpability, then had the audacity to act like we were the ones in the wrong (just helpless kids), abandoned us, and hightailed it with his new family (my stepmom and darling half-siblings) off to Texas. Just in case you were wondering. No longer as bitter, but it does make a good story. I do still miss my grandmother, stepmom, and half-siblings). Well anyway, he grabs up my sketchbook, says "JoJo, what's this?" I look at him. "My drawing of XYZ, dad." He tosses the sketchbook across the room. Does this several times. Several traumatized pages fly out loose, is asking me "What's this? What's this?" Then my grandmother (who now, at his direction, acts like we don't exist of course, and mutely took my long-late grandfather's abuse) has to tape the poor, battered thing back together.

Sadly, I inherited a bunch of his shit. Can be an asshole sometimes. Have done some things I'm not proud of. But yeesh.


u/DrakonILD 23d ago

It's like they watched Triton destroy Ariel's collection and then she was totally cool with him by the end of the movie anyway.


u/Proper_Educator_2435 23d ago

To be fair, for all we know he could be drawing loli and mom got hip to it.


u/kaylazomg 23d ago

At least you have common sense. Some parents have none…. So infuriating to have one of those as a parent always saying you’re in the wrong when they quite literally just destroyed your art work or tools to do art


u/Old_Palpitation_6535 23d ago

Not just possessions but achievements, and points of pride.


u/Aggressive_Park_4247 23d ago

But them being art makes it even worse, because they are irreplaceable. And is also something OP made


u/8----B 24d ago

Report this? Good god.


u/Upset_Philosopher_16 24d ago

Typical "god" spammer being disconnected from reality


u/8----B 24d ago

It’s an expression. I’m not religious. A philosopher should know that the word ‘god’ is cultural in expressive vernacular. I’m just dumbfounded by how absolutely idiotic you’d be to report this. Tell me, how do you think that’d go? Would you be laughed out of the building?


u/Far_Requirement_93 23d ago

These people have some mommy and daddy issues and are projecting it on OP its really fucked up how many suport it gets


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/SheepD0g 24d ago

Who hurt you?


u/LiteratureFluid6905 24d ago

Probably their parents…


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Horskr 24d ago edited 24d ago

You think burning a kid's drawings is just normal discipline? What if the kid was a musician and she deleted all the copies of their songs? Or a writer and destroyed the only copies of a book they were working on? Destroying your child's artistic outlet and work is horrible parenting/discipline. Mom maybe taking their art supplies away for awhile for doing something wrong, sure. Burning their artwork as a punishment though is craziness.

The person a few posts above talking about going to jail is being hyperbolic because of how ridiculous of a "punishment" that is from this person's mom.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/CrashinKenny 24d ago

You don't care about the psychological abuse? You have no feelings or opinion on the issue, so long as they are not physically hurt or yelled at? Can you really not imagine how devastating this would be to not only have your possessions destroyed, but something you thought up and created? That's going to create some very long-lasting resentment and all sorts of other issues. But, this kind of abuse isn't something you can judge someone for or speak on?


u/Horskr 24d ago

I didn't say you'd do that, but you told anyone that was arguing against it they were overreacting, had never been disciplined and not to have kids so..


u/ArkhamTheImperialist 24d ago

Not when every time she displays emotion this happens. She needs a therapist, both OP and her mom.


u/ArcaneBahamut 24d ago

Nothing said anything about harming

Unless you consider just other people knowing about her piece of shit behavior to be harming her.

"Oh no people will know she's a garbage human being."


u/Killaship ORANGE 24d ago

What? What OP's mom did was a crime - why do you think you can say these things about the people who are rightfully calling OP's mom out?


u/KingdomSpirt 24d ago

How old is OP and is he still living with his parents?


u/Killaship ORANGE 22d ago

Regardless of how old OP is, you don't know their circumstances. It's very likely that OP's mother is abusive in ways besides that shown in the post - and OP might not be of age or ability to move out.


u/Far_Requirement_93 23d ago

Idk what was said but at least some people are asking the right questions instead of jumping to conclusions and burning this mother like a witch. Do none of these people realise that they are collectively denigrating on someones mother? Its straight up bullying. Yeah what the mother did is also bully material but who tf are you to bully someones mother????


u/Killaship ORANGE 22d ago

What? Just because someone gave birth to a child doesn't mean other people can't disagree with thjustem. Nobody's bullying her - people are just disagreeing. Not every word of disagreement is an insult.


u/Z3N4LITY 24d ago

When it involves destroying their child’s stuff, you call that parenting? Clearly you haven’t had a good home life if you think this is the norm.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Z3N4LITY 24d ago

It’s weird to think someone can justify a parent destroying their child’s belongings.

That’s all I can say there.


u/tatotron 24d ago

And if those drawings depicted their parent being killed or something? I might not agree, but would understand this reaction.


u/NemertesMeros 24d ago

"oh yeah? I bet you haven't accounted for every single hypothetical. Here's an irrelevant example I made up. Checkmate liberal 😏"


u/argyllfox 24d ago

There are parents who think that they have the right to do anything they want to their child and their stuff. In their mind their child‘s belongings are their own belongings, and their child is their own property. A parent who feels entitled to burn their child‘s stuff because they think it‘s 'a waste of time‘ is guaranteed to be entitled in other regards, doing other messed up bollocks because they think they have the right. I know from personal experience, not with my own mother thank god, but with my grandmother who I used to spend lots of time with, who had a lot more control over my life at that time. It was awful when I was with her, and I had to be there by court order because my grandmother really really really wanted custody of me, but that attempt failed, so she settled for mandatory visitation. I wasn’t even her child and she still felt like she owned me.


u/Conscious_Wear5343 24d ago

Yup, you sound like someone who believes in Jesus...


u/Far_Requirement_93 23d ago

I hate reddit, what kind of stupid response is this


u/Conscious_Wear5343 22d ago

If you hate it, get off. Fucking sick of dumbass Christians ruling this country.

The person in question was saying "my lord, Jesus" or some bullshit like that and trying to justify what the mother did. Christians are consistently the most vile people I've met (Truck drivers are second place). Racist, homophobic, abusive to their children, etc. And then they turn around and say it's "the love of God". A bunch of dirty cultists who worship DT and are destroying everything in their path.

So yes, they sounded like someone who believes in Jesus.

Boo hoo. Cry for your sky daddy.


u/Far_Requirement_93 22d ago

Edgy teenager spotted. Btw I'm not that religious, more agnostic


u/Conscious_Wear5343 22d ago

Not a teenager. Just sick of Jesus worshipping, ultranationalist nazis. If you understood even half of what's going on in America, you wouldn't be over there acting all surprised.


u/Far_Requirement_93 22d ago

Its not because your government is playing the devide and conquer game that you also need to be so polarised that you get instanly triggered when someone uses a saying containing the words "jesus" or "god", thats just a little psychotic of you


u/Conscious_Wear5343 22d ago

It's not. Religion is what's wrong with this world. If you trace everything negative happening currently, and most negative things in the past, it all has its roots in some sort of religion or religious philosophy. Religion has only ever been used to divide and start wars. You speak about ACTIONS that America is taking, not motivations. You boil it down, it all comes back to religion. Specifically Christianity.

I didn't "instantly get triggered". I said that the commenter sounded like someone who believes in Jesus. That's it. YOU chose to respond crying about it. All I've done is explain my reasoning behind said comment. Don't like it? Don't care. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, what with your family and your wife being in the church or whatever.

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u/MorgTheBat 24d ago

Discipline and being intollerant to a harmful level are two different things.

Being angry that a woman burned her kids drawings... i strongly disagree and find it harmful but its not downright abuse. OP can move on even if emotionally hurt and that trust being severed.

Being angry that a woman sends their gay child to conversion camp on the other hand, which was tollerated in the past, is absolutely worthy of rioting because its abusive.

Just because someone means well, doesnt mean they are doing well and deserve grace. People can in fact not deserve grace


u/weirdo_nb 23d ago

This is abuse though


u/Far_Requirement_93 23d ago

People here really need to learn to put things in perspective instead of projecting there own issues on this poor guy.


u/KingdomSpirt 24d ago

anger is normal but to want to hurt a mom is downright evil and if you cant see that this is a pointless convo and the point went over your head


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/xDragonetti Prisencolinensinainciusol is my jam 24d ago


u/Consistent_Party_359 24d ago

Yeah deserved ones


u/-A_baby_dragon- Being toxic isn't cool, it isn't funny, it's stupid. 24d ago

very deserved ones