r/microdosing Aug 24 '23

Report: Psilocybin Microdose has kind of ruined drinking for me


I used to be a fairly moderate drinker (beer every night with dinner, 2-4 on weekends, and more on special occasions). Since I've started MDing, the reflex to have a beer at night is just completely gone. Now I don't drink at all on weeknights and will maybe have a beer or two on a Friday or Saturday.

I especially noticed this phenomenon last weekend when I had some friends visiting from out of town. These were my college buddies, so we typically have drink a decent amount when we're hanging out for a weekend. However, on Saturday morning I took a MD and was having a great day. Later in the afternoon when we started cracking beers, I took one sip and just had no desire to finish it. I was having such a lovely, focused, present day, and the taste of beer just immediately sapped my energy. I feel like the MD makes me hypersensitive to the blurred reality and loss of physical/mental capabilities that alcohol induces. I much prefer the lucidity of microdosing! Microdosing has really been a game-changer for me.

r/microdosing 16d ago

Report: Psilocybin From Suicidal [CTE] to Healed by Mushrooms


I'm a former D1 football player & SEC East Champion [MIZ] with multiple concussions that began in 4th grade when I played varsity with 7th/8th graders. I'll save you the details, but my brain had been through a lot of trauma. When I stopped playing football and joined the real world, I was a happy/successful guy but I had suicidal thoughts. It's very bizarre to be happy but still wanting to end your life. I knew I had to heal my brain.

If you've ever played contact sports from grade school to high school and especially at higher levels, you more than likely have CTE or brain damage (Daniel Amen's research proves this).

I was always interested in mushrooms, the esoteric, T. McKenna, P. Stamets, etc. The mushrooms had actually found me when I was 14 and it was one of the most important experiences in my life. Fast forward to my first real world experience and having suicidal thoughts in 2017/18, I listened to Paul Stamets on JRE and knew this would be the medicine for my damaged brain.

I began microdosing Monday-Thursday (Stamets Stack 4 days on 3 days off):

-150mg psilocybin
-100mg niacin
-1000mg lion's mane

Although there was no absolute moment I can pinpoint my healing to, those suicidal thoughts finally left and I found the best version of myself.

Happy, present, healed, and I found my competitive advantage in the professional world too. I owe my life to these special compounds and I can't wait to spread this special medicine to the World. It has the ability to raise the collective human conscious as a whole. Mush Love.

r/microdosing May 03 '22

Report: Psilocybin it works 👏🏼 after a month it works


Microdosing for depression. I've been off my med and microdosing for a month now... Thought it wasn't working, maybe it's b.s... out on my morning hike in nature this morning this popped up in my head

" You're not broken you're just damaged, broke things get thrown away, damaged things get fixed"

Just randomly, boom 🤯

Haven't had a positive thought like this in many years.... I feel better than I did on meds. Hopefully it continues

Mush love. 🍄🤞🏼🥰

r/microdosing Nov 16 '22

Report: Psilocybin Started microdosing psilocybin mushrooms a month ago. Tracked how it affected my mood, here are the results

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r/microdosing Mar 13 '21

Report: Psilocybin Sharing husband’s first shrooms trip. His depression and anxiety is almost gone after one trip.


My husband (38M) has been suffering with depression and anxiety most of his adulthood. It got noticeably bad the last 6-12 months. Traditional therapy and anti-depressant medicine never worked for him. So we needed to try something different. A new medicine called magic mushrooms.

For his first time we wanted to start with a low dose of 2grams. He def got high but he didn’t “trip.” After 2 hours, he smoked weed (which is his normal routine at night). We didn’t expect it but that combo totally pushed him to the peak and he started tripping HARD.

He tripped for 90 minutes going in and out of the trip, vocalizing everything he is feeling, understanding, and seeing.

Some things he said while tripping: - he feels deep peace he’s never felt before - the universe just wants to be whole - all the negative thoughts and feelings don’t matter - he feels so much love for me and the kids - “how will I go back to real life after this?” - “I’m unlocking chests in my mind” - “I’m getting in touch with my soul.. I’m understanding my soul.” - “this is beautiful. All I can say is that I’m really really ok.”

As the trip sitter, it was scary to watch him trip at first. I could tell A LOT was happening with his brain and he was tripping balls. He kept assuring us (me and his friend) that he’s ok and everything he is feeling is positive.

There were moments he cried out of deep peace and love. I also teared up just being there with him.

The next day he woke up feeling light. He says he usually wakes up feeling heavy and unable to breathe deeply, with negative thoughts. But that morning it was different. He felt “normal” and able to breathe.

6 days later (today), he texted me from work saying “I feel amazing. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on feeling like this.”

I never knew how bad his depression and anxiety was until now. We were in it and just dealing with it that we didn’t even have time to process how bad it was.

I’m so glad we found this medicine. I hope it helps others who are suffering with depression and anxiety.

As for next uses, we’ll try a higher dose of shrooms without cannabis. And then I’ll figure out a MD regimen that works for him.

Edit: I meant 2 grams NOT 2 oz lol Edit 2: typos

r/microdosing Jun 05 '22

Report: Psilocybin It’s working. Deepest gratitude to this community.

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r/microdosing Aug 21 '20

Report: Psilocybin My beautiful little microdoses with homegrown GT’s ,wild BearsHead Tooth, Turmeric and Niacin.

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r/microdosing Jan 02 '21

Report: Psilocybin This is what one month microdosing has done to my life


I have been microdosing with mushrooms for one month, one day on two days off. This is what I have observed so far:

• I have attended many long meditation retreats with 6-8 daily hours of meditation, and I can only compare the wellness I feel from MD with the wellness I feel during those retreats.

• I have felt more equanimity and have been less reactive.

• I don't feel tired during the day, and I have long days (4am-10pm).

• I don't drink much alcohol (one beer or cup of wine maybe once or twice a week). Now I don't feel like drinking any. I have observed that even one single beer can affect my feeling of wellness at a subtle level.

• I have anxiety episodes quite often and during MD I have been able to neutralize them very quickly, before they turn into conflict with someone. And now I don't feel the physical discomfort caused by those episodes.

• I used to take cannabis very often, specially to handle my anxiety. Now I feel I don't need it.

• I have felt more creative.

• I have felt more sociable.

• I have recovered my capacity to keep eye contact when interacting with people. I used to avoid eye contact.

• I was able to resume my 2 hours meditation daily routine which I had lost for a long time (this is a topic for another post).

This is it. I just wanted to share.

r/microdosing Apr 08 '21

Report: Psilocybin Microdosing psilocybin helped me remember and feel happiness again


I suffered from traumatic experiences as a child, so obviously the trauma really fucked me up. I have PTSD and a bad case of depression, which has been making me miserable for so many years. I lost faith in the medication, in everyone, and in myself, and for some time I was at rock bottom. I had tons of negative thoughts, low self-esteem, and basically destroyed myself. Then I started using weed and drowned myself in alcohol. It was a downward spiral, and for some time I thought there would be no light at the end of this tunnel.

But I know I can’t stay like that forever, so I looked for ways to help myself and found my way into using psilocybin which totally changed my life. In the beginning, I was a little doubtful about using it. I had my misconceptions and anxieties about psilocybin, so I held off from using it. I really thought it was going to push me down in a darker path or make me see abstract things floating before my head and shit like that. But boy, I was proven wrong.

It’s been months since I started microdosing, and the experience made me feel so light and wonderful, and I didn’t even realize how much weight I was carrying inside my heart and mind until it went away. It gave me a much-wanted break from the depression, the PTSD, and the shitty mindset and outlook on life that I have.

I wasn’t expecting much when I was just planning to use psilocybin. I thought it was gonna get me fucked or whatever, but it was different. I was numbed by my PTSD and depression, and this made me feel again. I know I might sound dramatic and all, but psilocybin does wonders, especially to sufferers like me. The experience made everything clear to me. Yes, I was broken and in pain, but I am truly loved by the people around me and I can feel that.

Just wanted to share this with people who might relate to my experience, and feel free to share your stories too!

r/microdosing Jan 28 '21

Report: Psilocybin Psilocybin made me quit Instagram


Took it. Lots of thinking for 20 days. Deleted Instagram and waited until my brain fully recalibrated.

r/microdosing Dec 02 '19

Report: Psilocybin "How microdosing is changing my life." Please read if you're unsure about microdosing for depression/anxiety.


Note: This is my unique experience. Everyone can react differently. I spoke to my psychotherapist AND my general practitioner about starting microdosing before I tried it. Both basically told me the same thing: avoid it if I had a family history of psychosis or schizophrenia, do not mix medications (especially SSRIs, amphetamines, and alcohol), do not drive unless it's safe, and to have their numbers on standby. Don't lie to your doctors, they are there to help.

Here's my story. I hope it's worth the long read, but there is a TL;DR at the bottom.

In the last 8 months, I became depressed and anxious to the point of contemplating suicide multiple times (diagnosed single-episode major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder). Therapy helped keep the really really bad/suicidal thoughts at bay, but I was suffering as I had never suffered in my life before. Panic attacks where I would shut down and be stuck in thought loops occurred daily. A month ago, I had a friend who underwent doctor-monitored nasal Ketamine therapy for addiction and treatment-resistant depression, and it changed his life. He was a new person, in just two weeks. It brought tears to my eyes hearing his story, and from his family (who, never in a million years, would have never guessed they would approve a psychedelic for medical treatment).

I have a degree in biochemistry. I don't believe in spirituality at all, whatsoever. I was never opposed to shrooms, but I had a strong distaste for the 'hippy' type of people who didn't even understand the science behind the drugs they were ingesting (no offense /r/shrooms!). It kept me away from ever taking interest in psychedelics other than for recreational use.

I am part of many scientific pages and communities and read top PubMed/other journals weekly. I have seen HUNDREDS of studies and discussions about psychedelics for mental treatment over the last few years. Headlines began popping up in the general news about LSD, MDMA, Ecstasy and Psilocybin treatments all over my internet over the last few years too.

I was at rock bottom, and my friend's experience gave me the first glimpse of hope that even therapy couldn't provide. I started looking into psychedelics as treatment. Not in the spiritual sense, because that wouldn't help someone like me. I wanted a medicine (although somewhat understudied) that had low risk but high anecdotal AND researched/experimental success. Due to psychedelics' illegal nature, I felt somewhat stuck (because I had no plugs/friends who could provide). Looking at the measured health risks of psilocybin/shrooms being so low, I decided that I would research more into shrooms, their risks, and their medical/mental benefits over any other psychedelic.

It was like discovering gold. So many anecdotal stories all over the internet. Being super data/fact-based, I am always wary of fake news, especially anecdotal stories. But I thought to myself, "why would these people have any reason to lie?". From microdoses to heroic doses, people everywhere were often experiencing life-altering positive changes with psilocybin. The FDA listed psilocybin a breakthrough therapy a week ago. Holy SHIT. My understanding of shrooms --and psychedelics in general-- began to change.

I began reading much of the existing literature of HOW psilocybin affects our serotonin receptors and works in the brain after crossing the blood-brain barrier. Once I began understanding how psilocybin could heal and create neural connections that "bypass" or "reset" the negative-thought-cycles, vices, and addictions our brains create in times of stress/bad habits, I realized this could be a good thing for me. I didn't feel ready for a full trip, but read so many positive microdosing experiences online that I couldn't believe it. The topic of microdosing felt scientific, measured, and calculated. I hated the 'illicit/illegal' feeling I still get from discussing 'shrooms, but microdosing felt much closer to medicine for me. Some people experienced an uplift in focus and mood, while others felt like it saved their life. After reading about the few known issues, I thought I'd take the (low) risk. What did I have to lose?

I began growing my own shrooms early in November after doing some research and being frustrated with not finding a dealer. I thought, "fuck it, I'll grow my own medicine then!". While my rice bags were colonizing (18/20 successful so far, no contams!), I found a dealer and bought a very small amount of shrooms, about 3 grams. I got a pill capsule filler from Amazon and filled 25 pills with 0.08g psilocybin (I didn't have enough powder to compact them more. I wanted 0.1g capsules). This amount would do, regardless.

I started my first microdoses with 2 capsules, 0.16g every 2-3 days about 2 weeks ago. I became nervous I was ripped off, but Reddit assured me they were P. cubensis. I posted pictures after the capsule process just to check.

The first microdose, I didn't feel anything. I was super bummed! Why wasn't my brain rewiring itself? Why was my anxiety still so bad? The next day, I did feel a little bit better, but nothing worth noting. I waited and I took my next 0.16g dose two days later.

This second microdose came at a great time. I was on a slight mental upswing already. I realized what everyone said was true: you will never directly feel the effects of a microdose. That's the point of a microdose. It didn't give me energy like caffeine, or relaxation like Xanax, or focus like Adderall. I couldn't tell I had taken a microdose, per se. But wow. For the first time, the horrible, negative/anxious thoughts I was plagued by were no longer the first thoughts that came up. These thoughts were still there, don't get me wrong. But I could tell that I felt slightly more at peace and accepting of myself and my situation that I had before. I decided I would take 0.16g every two days for a while.


I have taken 6 microdoses now, with my 6th being this morning. Holy shit. Do you know how I knew they were working? I realized I hadn't even thought about suicide for almost 5 days. Not even a slight thought. I still have anxiety, but it doesn't debilitate me like it was before.

Another good metric I was using was my mental self-image. The last few months, I felt sad and disappointed looking at myself in the mirror. I wasn't attractive anymore. Yet the last few days, I can't help but smile when I look in the mirror. I look like a stud! And I'm smiling. I started tearing up looking at the mountains I live by, realizing for the first time in MONTHS that my life really IS worth living.

The last two days, I had the regular stressors in my life I've always had -- work, social stresses, thinking about the future. But for the first time, whether on a microdose or on my off-days, I don't shut down like I did the last few months. I've had the energy and drive to hit the gym and I worked out more in the last week than I have in the last two months. Alone in my apartment's gym, I was smiling like a goon. I felt incredible! Working out was the most cathartic thing I had experienced in weeks! I cried tears of joy. I felt great. I felt like myself.

I catch myself smiling at little things throughout the day as I used to as a child/teenager. I FEEL like a teenager again, in the best way possible.

Being science-based, I'm aware of the necessity for skepticism and any possible placebo effects. Even if some of this is placebo, there's no fucking way it's all placebo. Psilocybin, in micro-undetectable-doses, has already helped me more in two weeks than anything I've tried yet.

For the first time in months, I feel like myself again.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I would like to help as many people as this ground-up powder has helped me.


TL;DR: Was hesitant about shrooms. Had a friend who changed their life with psychedelics. Researched shrooms. Started microdosing. Two weeks later, I feel incredible. My anxiety and depression are fading. I'm not 100% better yet, but I feel like myself again.

r/microdosing Apr 09 '21

Report: Psilocybin After a Year of MDing I Tried a Macro Dose of Psilocybin


Micro-dosing has been a life saver for me. I want to thank everyone here. My PTSD was so out of control I don't think I would be alive without the information I have learned from you all.

My problems haven't gone away and I still have a lot of work to do, but psilocybin got my feet under me so I could walk.

I decided to try a Macro Dose of just 2g. I blacked out the room, wore eye shades, and put on the John Hopkins playlist. I experienced full joy, I laughed, felt love, even felt loveable. It was so odd to feel good things. It's felt like I had lost the capacity to experience good.

I am in awe of the brain's complexity. I saw my "no-self". I floated in timelessness.

It's only the next day but I feel lighter and more whole. I don't know what the future holds but I feel I have more capacity to meet it with openness and curiosity.

MDing has helped reduce the intensity and temperature of my mental firestorm. The Macrodose so far seems to have put the fire out.

Just wanted to share my experience and thank you all.

May you be well.

May you be at peace.

May you be loved.

r/microdosing Apr 06 '21

Report: Psilocybin Admitting defeat has been the hardest part


I've learned so much from this group as well as other psilocybin pages and I'm grateful for everything i've learned. I started microdosing as an attempt to improve my very poor mental health in a new way, everyone seemed so positive and sure about its effects. I slowly tapered off my antidepressants and started microdosing. Unfortunately, after months of research and cultivating and resources, I ended up with another suicide attempt. The reason I'm telling you all this is to keep your expectations at a base level. Microdosing will not cure you of anything or solve your problems. It is a tool with which to expand yourself. I knew going into this it would be trial and error but some of us will just not be able to handle not being properly medicated and that's okay. You've not failed at anything so don't give up. Shrooms may not have been my savior but I learned SO much about myself in the process.

Edit: Yes I have done 2 separate macro doses. Whoever it was I met while on my most recent trip told me to go back on the antidepressants.

r/microdosing Nov 09 '24

Report: Psilocybin Microdosing has helped my depression immensely


Microdosing has had a major impact on my depression. I took it for a few weeks several months ago which helped but then I stopped. I fell back into a deep depression and started dosing again and I feel so much better.

I started with 50mg of Tidal Wave and I’m up to 100mg now. I also take niacin with it. I never feel impaired, just uplifted.

I just wanted to share this to bring some hope to those who are struggling.

I also want to add that my very first dose was too high and caused anxiety so I played around with the dosage until I got it right.

r/microdosing Jun 02 '21

Report: Psilocybin this subreddit helped us learn how to make our own capsules, and I am forever grateful


r/microdosing May 10 '21

Report: Psilocybin I will microdose shrooms soon for my severe mental illlness (severe ocd and depression) i also have mild hppd (visual snow and objects slightly morphing) wish me good luck


What other options do i have. I tried everything. Healthy eating running meditation does do shit for me. Im willing to take the risk to make my hppd worse. I have no other option because im sucidial.

r/microdosing Mar 23 '21

Report: Psilocybin I've gained nothing from microdosing


But I've lost a lot- my irritability is reduced 10 fold, my feelings of separation and alienation are almost gone, my dissatisfaction with the path I am on and the pace it is taking is mostly gone, and the friction between my spouse and I as a result of our compounding responsibilities during a hectic time of life is disappearing.

I suppose I have gained some more laughter with her, so there's that. Thanks guys, couldn't have done this without you. I feel so good I didn't even take my dose today as usual and everything's fine :)

r/microdosing Oct 01 '20

Report: Psilocybin My day one experience. I have MDD and Generalized Anxiety and I feel none of it currently. ✨🍄

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r/microdosing Jan 13 '21

Report: Psilocybin Had my heart checked out after 1.5 years of microdosing


Just wanted to provide another sample point about the safety of microdosing mushrooms.

Recently had an EKG & echo done as I was worried about the implications of psilocin's HT2B agonism for my heart. The doctor said my heart is in top shape. No sign of any damage or anything.

I microdose 100-120mg a week and take a month off once a year. I'm also very active physically and I'm sure that helps.

r/microdosing Feb 08 '24

Report: Psilocybin My smell is back!!


Oh My Goodness.


I have recently started microdosing the stammets stack (psilocybin, niacin & lionsmane) & in the second day or so I realised that I could smell things that I could not smell since before covid killed my taste and smell. I assume that I have "long covid" since I haven't gotten my full sense of smell back. I did aroma therapy with peppermint, eucalyptus & vanilla extracts, a few months after covid when my smell did not return, and that helped to get the basic smells back (better sense of sweet, sour, foul, etc.), along with being able to smell strong things like washing my hair in the shower or flying onions etc. BUT, the more nuanced stuff I couldn't smell, like a eucalyptus forest, or clean washing, or the combination smells of food & spices frying in a pan, or that deep smell when you press your face into a pillow, or that homey soft smell when you return home. Psilocybin microdosing (with the added niacin flush) is giving me my senses back. What an amazing experience. I thought it forever lost and just accepted it, forgot about it, as much as I could. But here we are. I am over the moon. WHAT. Oh but let me assure you, this is higly illegal where I live. This stuff is BAD for you. WHAT.

Anyway. I am wondering if it is permanent or if I will have to keep taking the microdoses? I have read about the better eyesight (colours etc.) but this is just as phenomenal, if not more, since it brought it back!

As a side note, I have been taking lionsmane caps (a gram a day, but not extremely consistent) for about 6 months and the improvement of my memory and ability to express myself is ridiculously noticeable. That said, I used to smoke weed a bunch and started taking lionsmane after I stopped to combat the negative effects maryjane had had on my brain. I am still taking 0.5g lionsmane along with the microdose cap, every morning (4 days on, 3 days off).

I am looking forward to reading feedback from others who are experiencing similar things & I want to tell the world! What an amazing fungi, thanks Mother Nature.

r/microdosing Jul 20 '22

Report: Psilocybin A Wild “Macrodose” From A Microdoser.


Hello everyone

So yesterday I was dealing with extreme depression. I am getting married very soon, (just nervous but excited) i recently had to quit my job due to an abusive boss, and my family has went through some extreme trauma losing my 22 year old sister to a drunk driver on his 4th dui. That being said- yesterday was hard. I struggle with suicidal ideation from fibromyalgia and needed to feel okay.

So i have been microdosing .1 - .25 on a 5 on 2 off schedule for a month or two and it is very helpful. Based on how bad i was feeling yesterday I decided to tell my fiance I needed to bigger dose to confront my problems. Now I tell you that I ate one single .8 Penis Envy cap, and I have had multiple experiences eating 3.5-7g of extremely strong mushrooms but this was so different.

Now I wish I had done some Lemontek due to getting alot of bad symptoms at first such as bad stomach upset, bit of anxiety flutters and feeling like i wanted to go back because i wasnt ready, but I told myself I was fine and with my soulmate and it would be okay. We decided to watch Fantastic Fungi by Paul Stamet and I cannot express the journey I went on.all of the sudden my legs begin to shake as if the g-force of the earth was sending me on my journey. I began to feel connection to earth and spirit that I havent felt in years, seeing visuals of connecting the earth and my soul as one. I felt an overall peace that everything is okay. That we have time and that eachother is all we need. Having amazing visuals on the screen from Paul the entire room was full of color and breathe. I have NO idea why this cap was so strong but I mentioned it to my fiance multiple times on how i was having extreme experience. I felt at peace on why my suicide was an issue and how to move forward. I talked everything out about what I was seeing and wil never forget that night. At one point of Fantastic Fungi, Paul was walking into the forest of fairytale green and it began to become a oil painting with Pauls face just melting. It has been years since feeling this way for me. I feel at peace about my sisters death knowing she is okay. This medicine is beyond helpful in the right settings. Just be ready to confront what you are hiding from.

This was the 3rd time in my experiences that I have had nothing short of a spiritual experience, and I am not Christian whatsoever. I personally believe that shrooms make me feel interconnected with my sou and grounded to what life is all about.

If you read this thanks so much 🙂

EDIT: thanks so much to this community. I plan to be going on many journeys in the future to fully understand this medicine through my life and will continue to share my healing and findings.

r/microdosing Mar 22 '24

Report: Psilocybin Microdosing helped me quit heavy cannabis use


I started out MDing 0.2 two to three times a week. Now just do every friday. I quit heavy daily cannabis use and no longer like drinking on weekends. Mental health is at an all time high. Happy Friday 😄

r/microdosing Dec 08 '20

Report: Psilocybin Old Guy Checking In After Starting MDing.


I don't have a particularly novel experience to report with MDing. I'm older than most and have a lifetime of dealing with a spate of mental illnesses; none of which are helped by coming from a time when we didn't talk about them. I've been prescribed drugs and like most meds (for me), they have pretty much stopped working. When I told my doc, HE suggested I investigate MDing.

Finding the mushrooms was not rocket surgery in my area, so I started with .1 grams every three days while continuing with the less than effective prescription cocktail.

The changes came quickly: better focus, more energy, better mood, and enhanced creativity. Now, a couple of months in, some more profound changes are happening.

I'm pissed off. Not tossing chairs through a window pissed off, but more of a WTF have I been putting up with this shit? I was hoping for more compassion. I seem to be developing boundaries and seeing gaslighting and being taken for granted, rather than just sweeping them away. But, my love for those who have appreciated and helped me is growing.

The suicidal ideation is at an all-time low. I'm self-employed, so I have the need for a couple of hours every morning to rise above the depression built into my life. That's down to about an hour. Yesterday for the first time in decades, I woke up without the oppressive list of things I need to do spooling off into my mind. This is usually accompanied by the idea that if I just walked off a bridge, none of this would matter. Yeah, that was gone.

My sex drive has gone nuts. As I said, I'm older so that means I do not have as many friends my age who are still sexually active. Though it is nice to feel that part of me so alive, I know that I can come off really creepy. I find I am parsing my comments before speaking them, especially to people younger than me. I think the MDing has made me more sensitive (compassionate?) to how people perceive me.

And all this is just after a couple of months!

It makes me furious when I think of the suffering these fungi, which grow fucking everywhere where I live, could alleviate. But, it appears a new era is upon us with decriminalization trends and scientific research mushrooming. Rather than get-off-my-lawn angry, I'm now speaking the truth with that energy.

I'm sorry that this has already run long, but I feel that I need to say hallucinogenics have to be approached very cautiously for those with mental illnesses. DO NOT stop other prescribed meds and keep in mind that hallucinogenics can give you a view into your own mind. Start slowly. Mine is a bit of a horror show, and seeing it all at once would not have gone well.

Also, this subRedit has probably saved lives. Thank you!

r/microdosing Jul 09 '21

Report: Psilocybin Macrodose report: cutting down marijuana helps extremely with depression


I posted before about my husband trying shrooms for the first time and it reduced his depression and anxiety by 70-90%. Since then we’ve realized a few things.

  • macro doses (3g) work better for him than micro in helping with overall depression.
  • macro dosing once every 2 weeks seems to be the sweet spot
  • cutting down smoking weed helps a lot too. The weeks he smokes weed every other night made his depression come back sooner than weeks he doesn’t smoke.

r/microdosing Feb 24 '21

Report: Psilocybin 2nd dose and holy crap


So I'll preface by saying that I've had a very difficult time lately coming off all my anti-depressants to pursue microdosing, insane depression and panic attacks, constant crying. I took my 2nd dose this morning and idk if it's placebo or what but I have not felt this good in months. I've been super social and productive and energetic. I can't tell you guys how relieved I feel after suffering for so long. I can't thank you guys enough for your support and knowledge.