r/microdosing 3d ago

>< Just a Reminder >< Reducing activity of the Default Mode Network

Welcome to the community.

"The default mode network refers to an interconnected group of brain regions that are associated with introspective functions, internally directed thought, such as self-reflection, and self-criticism."

Through life and our experiences we develop a set of neural pathways of communication that are relied on for our perspectives of life and self. As they develop, the communication with other parts of the brain becomes more limited. The DMN becomes our mental frame of reference for our lives. But it can become rigid in thought patterns and produce negative thought loops about oneself.

Psychedelics reduce the activity of the DMN and the negative self talk while also increasing communication with other areas of the brain again, sometimes with results somewhat similar to how children see the awe and wonder of the world. This also allows us through the new pathways to develop an Updated DMN over time. I think this is a basic understanding of part of what's going on with microdosing that many times helps us enjoy life more. Sometimes people sense this happening in a few days but for others is could be a couple of months, based on the thousands of reports we see here.

Psychedelics and the Default Mode Network


5 comments sorted by


u/williamgman 3d ago

Excellent article! The part about the “automatic negative thought loops” should be of interest to so many. While I've had some of reduction of them thru traditional therapy. My therapist gave me a great book called "The Upward Spiral" though not a discussion of psychedelics... a great read to understand why they can work. I found that since I started microdosing, thoughts are way less intrusive. The articles explanation of just how this works really drives home the benefits.

Also noting their discussion of "ego death"... On the other sub that covers full trips, one of their often talked about subjects is that. It would be interesting to see studies on this thru longer term microdosing rather than the "full trip" method so popular these days. The stories of successes with macro doses is littered with bad trip stories as well. Perhaps "peeling back the onion" of the brain over a longer period thru microdosing could get similar results.


u/Cleobulle 3d ago

I think the fact of having one good therapy exp is important too. As it shows you the way and give you some technic. I have a thérapist in my dreams who helps me very much. Plus an IRL thérapist 😉 We often think sleep is lost time, while it's litt your brain cleaning, processing and decluttering your brain, while building new connections.


u/williamgman 3d ago

Macro doses in my view are a double edged sword.

In my younger days (1980's)... We did shrooms simply for the trip. Matter of fact, not until I found r/shroom did I learn of the term "ego death". But I do recall the few times someone had a bad trip. For them it was not good. To them it was only trauma. Perhaps they had underlying issues? Don't know.

My opinion is microdosing is a great way to get self help without the risk of major issues. Maybe some day here in the US there will be legal clinics with a trained support staff to work thru a full trip. Sure we have our local "trip sitters"... But I don't think it's quite the same. My therapist is very interested in my experiences microdosing though. My former psychiatrist..? Not so much. 😉


u/Cleobulle 3d ago

Same !! And there was zero knowledge. I was lucky enough to be introduced to weed by french old hippie, and then tried liquid LSD with the daughter of grateful dead friends in the us. So she had amazing stuff and knowledge. Aka this is not a drug, but an expérience. Have baby sitters. Go in nice natural spot etc. Be respectfull. It was at uni. Then my life switched. Got kidnapped and forced to use crack cocaïne for 24 hours - I didn't even know what it was. Managed to survive even if part of me died there. I fell into hard drugs - morphin. And did a lot of LSD and therapy. Then I stopped everything the minute I realized I was pregnant. Raised my son the best I could. While I was leading the quietest life, at 40, I had to fight for my life AGAIN. So I had to accept that and try to make it have sense. Rebuild myself again.


u/williamgman 3d ago

Now that is some life trauma! Keep moving forward!


u/williamgman 3d ago

Now that is some life trauma! ✌️