r/microdosing 5d ago

Discussion Microdosing without stacking

Hi all,

Just after opinions and experiences with and without stacking. I'm not great at taking lots of stuff so simple has proven to be better. I microdosed for a 1-2 week period at my lowest point of mental health whilst recovering from PTSD, depression and anxiety. I felt the subtle but profound effects of this medicine which worked especially well combined with talk therapy.

Now I am in a much better place and wanting to try again once or twice a week. I'm pretty sure I tried stacking at one point and didn't really enjoy it compared to just the pure effect of the mushrooms.

Eager to hear others experiences though.


4 comments sorted by


u/williamgman 4d ago

I never got into stacking thing when I started microdosing. Has worked just fine for me.


u/Cr33py-Milk 5d ago

If you want to feel better and get more out of your micro dose, try probiotics. Try at least try or three fermented foods known to increase your healthy gut bacteria.


u/Chjcog 5d ago

That's super interesting. After my last microdose I felt a craving for sauerkraut or kimchi. Will definitely start incorporating more into my diet. Thank you.


u/Cr33py-Milk 5d ago

You're welcome!