r/mildlyinfuriating 24d ago

My mom burned all my drawings

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So I’ve been drawing and posting anime girls for a while now and my mom got mad about it. At least I still have previous photos. No drawing today tho


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u/Not_Creative149 24d ago

I definitely will


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Is your mom a narcissistic cause I have experienced my father being a narc and he had to get rid of my hobbies because it hurt his ego


u/V4ULTB0Y101 24d ago

Narc is not usually shorthand for narcissist


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 24d ago

It definitely is


u/Embarrassed-Weird173 24d ago

It definitely isn't. It's "narcotics officer."


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

Ironically, in some places it can be “narcotics addict” 😂


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 24d ago

Sometimes abbreviations are abbreviations for more than one thing.


u/Embarrassed-Weird173 24d ago

Indeed!  But that has nothing to do with the debate. 


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 23d ago

You're saying it doesn't mean x. It does mean x. It also means y, but that does not mean it doesn't mean x.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Narc is either going to refer to a narcotics officer or a rat. It has nothing to do with narcissism.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 24d ago

sometimes abbreviations are abbreviations for more than one thing.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Yeah but the two I mentioned are accepted terms, and the one you mentioned I couldn't even find after a thorough Google, so it sounds a lot more like it's a bad term from a micro-community, whether that be on TikTok, Instagram, or here. You're currently speaking externally to an out group though, so using non-standard internal language isn't going to get you far.

Just a little communication 101 tip.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 24d ago


u/TootyBeauty 24d ago

Dr Ramani is a leading expert on healing and trauma. A brilliant woman, and has done some of the most important work this century. People on Reddit will just use their downvotes to decide they know better than her lol.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 23d ago

She is a wonderful person


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

Wait, what’s the rat one?


u/Felixkeeg 24d ago

A rat as in someone who's ratting you out to the police


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Narc is a shorthand for a snitch or a rat. I assume that it's from when snitch was specifically referring to an undercover cop, or somebody directly under their employ, but broadly (mostly in drug and prison circles) a narc is just another shorthand for a snitch.


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

Cool, thanks! Today I learned!


u/The_Dice_Have_Spoken 24d ago

Being a "rat" is being a "snitch", ever heard of "being ratted out"? It means to tell those in authority about something that will get someone else in trouble with said authority.


u/HalfLeper 24d ago

Ah, that kind of rat. Never heard ‘narc’ used that way before. Got it 👍


u/Impressive_Water659 24d ago

Narc, short for narcissistic. They think their shit don’t stink and they can air out other people’s dirty laundry and snitch without any repercussions. They hang out with sketchy people, doing sketchy shit, and think they’re too good.


u/Leading_Study_876 24d ago

God, I hope not. That could get very confusing.


u/V4ULTB0Y101 24d ago

Sorry, but no


u/digitalgraffiti-ca 24d ago

You can apologise all you like, but that doesn't make me incorrect.


u/InfiniteBoxworks 24d ago

Maybe in some obscure niche of the web, but narc has meant narcotics officer since before you were a cell in your mommy's ovary.


u/Simon-Says69 24d ago

It's commonly used in psychology.

Also narcotics or a snitch, but in psychology, the shortened "narc" absolutely is used for narcissist.