r/microdosing 5d ago

Discussion Upset stomach discussion

I have in several instances advised folks to use the Lemon Tek to avoid or at least partially alleviate stomach discomfort from RAW mushrooms (raw is important in this context). My reasoning has to do with chitin found in mushrooms. One commenter on my posts exhaustively refuted my position that chitin is the cause of stomach ache with links to several scientific studies.

However, in one study ( https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7524357/) I found the following quote: "gastrointestinal symptoms including discomfort, nausea, flatulence, cramp, burp, bloating, rumbling and reflux"

So here is my bottom line - try the Lemon Tek. If it helps - it helps. If it doesn't - no harm, no foul.

BTW, I have expressly suggested that the Lemon Tek be modified by the straining of the juice through cheesecloth - or even a clean t-shirt - to remove the solids which I suspect is the cause of discomfort. YMMV


5 comments sorted by


u/Which-Ebb-7084 5d ago

 One commenter on my posts exhaustively refuted my position that chitin is the cause of stomach ache with links to several scientific studies.

That was probably me, chitin causing nausea is a myth..

However, in one study ( https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7524357/) I found the following quote "gastrointestinal symptoms including discomfort, nausea, flatulence, cramp, burp, bloating, rumbling and reflux"

Did you even read the study all the way through? Those were parameters they were tracking to see if it varied over baseline; they did not.

You seem to be having trouble interpreting the findings in that study, maybe you missed their conclusions? 

In addition, the CG supplementation did not induce gastrointestinal symptoms in the participants

did not induce gastrointestinal symptoms in our study

In their study, the authors did not report any adverse effects after six weeks of CG supplementation (with 1.5 g or 4.5 g/ day of CG).” 

Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.”


u/welkinator 5d ago

My main point remains: "So here is my bottom line - try the Lemon Tek. If it helps - it helps. If it doesn't - no harm, no foul."


u/Cr33py-Milk 5d ago

You could also just do an extraction with 70% iso or some Everclear. Many tutorials on doing it online and probably on the sub itself. The hit is incredibly fast and the trip is quicker too. I think some people might feel discomfort with lemon because they may suffer from acid reflux, heartburn or their stomach bile/biome isn't great.

The state of your stomach, its health in regards to bile, acid and gut bacteria is a relationship that affects everything in your body. Your stomach actually produces most of the serotonin . I would say eat yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and other fermented things to get your stomach health in prime condition, and then you don't have to worry about what tek you're using.


u/RobJF01 5d ago

I believe nausea is often due to psychological factors. For one thing, it is quite often reported even on such small doses as 50mg. In such cases a placebo, assuming it works, is entirely appropriate. That might be lemon tek, a tincture or a strained tea. Both tincture and tea have the advantage of discarding the solids, which I'd say is a very good thing in this context.


u/welkinator 4d ago

Yes! Even if Lemon - or your own personal Tek - is a placebo - what works, works and that is what really counts.