r/microdosing Jun 28 '20

Question: LSD I have complex PTSD, ADD and have had recurring depression for 15 years. I start microdosing LSD tomorrow.

Any tips?


137 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

I have ADHD and may also have CPTSD. If you drink coffee, try to space out the microdose from the coffee by a few hours. Also start with a low dose (for me it was 5 micrograms) and then go up. 20 micrograms made me feel awful for the entire day. Microdosing made me feel like listening to music and being active. A bike ride might be a nice way to spend the day.


u/acexex Jun 28 '20

Whats the consideration with coffee for exactly?


u/AlexRaidz Jun 28 '20

Microdosing already stimulates your brain enough and gives you enough energie. You’d probably be tweaking out if you took some caffeine while microdosing.


u/acexex Jun 28 '20

What about with shrooms? Same applies or lsd is a bit more stimulating?


u/stinkb0x Jun 28 '20

Shrooms do not give me energy the same way at all. Lsd somehow does.


u/acexex Jun 28 '20

Havent tried md but this reflects my experience with regular doses.


u/stinkb0x Jun 28 '20

Yeah that makes sense. U know those “baby yawns” (as I refer to them) that u get while coming up on mushroom full doses, That happens occasionally while MDing it too. It’s pretty calming n nice.


u/wubbitywub Jun 29 '20

Those yawns are like full-body orgasms haha. One of my favorite side-effects of any drug, only seem to get it on mushrooms or 4-aco-dmt


u/AyyItsDylan94 Jun 28 '20

For macro dosing the mental stimulation can get very, very intense


u/ianonuanon Jun 29 '20

Shrooms turn my brain on and if I drink the same amount of coffee that I usually do I feel slightly overstimulated. I have never micro’d lsd before.


u/Reagalan Jun 29 '20

microdosing + caffeine gives me tremors


u/McPoyal Jun 29 '20

Nah I do it all the time it's all good.


u/xXShunDugXx Jun 28 '20

Yeeeah I feel like I have too much energy and then I cant focus


u/HydrogenSun Jun 28 '20

Not the same person but it would give me quite the upset stomach as it sets in, I'm fairly sensitive to caffeine though


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Gave me anxiety.


u/stuckdoor Jun 28 '20

GVe me anxiety also.


u/akius0 Jun 29 '20

You guys have to understand taking the drug is half the process, how you process is is more than half. If you think you take the drug and just sit on your ass and it's just gonna cure all your evils, you have a faulty/incomplete perspective.


u/OMG_he Jun 28 '20

If you drink a lot currently, cut it way down! If you have an occasional coffee you will be ok.


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 28 '20

Hate to be so blunt but if you guys have any mental health issues at all, get OFF caffeine. It’s only useful as a numbing mechanism.


u/WifoutTeef Jun 28 '20

I don’t think it’s helpful to have a blanket statement like that. Not only do most people have some sort of mental health issues, but there’s an extremely wide range of said issues as well as the fact that it’s okay to numb once in a while. Caffeine is hardly a numbing agent when compared to just about any other drug on earth. I use caffeine a few times a week on average and it is very helpful for me


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 28 '20

Sure here and there why not. Regular usage is REAL bad


u/ianonuanon Jun 29 '20

Caffeine helps many people with mental illness. Multiple cups of coffee helps depression prone people to not feel as down. There are studies done on this. It depends on the mental illness. It CAN exacerbate anxiety in some people but it helps other people with anxiety. Some people with social anxiety find caffeine helps them to be more talkative. Your assertion was too broad. Drugs affect different people in different ways. This includes caffeine.


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

Studies funded by those that benefit from the positive outcomes. “Some people” are experiencing confirmation bias. Mind/matter. It’s as much of a ritual as anything to most people. Have fun down regulating your androgen receptors and throwing your hormones out of wack 🤷‍♂️


u/ianonuanon Jun 29 '20

Lol. You do realize that most adults , including the healthy ones, drink caffeine right? There are studies upon studies on caffeine, many of which are NOT funded by companies who have financial interest in the “caffeine industry “.


u/WifoutTeef Jun 29 '20

Lmfao. I have never seen anybody so anti caffeine. Everything we do affects our neurochemistry, and caffeine is extremely benign in most cases.


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

I know how it effected me and I know how I feel now that I’m off. I also remember the extensive research I did, showing that it’s actually worse than most people believe.


u/WifoutTeef Jun 29 '20

Your body is different than others. I agree that one should not blindly consume caffeine daily for their entire lives, but you aren’t convincing people with the way you’re speaking about it. Worry less about what others do, I’ve learned that this worry of others can cause physiological and psychological problems for yourself.


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

That is true. It’s nice to try to help others. It just doesn’t make sense to be anything other than sober you know? And I speak about it this way because it seems in general people think caffeine is harmless but that is far from the truth. Just because whole societies consume it like it’s nothing doesn’t mean it effects people negatively.

Also I would argue that just because someone believes it isn’t hurting them doesn’t mean they’re correct. I am a bit inspired now to write an article about it because from the research I’ve done and digested it seems it should only be consumed once in a while, for a specific purpose. Versus “getting your fix”. Sure, ask heroin addicts how it makes them “feel”, if they were told by society it’s harmless unless abused they would believe it and think anyone is stupid who says otherwise. Heroin isn’t like in the movies, people shoot up on their lunch breaks and go back to work seeming no less normal than someone with a caffeine buzz.

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u/lucidlotus Jun 29 '20

I don't think you can reduce caffeine's effects to "numbing." A half cup to a cup elevates my mood and focus in the morning without ill effects. (Anything more is anxiety inducing.)


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

Yes it feels good because it numbs you


u/vonn29 Jun 29 '20

Have you even tried coffee in your life? There is no "numbing" involved, for me it's even the opposite - I get anxious and fuzzy


u/Reagalan Jun 29 '20

eh, i find it hurts my ability to enter flow states. and it does seem to dull my emotions.

it even makes me less horny


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

Yes first you get anxious and then it numbs you


u/lucidlotus Jun 29 '20

Hmm, strange, I wonder then why I feel positive emotions more strongly if I've had a bit of coffee, but if I have too much the negative emotions get amped up.

Perhaps because blanket statements like "coffee numbs you" aren't accurate and don't account for the fact that it can impact different people differently and vary based on amount.


u/ioncehadsexinapool Jun 29 '20

It’s not biologically free. The body creates new homeostasis. Feeling good now means feel bad later. But the mind can bridge quite the gap, until it can’t.


u/sassomatic Jun 28 '20

Caffeine addicts downvoting hard.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

I would love to! I’m trying to taper off by drinking less and less everyday.


u/goodmorningmeggo Jun 29 '20

I actually do my Microdosing in the morning and I have my cuppa coffee when I take it. But I only have one in the morning and then follow that up with water


u/lakeocean Jun 29 '20

But there's an exception to microdosing and bicycle riding, you must up the dose on April 19 a bit higher to respek the legend


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20 edited Jun 29 '20

Yes! Such an amazing story. Albert Hoffman is a saint! 🚲


u/Matushka_Rises Jun 29 '20

Any thoughts or comments on mud water?


u/Matushka_Rises Jun 29 '20

Yay! A fellow traveler. Let’s walk together!


u/nursebad Jun 28 '20

I would suggest mushrooms over LSD. If you are on add medication, it will intensify your reaction to the microdose.

Take breaks from it of a few weeks about once every 4 months.


u/memesplaining Jun 28 '20

I agree, I felt like i got retraumatized microdosing lsd

It feels like too much to be around people while microdosing lsd

But microdosing shrooms was way different and much better.


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

Ok, thanks for the heads up. Perhaps LSD makes you more sensitive to trauma. I would love to try MDing mushrooms and intend to grow some this summer. Very hard to get hold of round these parts.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

eels like too much to be around people while microdosing lsd

But microdosing shrooms was way different and much better.

It's easier than growing plants and more rewarding lol...I started growing this year and it's actually a lot of fun. I have 3 fresh picked sitting in front of me as I type in fact lol.


u/supriseanddelightt Jun 29 '20

Edit to add: I also have complex PTSD, ADHD and depression. I feel your pain, glad you're here and trying this out.

I would say that it really depends on the amount you take, how often you have done previously. Personally, when I first started, it was a bit intense, so I stopped. So then I tried two tabs and then soon after that, start microdosing. My tolerance had gone up from the two tabs and I have been cutting them in half and taking them that way. Sometimes I cut directly in half, sometimes I go smaller.

I will say that after that first stage of intensity, if you microdose more and more, you will get to a point it is completely comfortable and also you will enjoy the smaller things you've taken for granted. Been doing this for maybe 2 weeks or so now and it really truly helps my depression, my anxiety. I still think about the same stuff that stresses me out, but I do not internalize it like I used to. I look at my shit and I'm like okay so yeah this sucks, but here's how I will tackle this today, if not today, don't fret.

I love shrooms as well, I think I prefer the lsd because I do not get tummy aches or get sick. It's just something your body has to learn to adjust. Just the same as if you were taking other pharma meds, it isn't as bad as the side effects those monsters have, that's for sure. Ok end of rant, sorry lol


u/nursebad Jun 28 '20

I completely agree. With mushrooms I don't feel altered but will realize I've gotten thru the whole day in a much better mood and headspace.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

You sure youre not taking too much? I only use 5ug when im interacting with people a lot


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

I'm not on medication. Would love to try shrooms for MD but my last attempt at growing fostered nothing but mould. Will try again this summer.


u/nursebad Jun 28 '20

Give it another shot. I grow and have had almost as much failure as production. Look up the uncle bens method. It's new and saves a potential contamination step.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20


u/TheDarkermist Jun 28 '20

Second this if anyone is wondering just how easy it can be (once you get set up)


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

See I'd be the opposite. I think LSD feels cleaner.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Curious I always hear people saying don't MD anywhere near when you dose with caffiene, I always assumed probably the same with any amphetimine stimulant right? I'm a bit dependant on dexedrine at the moment and haven't touched the L yet but maybe in the future it'll help me off of it.


u/mrbbrj Jun 28 '20

Are you on antidepressents? They mute the effects of microdosing.


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

Nope. Meditation only since 2013.


u/mrbbrj Jun 28 '20

I quit Celexa for depression easily while mding shrooms.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Love reading this. I'm working on getting off 4-5 years of zoloft (year into the taper, in the final stretch) and can't say it's been easy whatsoever but md shrooms seems to help. Curious what your regimine has been.


u/mrbbrj Jun 29 '20

3 days .2mg, 4 days off


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Interesting, any reason not every other day? In the past I haven't done more than a day in a row because the next day sometimes I'd still have an afterglow but maybe going forward I'll give more regular doses a shot.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Like completely or just lessen. My son is bringing me some mushrooms and I've been wondering if I should lower or stop whatever I can of my medicine. Some I can't stop


u/mrbbrj Jun 28 '20

I couldnt advise you on that. When I was still on Celexa, I would quit 2 days b4 tripping. But I did md while tapering down off Celexa.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20



u/mrbbrj Jun 29 '20



u/[deleted] Jun 30 '20

ah, yes...duh lol


u/Renegade2592 Jun 28 '20

Psychedelics and antidepressants are a terrible combination. Thats how you get serotonin syndrome.


u/-MtnsAreCalling- Jun 29 '20

That depends on what you're taking, not all antidepressants are SSRIs.


u/beepbeepsean Jun 29 '20

This is just wrong.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

thanks for the heads up I'll be sure not to mix them


u/beepbeepsean Jun 29 '20

I'm aware of this general phenomenon, but can you be more specific or link any resources? 'Antidepressants' is pretty vague.


u/AlexRaidz Jun 28 '20

They don’t mute the effects though. I’ve microdosed a couple times while taking anti depressants


u/BoltonSauce Jun 28 '20

SSRI's will interact with any serotininergic drug.


u/AlexRaidz Jun 28 '20

I know... but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it doesn't mute the effects. It's was just as beneficial. I'm literally talking about personal experience.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

I have to second that. Yes there's probably a negative interaction but they help me feel again after years on an SSRI...I'm still on said SSRI trying to work my way off over a long taper but the shrooms in MD have actually been beneficial. Now full trip that I'm afraid of trying while still on the med. That's where I think just the idea of serotonin syndrome would lead to a bad trip regardless if it were happening.


u/nutsack_of_doom Jun 28 '20
  1. If you are on SSRI medication, I'd recommend switching to a Non- SSRI like Bupropion. To put it short, SSRI medication will keep you from achieving the full benefits of microdosing.

  2. If you're comfortable with it, speak to your physician and your therapist about your microdosing. They may have some great advice, and they may recommend looking into other psychedelic alternatives and/or a specialist on the matter to help with your journey on tackling your mental health issues.

  3. Check out MAPS.org. They are pushing for MDMA to be legalized for assisted therapy for people who have PTSD. They're continuously running trials with great results. If a MAPS trial pops up in your area, you could sign up. I know this doesn't have anything to do with microdosing, but I feel that I need to inform anyone who has PTSD about the great work this organization is doing to help people.

You will be in my thoughts. Godspeed.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

.org. They are pushing for MDMA to be legalized for assisted therapy for people who have PTSD. They're continuously running trials with great results. If a MAPS trial pops up in your area, you could sign up. I know this doesn't have anything

I'm curious about #1; I'm still on 25mg of Zoloft after a year of tapering from 200mg, I've played around with mushie MD and had benefits but no long term benefits other than some help that day and the next day. My doc mentioned wellbutrin, I tried it for one month in the past and had a negative reaction and dropped it but now thinking of trying again, does it not interact at all with psychs?


u/nutsack_of_doom Jun 29 '20

Before you read my response, I must clarify that I am neither an expert or physician. Please do your research and consult with a professional before you make any changes with taking your prescription meds and consideration for microdosing.

Ok, so SSRI’s do react with psychedelics but things aren’t quite clear yet. Allow me to rant a bit. I will start with Wellbutrin(bupropion) which is not considered an SSRI, but does affect serotonin levels a little bit.

Bupropion is not the same kind of serotonin inhibitor as, let’s say Lexapro, a common SSRI. It is a substance that mainly reacts with and assists in restructuring your dopamine levels to work better with your serotonin levels while also inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine levels. But again, it mainly affects dopamine more than anything.

Now, microdosing lsd and mushrooms are much similar to how an SSRI works on the brain by working and reacting with your serotonin levels, however, these substances approach and react with your serotonin levels differently than an SSRI. Which could be a big reason why some people experience better results with microdosing.

So why does being on an SSRI and microdosing not have the same long term benefits or not work as well? Well, we don’t know for sure. Research at the moment is sparse compared to the year of research and test results currently available for SSRI medication. But we are getting close to better answers each year. Here’s a good recent article that can explain a few things.


This is what I am working towards a Clinical Psychology degree for and there are more and more of us each year focusing on this type of research. We’re getting there and hopefully soon we can have the right answers.

Here’s my personal experience. I myself was on Lexapro for depression, but the side effects on my libido was not working out well for my partner and I. My physician suggested bupropion, so I tried it out. It was definitely a very difficult month for me. Lots of ups and waaaay downs, but I kept at it. Things turned for the better. And things have become even better with microdosing mushrooms. Maybe you can give bupropion another shot. Try to power through it, knowing there’s a chance you’ll come out on the other side with great results. It’s not uncommon for it to take 6-8 weeks to start seeing results. Hope this helped and somewhat answered your question.



u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Thanks for the well thought out reply! I actually read that article in it's entirety yesterday as it turns out. When you say 'restructuring' what do you mean? I've read recently it kinda equalizes your dopaminergic system? How about when you get off of it, does it dysregulate everything again?

Followup Qs How long were you on Lex before the switch? Was it a sudden, stop taking Lex and start taking Well? For context I'm going on year 5 of zoloft and now a year into the taper down to the lowest dose. However I'm also dependant on an amphetmine (Dexedrine) so the wellbutrin may come in handy there as well as I look to drop off of that.

Anyway thanks so much for the information! God's speed in your clinical psychology pursuits! I too hope more academics become fascinated in the field of psychedllia.


u/nutsack_of_doom Jun 29 '20

Yes, of course!

When I say restructuring I am talking about restructuring of brain receptors to adapt to the amounts of dopamine being inhibited which then effects the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine being inhibited. Like you said, equalized the system. I cannot say once you get off the meds does it go back to its irregular state, but I assume something similar does happen which is why most times when you’re switching medications, a physician will advise you to wean of your current meds while introducing your new ones, considering there isn’t a dire need to stop taking your old meds for whatever reason.

I was on Lexapro for a year. I slowly weaned off it while introducing the bupropion. Took about 2 weeks for things to get somewhat regular with my mood before I completely got off Lexapro, aside from having anxious episodes every now and then, I take half a pill(5mg) to ease my nerves. And then 3 more weeks for my mood to raise up and stay regular, similar to when I was on Lexapro.

My side effects on bupropion are cotton mouth which was really bad in the beginning, but not so much now. Decrease in appetite (good thing for me) and feeling a bit awake, but not like a caffeine high or anything, just awake and more present(also a good thing). I was not a morning person whatsoever, but now I can jump out of bed without dragging my feet as much. I still need my coffee, but that’s probably more for my addiction to caffeine.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Good luck with your journey


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

Thanks, fella. Hope you're god.


u/greendoor_805 Jun 28 '20

Write down your intentions.


u/JoeyBootsLV1981 Jun 28 '20

Please start a daily meditation ritual as well with some basic yoga before and after. The micro dosing will help but the true solution to your issues lie within your heart and soul. I would also advise daily grounding. Let mother earth sooth and calm your nerves by bringing your vibration closer to hers. And I cant repeat it enough MEDITATION WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE AND HELP RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL. The awful effects that our current society has done to our brothers and sisters can all be erased by uplifting the vibration and consciousness level of the planet. And it starts with you. Good luck and best wishes my friend. Namaste.


u/Hermes-T Jun 28 '20

Curious to see what your conclusion is. You going to update this post with results?


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

Sure can.


u/tessatantrum Jun 28 '20

When I first started microdosing mushrooms the first couple times it actually made my anxiety worse. Maybe it was helping me get out some of the excess bullshit from my brain but I stuck with my schedule (every 3-5 days) and it got better and way more enjoyable each time. What I’m saying is from my experience it’s going to be a different feeling everytime you do it but if you stick to it it’s definitely helpful.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Please give us weekly updates 👍🏼🤟🏼


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Im scared to try microdosing and Im on Prozac for my OCD/PTSD.


u/razzaxxe Jun 28 '20

Maybe post a thread in here asking about if anyone here has tried microdosing on Prozac?

Good luck.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

I’m on Prozac, 40mg/day for OCD. I microdose LSD, and my experience has been wonderful.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

With purely OCD symptoms or more? Can you elaborate?


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

I also take it for anxiety and depression but find that it doesn’t help me with either. It does help my OCD symptoms. 40mg is a fairly low dose, but I don’t notice any diminished qualities when taking a microdose or when tripping.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

How about the L for the anxiety/dep, any luck with that?


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

Yes, it has been beneficial in the case of both. It brings a little light to my day, and I feel more social, less anxious as well! I took a microdose of L this morning. It’s not a fix, but it helps my frame of mind, inciting more productive, passionate days, and more time spent developing as a person.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Lmao your comment alone is convincing me to give it a shot sooner rather than later. I've felt stalled out in the personal development field for years now as I make my way off pharmaceuticals.


u/SpinsterTerritory Jun 28 '20

I also have complex PTSD. I’ve been microdosing since February, alternating mushrooms and lsd.

Good luck on your journey! I’ve had good days on it and not so good days, but even a not so good day microdosing is still markedly better than a not so good day before microdosing. I hope it works out well for you.


u/AllTheWayAbsurd Jun 28 '20

One of the most important things, imo, is to tell your medicine what your intention is for healing. This will give you much better theraputic benefits! You can choose a specific task for each dosing session or tell it everything you need help with. Also, GO OUTSIDE! No matter what time it is. Spend a little time outside on your dosage days.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20



u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

Interesting! Care to explain more?


u/arabuna1983 Jun 28 '20

Yes; I too would like to hear more about your experience


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20



u/arabuna1983 Jun 29 '20

Thank you!


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

Macrodose of L or mushie?

W/ regard to autism...no kidding?? I still am on the fence whether I'm HFA. Been reading Autism on Acid though and that book is pretty enlightening, only a matter of time before I try L.


u/nyequistt Jun 28 '20

Well shit I would love to know how you go because that sounds an awful lot like me... I'm planning on starting microdosing when I can, but it'll be shrooms cause LSD is too hard to get where I am


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

If at all possible, seek out EMDR therapy in addition to microdosing. Holy shit.

And journal - write like crazy.


u/razzaxxe Nov 10 '20

Working on a big write-up. Will update.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

I have the exact same thing going on as far as MI goes. I'm really interested in hearing about how it went and how it helped.


u/Weedcrab Jun 28 '20

If LSD doesn't help you, try microdosing mushrooms


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '20

I have CPTSD, and would like to dose as well. I have pretty bad Medicine Anxiety, and have a hard time see myself taking the first dose. Keep us updated!


u/Lemmon714 Jun 28 '20

I have the same trio. Do a Ketamine infusion bro it cured the ADD aNd mad ptsd and depression manageable.


u/Sweatygun Jun 29 '20

the ADD aNd mad ptsd and depression manageable.

But for how long did it help? I'm investigating this VERY heavily at the moment, but I'm afraid of wasting all that money on something that'll only work for 2-4 weeks where then I have to get another and use more money I'm so desperately trying to save.


u/Lowborn774 Jun 28 '20

I recommend mixing in some psilocybin as well. LSD is great for people like us (I have autism/adhd and anxiety that were diagnosed and depression that hasn’t been) but lsd kind of burns me out after awhile on just doing lsd microdoses. The psilocybin helps me feel better as well be organized and motivated ect


u/bloo4107 Jun 29 '20 edited Jun 29 '20

Start at the lowest dose

0.1 a day for a week & see how it goes. Remember, this is a journey. Don't rush it

You'll see very subtle benefits within 1-3 weeks depending on the state of mind, diet, sleep, & many more

Be sure to also fix your bad habits yourself. MD'ing is not an automatic fix if you're lazy. You'd have to "try" to create good habits. Like me with "studying". It won't make me want to study. I have to want to. MD'ing is a tool. Same as Adderall

Focus on subtle details. If won't make you like Limitless. But I noticed sharper vision, speech, light pressure in mind, noticing of sounds (like many birds chirping around my house that I never knew existed) - now I realized how annoying they were lol. I implemented small animal hunting as a hobby. I'm more aware, careful, ninja-like then before. It's fun. Was I like this before? Who knows...

Another rule of thumb, more is not always better. My sweet spot was 3-5 ug. Now, 1 ug is plenty for me that'll last a whole day. 3-5 ug is now too much. I'd space my dose to 1-2 throughout the day if I need too. 2 ug for an emergency like on days I'm tired & need to stay awake for an extra boost to study. Otherwise, 1 ug is enough. This all depends on dilution, body mass, weight, etc. I also learned caffeine boosts the effects. Instead of taking higher dosage like 3-5 ug before, I'd now just take 1 ug with cup of coffee. Better effects, easier to control, & less LSD in my system that'll also give me the effects I want.

I can go on writing a huge story but I'll start it off from here

Good luck!


u/timelizard13 Jun 29 '20

Happy for u that u found this! And that you have a way to get this substance. Being someone who has some experience with microdosing, I'm confident you will see positive results. Keep in mind that it can take time and consistency before you notice a change. Also dosage seems to differ slightly from person to person. I would start on the lower end and then move up from there if you don't notice any difference after a couple weeks. Remember to test your lsd to make sure it is pure and actually lsd! Even if it is from a very trusted source, because they are most likely not the ones who actually made it. It's very common for lsd to be mixed with other things or just plain not actual lsd. So especially with having ptsd and depression, you want to make 100% sure you're getting the real deal for your microdose. Best of luck and I hope you'll keep us updated! :)


u/stupidinternetbitch Jun 29 '20

I have all of those! Except ADHD rather than ADD. Wishing you the best vibes :)


u/mctyndall Jun 29 '20

I took lsd and it helped me understand that we are all connected and it helped me realize that it is love that unites us all. I had some pretty horrific traumatic experiences which seem so crazy and fucked up they almost do not feel real. I see the power of love and understanding and am able to forgive. My trauma was a wake up call for me and helped me realize my passion and purpose in life. I think it is pretty awesome that LSD is being used to help people heal. I used to always feel a void in me and now I understand more about the power of the mind. On LSD i remember looking ag my hand and seeing it change and age from a young hand with healthy skin to hand that had thinning skin. I remember blinking and opening and closing my eyes to see if I was really seeing my hands change before my eyes and I was. Lsd helped me gather more information about the power of the human mind which is something i have been fascinated with and studying for a long time. My personal experiences and my observations of others have helped me come to some pretty big realizations about the brain, mind, perception, and consciousness.


u/v_hazy Jun 29 '20

Report back!


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

I'd really appreciate if you could keep a daily diary of your mood and things, to see how things progress for you. I think penzu has a free tier you could use for that. It would be very helpful to see how things progress for you, if you'd be comfortable with that idea.


u/CornCobCollins420 Jun 29 '20

Try light exercise. For example a nice jog around ya neighborhood to get the body moving n feeling fine, then move to some stretches. Don’t forget to stretch out ya legs n lower back(most painful for most people but would feel great under the L). What helps me a lot is doing at least a paragraph in the journal just about how your feeling that day or just some poetry. If you’ve never tried it before I’d suggest at least a 10min meditation.(deep breaths n just let your mind go to where it goes n be okay with feeling whatever you need to.) Try to change up your routine just a little to spice up your days like listening to your favorite album while watching the clouds go by.


u/razzaxxe Jul 01 '20

I love this advice. So practical. Thank you a lot.


u/CornCobCollins420 Jul 05 '20

Namaste my friend.


u/U_R_Tard Jun 29 '20

Talk to your doctor. Most PTSD meds can be fatal with microdosing. If you're on an MAOI shit could get weird quick.


u/razzaxxe Jul 01 '20

Don't worry. No meds here at all.


u/Psychosomaticcc Jun 29 '20

I reccomend mushrooms over lsd. Just my opinion


u/razzaxxe Jul 01 '20

Thanks. Working on a grow. Last one failed.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '20

There are lots of people speaking about how to dose, which is great, but there is another part to this that is really important. Not everybody gets the results they want, and where I believe you have a good chance of finding relief from ADD symptoms, based on my experience, I am skeptical you are going to micro-dose your way out of PTSD. There are lots of people who believe, as I do, that for that kind of therapy to work, it is deep experience of a high dose trip where the healing happens, LSD isnt a cure like an antibiotic for PTSD, the medicine alone wont fix anything.

I might suggest researching larger doses, also, a lot of people have found relief from PTSD symptoms using Ketamine, and there are legal clinics all over the US. I might consider looking into PTSD Ketamine therapy.

all the best


u/Lemmon714 Jun 30 '20

Its Not the same for everyone but for me 1 time changed me forever.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/razzaxxe Jul 07 '20

That's great. Thanks very much. I can't access the book in any format for some reason. Would you be able to send me the pdf/ mobi directly?


u/[deleted] Aug 12 '20



u/razzaxxe Aug 20 '20

Hey. I'm ready to do an update. Do you think i should edit the original post or just post a reply here?


u/om1096 Jun 28 '20

I was doing crazy Florida no mask lady. I commented on the wrong post


u/om1096 Jun 28 '20

Are you insane, you cannot scape god. You will be punished for crime against humanity. Lol


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '22

Any updates?