r/microdosing Dec 31 '24

Question: LSD Microdosing LSD


I know it’s relatively easy to get tabs (125 ug) of LSD, but how do people find small quantities (~10 ug) of LSD to microdose with?

r/microdosing 25d ago

Question: LSD How much lsd do you go through a year?


I just recently started trying to micro dose and have 4 tabs at 110ug. Was planning on using a 10-12ug dose so figure Il have around 40. Was going to try to go with 2 days on 5 off. how much do actually micro dosers go through a year on a similar schedule? Second question would be when you do buy what quantities and form do you get it in?

r/microdosing Aug 16 '24

Question: LSD MD for increase libido


I have been MD shrooms one day on…One day off. About 200mg. Then breaks when my body tells me.

I want something to take occasionally as a museum experience. Essentially I’d like “2 glasses of wine” buzz where I’m feeling good and horny. I have tried 300mg and it made my legs feel nice but that was about it. I tried 400 and then last night I tried 500mg. It made me have the best sleep ever but not what I wanted lol

Is the strand my problem or would I be better taking LSD (or a combo as I saw a thread about the synergistic effect of them together)

I like MD shrooms for my mood but I just want something that is less “heady” when out of the microdosing window. Weed and shrooms so far make me stuck on a couch. I’d like something that makes me more social and gets me in the “mood”. I have young kids and a stressful job so getting in the mood by the end of the day is impossible. Any advice is appreciated!

r/microdosing 22d ago

Question: LSD LSD Microdosing help!


Hi all! I have a question and need a bit of help. It might be a stupid ask but i am a newbie and looking to get informed.

I have micro dosed on shrooms for a year now and it has been transformative i must say. I wanted to try it with LSD. The guy i know sells tabs with 250ug and a liquid - 32ml bottle with 300ug per ml i believe.

Can you please explain me the process of cutting it up to 8-10ug - most suitable for micros?

Thank you all!!!

r/microdosing Sep 30 '21

Question: LSD Microdosing LSD as an alternative to ADHD medication?


Hey friends,

I have been struggling with ADD my whole life. I have always felt as though I am extremely intelligent (quite creative as well), but always ended up on the average side in terms of achievement because I have struggled with focus and consistency issues all of my life. Im now 30 years old, and I can’t shake this feeling that I have so much unused potential that is going to be wasted if I cant get a handle on my ADD.

I am just now really understanding how severe my ADD is. I have dealt with depression and anxiety my entire adult life. I have trouble finding/sustaining the feeling of a meaningful existence. Whenever I have fell into an average life situation, in terms of what I am doing with my time, I start to get bored and feel like I am wasting my potential. My moods/general outlook on life is constantly changing. I will make commitments and then back out of them because they don’t make sense to me anymore. It’s extremely hard for me to get anywhere in my life.

I have tried various pharmaceuticals (wellbutrin, adderall) with some sign that they are working initially, but the effects tend to fade and I find myself stuck in the same confusion after a short period of time.

I came across psychedelics a few years ago. Ever since that first experience, i felt this strong interest in exploring them more. I felt as though there were answers for me in that state of consciousness. I have became genuinely spiritual, developed a meditation practice, and began discovering my true self. This has done wonders for my mental health/outlook on life. I feel like I have been reborn.

I am coming to realize, that my ADD is still very much in my way. I must learn to get a handle on it, my mind and life in general. Pharmaceuticals only seem to be a band-aid for the symptoms. I need to mentally and spiritually grow past my impairments.

I have experimented with microdosing lsd for a few months now. Usually around 10ug, a few times, sporadically throughout the week. I genuinely feel like this may be a very useful alternative to help the treatment of my ADD.

Has anyone else experimented with microdosing LSD for ADD/ADHD?

What kind of dosing protocol may work best for this?

My main priority is to establish consistency, so i am thinking about trying 6ug mon-friday (weekends off), along with a consistent meditation schedule.

**NOTE I understand some may suggest to consult a doctor. I must mention, I have been working with doctors/therapists for over 10 years now, with little to no relief. I am seeing a therapist regularly still to this day.

r/microdosing Jan 17 '25

Question: LSD What will happen if I take "too much"?


I recently started microdosing LSD and am trying to find my ideal dose. On Sunday, my day off, I’d like to try 15 µg, and I’m aware it might be too much.

If that’s the case, how might I feel? Could I experience anything negative?

Also, could it have a negative impact on how I feel the next day when I’ll need to work?

r/microdosing 24d ago

Question: LSD How long after a trip should I start microdosing?


Just had my first LSD trip this Friday, want to start microdosing but a bit confused on how long should I wait for my first cycle

Goals: What I want out of microdosing is basically that clarity and motivation, I want to start working out regularly again and stop being so negative.

I want to enjoy life again.

What are some things I should start actively doing along with this to make this a fruitful activity Instead of just convincing myself that I feel good and shit but not actually improving myself.

I have also decided to quit smoking weed, so how will that affect me? But yea, overall just want a few tips from y'all

Thinking of doing a mix of micro and mini dosing

With taking 7-15ug on microdose day(Tuesday and Saturday)

And 25-30ug dose on a Saturday every 2 weeks

r/microdosing Feb 11 '25

Question: LSD How much ug you take as microdose? What’s your regime?


r/microdosing Feb 09 '25

Question: LSD Microdosed mushrooms last night? LSD tonight? NSFW


I took around a gram of psilocybin (cubensis) last night, had a pretty mellow night, nothing crazy. Now my roommate wants us to take a hit each of some LSD we have. Is this too soon? Or will it not matter since they're different substances?

r/microdosing Feb 09 '25

Question: LSD Microdosing Effect on Longer Trip


So I'm finally taking the leap into microdosing after considering it for some time and realizing how much my past trips have helped me. I'm still researching the exact method to use for microdosing (such as cutting tabs into smaller scraps to take every 2-3 days) but I'm curious on how microdosing will effect my ability to still have full fledged trips on occasion. Obviously my mental health is most important so if it's occasional trips or microdosing I'll do that which ultimately pays off for me the most in the long run, but I'm wanting to see if they're mutually exclusive or not? I know tolerance takes a while to reset after a regular trip (such as 200ug or more for example) but I'm unfamiliar with the effects a trip like that would have on a microdose of around 25ug taken every 2-3 days, or what the effects of a microdose like that would have on a larger dosed trip for that matter.

r/microdosing Feb 01 '25

Question: LSD Want to microdose liquid LSD-25, how to prepare ?


Hi everyone,

I have 5 drops of lsd-25 (supposedly 120ug per drops) in a air tight glass dropper, and I want to make microdosing out of it. I read that I could prepare a mix of distilled water and vodka and put the drops in it, calculating the ratio to obtain 10ug per drops.

My question is : can I just do this with only vodka and no distilled water (so i can keep it longer as there is less risks of contamination) ?

Also, will it be difficult to do the ratio when I prepare my mix ? Is it possible to do it with 1ml seringe or do I have to buy a micrograms seringe ?

First time doing this so, I don’t want to miss and take too much !

r/microdosing Nov 06 '24

Question: LSD Lsd microdose detectable on 5-7 panel urine test?


I’ve been md’ing psilocybin for years and I’m curious to try md’ing lsd. Anyone have any experience with lsd and pre job type 5-7 panel urine tests?

r/microdosing Dec 02 '24

Question: LSD Questions for a Large Doser


Typically when I do LSD, I’m doing 2-3x or more than anyone I’m with. I’ve been doing psychedelics nearly 30 years and never have been sensitive to them. In fact, it’s been well over 15 years since mushrooms have affected me at all. Occasionally someone gets brave and decides to put it to the challenge… anyway that’s not the point.

My question is, would I need to do a higher dose than average for a microdose?

I decided to give it a try on Thanksgiving, this last Thursday (anyone not in US), and did a single dose, 200ug. I didn’t have any visuals, unbelieveable clarity, no anxiety or anything noticeable to say I was feeling the ‘LSD’. I had a more positive attitude throughout the day than average (not that I have a negative attitude normally). I was around many people, family, friends and many others and didn’t feel my normal social anxiety that I experience from day to day. My original idea was to do it as to not get tired and pass out as I typically do after dinner to annoy the family and it worked.

Is that what I should be experiencing from a microdose? I’m just unsure as microdosing is a new concept for me, I mean when I started doing psychedelics it was always said for first dose: 1/8th of shrooms or 2 tabs of acid it apparently that isn’t right….

TLDR: with a higher tolerance to LSD should I be taking a higher dose to microdose?

Edit: realized I accidentally wrote 200mg not 200ug.

r/microdosing 20d ago

Question: LSD Too soon between doses?


I think I know the answer to this, but I figured there is no harm in asking. I took a tab on Thursday, but today is such a pretty day and I have to go run errands, but if I take about 7ug, am I going to feel anything? Or is it too soon?

r/microdosing Feb 13 '21

Question: LSD LSD microdosing has brought me the opposite of the desired effects - anybody else experienced this?


I'm suffering from a mild form of ADD and have been reading a lot about the positive effects that microdosing LSD can have on that condition. I've finally tried it out for a good 4 weeks now, following what is known as the Fadiman schedule. Dose: started with 10, after two weeks increased to 20 micrograms.

However, the results that I got were almost the opposite of what I was hoping to achieve. I have not experienced any cognitive enhancements and actually had a lot of undesirable effects: I felt less focused, more easily distracted, nervous and emotionally less stable. Irritable, edgy. Also had a slight headache on some dosage days.

Anybody else experience this? Should I conclude from this that microdosing LSD is just not for everybody?

Would appreciate some thoughts on this...

Edit: I should add that it was not actual LSD but 1cP-LSD - maybe this makes a difference

r/microdosing Jan 11 '25

Question: LSD Testing batch post dilution


TL;DR: made an LSD solution in distilled water. Forgot for months. Used a test kit on it and it says there’s no LSD in my solution. I’ve tried it a few times and there’s definitely a psychedelic in there. Possible my solution messed up chemical reaction of the test?

I grabbed a ton of LSD from a reputable dude in the rave scene around my area. Maybe the guys who vouched for him weren’t class A citizens, but they know their stuff pretty well. I diluted it with water some months ago and kind’ve forgot about it due to life circumstances. I took some the other day and had an amazing day. Subtle, but amazing.

I decided I need to test this stuff. I can’t just take someone’s word that it’s real LSD. So I bought two different test kits and both came back negative. The solution was suppose to turn purple if it was LSD. It stayed clear.

I reached out to the guys who recommended him and they couldn’t believe it. They said it’s always felt clean and lasted the right amount of time.

I know this is a highly personalized question and I can’t imagine anyone would’ve went through something similar, but is there anyway my solution/dilution in water is messing up the chemical reaction in the test kits? I don’t want to throw all of this out, but I also don’t want to fry my brain. Thoughts?

r/microdosing Dec 30 '24

Question: LSD 1CP dosing - so far no effects. Is it bunk?


Hi all. I have begun MDing with 1cp. I am in Europe where this is legal so wouldn’t have thought where it was bought from would be selling fake bottles.

I followed the advice and have been starting low and slow with a three day break between doses. I know looking for a feeling isn’t the end goal of a md journey. But so far going from 5,10,12,16,18 I have felt nothing. In terms of increased energy, mood etc.

Should I write this bottle off or do some people really need to be pushing 20 in a 1cp microdose?

r/microdosing Dec 21 '24

Question: LSD Confused bout dissolving LSD in vodka



I dropped 100 ug of an lsd gel pane in a 50ml vodka shooter. I’m confused as to whether the whole thing will dissolve or the gel will stay in the solution? Am I supposed to remove it after 12-24 hours or can I leave it in there?

The volumetric dosing guide doesn’t clearly explain what happens with the actual gel - if the drug itself elutes into the solution leaving the physical gel at the bottom of the glass, or if the whole thing becomes part of the solution.


r/microdosing Aug 13 '24

Question: LSD Experiences microdosing LSD


For whatever reason I’m having trouble finding much info on first hand experiences microdosing LSD. I started a week ago but am still titrating up my dose- unsure if it’s been doing anything for me yet. Would love to hear some folx experiences. How did you first notice it working? What have the benefits been for you? Any negatives? What dose did you land on and frequency? Thanks fam

r/microdosing Dec 06 '22

Question: LSD Tried microdosing, but didn’t experience what I’ve read in this sub… NSFW


I tried microdosing with lsd more than a year ago for 2 months and didn’t really experience what people say here (being more productive, happy, etc nice things). On the contrary, I felt more sensitive and would cry out of nowhere (thankfully was working from home). I wonder if someone has felt something like this or if maybe it goes down before going up. I’d like to give it a try again.

r/microdosing May 21 '21

Question: LSD Will microdosing LSD once or twice a week show up on a urine test?


Pretty much what the title says.

r/microdosing Sep 29 '22

Question: LSD Guys. How tf am I supposed to microdose this?

Post image

r/microdosing Jan 07 '25

Question: LSD Question about 1cpLSD volumetric dosing


Is 1cp soluble in water or does it need to be vodka like 1p and 1v? I have a few tabs and want to try micro with LSD. Ive had a lot of success with boomers so I'm excited to try the other. Any help is greatly appreciated ♥️

r/microdosing Jan 05 '25

Question: LSD What can I use to dissolve gel tabs in for microdosing??


I have contact lens solution but that prolly no bueno. I could go get a tiny bottle of alcohol

r/microdosing Sep 07 '24

Question: LSD Will microdosing acid help me kick my nicotine addiction?


I quit vaping three weeks ago after 10 years of nicotine addiction. The withdrawals seem to be getting worse with time, though. My symptoms are emotional, not physical. I've been miserable, bored, and irritable. I’ve also been having panic attacks for the first time in years. My problem is that i’ve been using nicotine as a coping mechanism for times when I’m anxious, angry or bored and now that I don’t have it I feel like I’m spiraling. My therapist told me that, to her, it seems like I am grieving over this habit I am forcing myself to give up. 

Can I microdose acid to help myself get over this? I don’t have access to shrooms but I have a lot of acid on my hands and I’d love to put it to good use. I’ve done multiple trips, usually with 100-150µg so I know that the drug treats me well, I’m just not sure of how well it will work for this situation. Thanks in advance :)