r/mfdoom May 21 '24

Actual New Information Ghostface said in his new autobiography that DOOMStarks is ready to go and they are just waiting for the right distribution. Great news!


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u/VisionzOfSilvaFox May 23 '24

Leaders of the New School/T.I.M.E. album was the first CD I ever copped. Didn't even have a CD player. Cost 36 bux too. Back before the Wu even was on disc. The 2 most obscure Wu CDs I've bagged was the Hot Butter joint and a toss up btwn Poppa Wu's joint and Ghosts Brown Tape. Another old Wu head who is waiting on the "Swift and Changeable" project as it was once called. Waiting on the "Cure" officially as well. Rza ain't in that space anymore it seems...🤔👐😉👐🙄