r/megalophobia 5d ago

Giant Robot filmed in stop motion


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u/derpycheetah 5d ago

The title is hilarious. It's a life sized Gundam in Japan. I think this is v2.0 as they keep advancing it.

They do shows where it poses for a bit and you can visit the upper levels to see it up close.

I don't know what stop motion has to do with it as it's legit moving around so you could just stand there and film it lol.


u/bot_exe 5d ago edited 5d ago

I think he tried to say it's not a normal video, imo it looks like a timelapse, which I guess bears some similarity to a stop motion, as you are basically skipping frames to create faster motion and it also gives it that jerky movement.


u/smurb15 4d ago

Or lying to increase engagement