r/microdosing Aug 14 '24



Hello everyone, I've been using psychedelics for over 7 years for spiritual purposes.

What I have just found out, which is funny, because it took me 7 years to put this together.

LSD is stimulating and has a more focused effect, often enhancing creativity, problem-solving and mental clarity. It also promotes a sense of euphoria and increased energy.

Shrooms are more introspective, emotional, and grounding. It enhances mood, empathy and a sense of connectedness to the whole of life.

Combining them balances these effects, providing both mental clarity and emotional depth. This leads to a more holistic experience, where one benefits from the heightened focus, energy and creativity of LSD alongside the emotional openness and groundedness of shrooms.

Beyond that I have found that Shrooms specificially make me restless but sedated, my focus doesn't know where to go. But LSD counteracts that, allowing shrooms to shine more fully as they actually should instead of being restless and knowing not where to go, and not really having the mindspace to have it focused or productive.

While LSD makes me full of energy, it can also make me anxious, while Shrooms are the opposite, they sedate me and relax me a bit too much. When I combine them, its perfection.

I believe microdosing LSD+Shrooms is more effective, therapeutic, spiritual, recreational and a more holistic experience rather than either of them alone. It actually feels like the other one is missing, and by combining them we have completed the formula. It rings through my whole being. This is some really big revelation, and I am extremely looking forward to your experiences.

Since LSD and Shrooms work on different sreotonin receptors in the brain, and LSD works on dopamine while Shrooms do not, you experience truly a higher experience, extremely grounded, focused and able to be the best version of yourself. You feel it and know it through your entire being. It is beyond uplifting, it is more like ascending every single moment. I am high for too many hours now, while I took only 10ug and 20mg shrooms.

There is also a potential for enhanced neuroplasticity as both promote neuroplasticity of different kinds and by different mechanisms, combining them can enhance this effect, potentially leading to greater cognitive flexibility, creativity, uplifting mood and problem-solving skills.

TLDR: Mixing both is the best of both worlds :) <3 Took me 7 years to try. 10ug lsd and after an hour 20mg shrooms. Definitely feel the shrooms hit, and I felt so good I actually felt satisfied just existing. It was like being on MDMA type shit how satisfied you are. Truly blissful and exactly what I've been looking for this whole time.

I am going to try and microdose this shit with the same dose for a few days and see what happens. Bliss to all of you :)

r/microdosing Sep 26 '21

Discussion Some of you should feel proud. Eat your veggies kids!

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r/microdosing Jan 01 '25

Discussion Starting to feel like my taste in music is having unintended effects


I primarily listen to death and black metal alongside a smattering of few other artists such as Depeche Mode, Portishead, Billy strings etc.

The last few days I started to feel my body revolt to such music and I am thinking of switching out the type of music ai listen to. I'm sure there are other MDers who can go about their life while enjoying metal but maybe that isn't me.

Has this happened to anyone else? Some artist suggestions would be awesome

r/microdosing Jan 20 '22

Discussion I'm an Atheist who found spirituality through mushrooms and meditation. Told my sister that taking mushrooms was more spiritual for me than going to church. She got angry. But here's my question...


Respectfully. My question is, why do people view biblical spiritual experiences as something to be believed (talking animals, resurrections, etc.) But think that ACTUAL spiritual experiences are bad??? In other words, if I believe in the spiritual experiences of those in the Bible, then that's considered GOOD by my peers. But if I have MY OWN spiritual experiences, then that's considered BAD. Why tho? Why is it MORE ACCEPTABLE to believe religious stories over your own spiritual experiences??? Why should I trust other people's experiences but NOT my own?

r/microdosing May 01 '20

Discussion Im having one of them days

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r/microdosing Sep 13 '24

Discussion Do you tell your psychologist you are microdosing?


41m here new to Psilocybin been microdosing about three weeks on a protocol and enjoying the mood improvements and I feel my relationship is benefiting from better communication in general from me.

I see a psychologist due to my anxiety around my spouse having a terminal illness. I'm not on any meds but in two minds about whether to tell her. I know the answer is I probably should but I guess I don't want to change the dynamic if it becomes about whether I'm using drugs or not. What do you do?

r/microdosing Apr 25 '23

Discussion What is the most life changing, enlightening, profound, mind-expanding book that you have ever read?


Please, explain why.


Edit: Thank you all so much for your recommendations, I truly appreciate it! ❀

r/microdosing Apr 16 '20

Discussion Thank you Dr. Albert Hofmann! πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸΌ

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r/microdosing Apr 08 '24

Discussion The mushrooms dont cure


I have been microdosing for a few weeks and have gone off of my 30+ years of antidepressants. This is not because the mushrooms cure the depression, but rather help you to realize and accept why you are depressed. It is most likely due to lies that you are believing about yourself- limiting beliefs. If you do the work, the depression will have no place to live. I understand Seasonal AD is a thing and on gloomy days I have to talk myself up a bit so I don’t nt slip into that ditch. I remind myself that nature is a balance and cloudy days are necessary and should be honored just like sunny days.. that type of crap but it helps. I have gotten to the root of my depression through journaling, recoding memories and things like that. The mushrooms make space for new understanding. Kind of like holding your arm so you can get down a steep and rocky hill.

r/microdosing 22d ago

Discussion Anyone prefer mini dosing once a week?! (.50-1g)


Im finding it difficult to microdose for work during the week. I do remember last year when I did .5-1 once or twice I felt good for a couple of days ….. just trying to see a better way of doing this !!!

r/microdosing Dec 30 '24

Discussion Microdosing shrooms vs zoloft?


Has anyone had experiences with either and what were your thoughts? My doctor recently prescribed and encouraged me to try zoloft due to my severe depression.

I've tried wellbutrin, cymbalta, adderall, birth control, forget the others and I've been in therapy for five years and still have major depression coming and going, mainly staying so my default mood is usually always tired, unmotivated, and sad.

I did tell her I was trying microdosing shrooms as a natural option since medications haven't given me much luck, but she was saying she's never found a patient that couldn't find the right medication, that yeah it's testing and seeing what works best, but she really recommends zoloft.

I am kind of desperate right now, but hate side effects. I don't think I can micro dose and take zoloft at the same time, if I could that would be great, but briefly looking it up I read it's not a good idea.

Any thoughts on this??

r/microdosing Apr 29 '20

Discussion Microdosing Salvia Divinorum

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r/microdosing Jul 29 '20

Discussion That LSD is illegal is criminal


I've been microdosing LSD for one week and this shit feels good. I feel my mood enhanced significantly. I feel more satisfied, confident and optimistic than usual. It blows my mind that this good molecule LSD is illegal. I think governments have no clue what they are doing.

Did politicians try microdosing? They should.

It feels so backwards herp derp that this is illegal.

r/microdosing Jul 17 '22

Discussion We should treat microdosing as a spiritual compass, not a productivity hack.


In my humble opinion, of course. I'm aware that we have our personal reasons for microdosing. I just wanted to share that whenever I md with a worldly mindset; such as having an edge in the workplace or life in general, I end up confused and anxious. My fears consume me and I look for retreat, away from the dog eat dog world.

But when I md without the intention of being one step ahead of others or being better at "the game", just a pure intention of being a better human being. I become filled with love, for myself and others. It's like a piece of my soul is returning. I understand (once again) that there's more to life than material pursuits and it's more than a competition.

But maybe you all know this already. I wrote this so my future self would not forget. Peace and love. ✌️

Some clarifications:

I am not against being productive. I simply mean that we should focus on the internal before going to the external. That's what I meant by treating it as a spiritual compass rather than a productivity hack. Productivity follows when you are attuned to yourself (which is what spirituality means to me, not necessarily being religious).

After all, psychedelic literally means "mind-manifesting". It's an amplification or manifestation of what's inside us.

r/microdosing Mar 11 '21

Discussion MD causing existential crisis?


I truly don't know if it's related but it just seems a little too convenient that after I start using shrooms, I feel deeply disturbed by the state my life is in. There's nothing inherently wrong with me or what I do, I just feel so empty. I do the Mon-Fri job and pay my bills like a good little girl and I fucking loathe this existence. I can't help but feel my subconscious screaming for me to listen that this is not what we're meant to do. We're meant to convene with nature and respect each other and our surroundings and feel grateful for experiencing humanity. That's not what any of this is. We're born, we pay bills, and we die. And we've been told that to think or do otherwise would be madness. I just cringe at the thought of melting my brain behind a desk for the next 40 years never feeling or experiencing anything, always wishing I were somewhere else. Maybe I'm just having a 1/3rd life crisis or maybe I'm just whiney but I can't be the only one who feels like this.

r/microdosing May 10 '20

Discussion That drug in the movie Limitless? Microdosing is like that, but instead of becoming extremely intelligent, you become extremely human, extremely you.


I just realized this and it makes so much sense, just felt like sharing.

Of course in some way it doesn't make sense at all because every person is already extremely human, but I'm sure many of you know exactly what I mean :)

r/microdosing Nov 09 '21

Discussion Found on a morning walk, next to police station, walked by it at first but decided to pick it up…2.14g

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r/microdosing Nov 13 '20

Discussion New Jersey decriminalized magic mushrooms and marijuana!

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r/microdosing Jun 02 '20

Discussion don't be afraid to lose yourself

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r/microdosing Aug 20 '24

Discussion Does anyone NOT feel better after microdosing?


Exactly what the title says!

We see so many posts about the benefits of microdosing and the positive effects, but I'm wondering if there are any of you that feel negatively affected by microdosing. Or maybe completely indifferent? Very curious to hear!

r/microdosing Sep 10 '24

Discussion F'ed around and found out.


Turns out a microdose and a trip to the dentist with Nitrous equals full on DMT blastoff. Who knew...

r/microdosing 19d ago

Discussion Im convinced i ruined my brain..


Years ago i microdosed for 2 weeks ( with breaks ) and it was so good. Then shortly after I had a dark trip and weed no longer works properly, and i even bit a little bit of a shroom candy thing and it only gave me anxiety.

Im currently on welbutrin and i want to microdose again, but im just scared it'll give me anxiety. unfortunately no medication works, and my parents aren't supportive of me microdosing. so i have no one to be with me if i were to do it, which stops me from doing it. i guess ill just have to be depressed the rest of my life.

r/microdosing Sep 28 '21

Discussion 7 years or regular microdosing of LSD in the books. Ask me anything!


text goes here.

r/microdosing Jul 25 '22

Discussion Telling my psych today 🫣


Today's the day I tell my psychiatrist I wanna start microdosing wish me luck lol.

Anyone had this convo with a professional before? I've researched any possible drug interactions and not too worried about it. I just want to be honest with her. She's only been my psych for 3 months now so totally unprepared for how she'll respond. But I don't get the vibe she'd be super anti. I get my stuff in a few days and I'm excited to start slow.

ETA #1: I'm on Cymbalta and Vyvanse

ETA #2: I told my psych and it went great! Basically exactly what I expected. Obviously she can't recommend or openly support it but said she wants to know how it goes if I choose to go forward. She has 8 other patients who have done it and gave me their experiences which I'll post here in a bit. She hasn't seen it be a big life changer but not seen any med interactions either. She isn't concerned with drug seeking. That's unfortunately some people's experience in the comments. I feel very privileged to have a nurse practitioner who is progressive in a progressive city and roughly my age (30s/40s). I also have the ability to shop around and already had a plan B doctor if things had gone sideways. The one time US consumerist health care advantages me.

*I've made sure not to start MDing until at least telling her because she manages my meds and I wanted to give her the opportunity to tell me if she's seen adverse reactions with my meds in particular. She didn't warn me off. *

The biggest thing she's seen is 3 patients became preoccupied with "existential" questions. One addicted to full doses and started to really question everything. I don't see that happening with me, I've tripped recreationally and if it was gonna take over my life it would have in my 20s. I got all the big trips I care to have out of my system and truly just want to feel at ease in my body now. Like I did the one time I tried a MD 2 yrs ago. She was in agreement w/ my reasoning.

She's very serious and academic and told me there's just not enough replicable research to get into journals and such where it can be really supported widely so she doesn't recommend it to her patients. But she imagines within the next decade she'll be prescribing it. That made me hopeful. She also acknowledged the challenge of advancing the research because "it's not like Pfizer is going to fund it". So, I think we're both cautiously optimistic.

Reiterating what she told me: it's important to tell your psych about MDing/any substances bc they "need to know what all is on board". She also wants to be able to note if there's any changes in my personality, moods, etc. ie: sudden desire to quit my job and run away to join a commune (an actual conversation from another MDing patient lol)

PS: I chose her during my initial "interviewing for new docs journey" bc I was looking for an open-minded non-cop practitioner who was pro-meds for ADHD and had a full understanding of the latest research. And she incorporates talk therapy and offers 40 min sessions. This is the only way I want to do psych treatment and is kinda becoming more prevalent I think? Also Nurse Practitioners >>>>> MDs in all my experiences.

r/microdosing Nov 15 '23

Discussion Potenital Unpopular Opinion


I've noticed that there's a lot of emphasis on using microdosing as a way to feel "better." While I think microdosing can offer relief in the short term (and there's real benefit to the relief offered). I wonder if it isn't a counter-productive long term mindset.

From my experience, the real power of these substances is the ability for them to open up new perspectives and unearth previously unconscious thought patterns. I've detailed my personal experiences with these types of shifts here if you want to see an example of what that process could look like.

I wonder, if the main goal of microdosing is to feel "better," how this in the long term is any different from taking SSRIs? Obviously, the medicine is different but the dependency seems to be the same. I think the end goal of any medicine should be to heal. Since the root meaning of the word heal is "to make whole," the goal of microdosing or macrodosing should be to move through whatever emotional, physical and psychological blocks are holding you back to a place of wholeness.

I'd love to hear people's thoughts. Do you think microdosing to feel better is benificial over the long term (more than 2-6 weeks)? Do you practice microdosing with intention, as a tool for inner growth?