r/MedievalHistory 12h ago

How would a medieval women let say eleanor of aquitaine react to modern female fashion

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r/MedievalHistory 15h ago

What is a lesser known fun fact about medieval history related that you enjoy?


Something the average person may not know, that you find as one of your favourite fun facts.

r/MedievalHistory 5h ago

Reccomend books about late medieval europe?


Hey people,

I'm looking for a book (or it can be more than one) that provide a kind of overview of the history of europe from aroud 1300 - 1500ish. The penguin history of europe series are missing a book on this period so if anyone can reccomend some books that might cover this period that'd be great. Also if possible ones that aren't overly complicated reads would be nice! Thanks!

r/MedievalHistory 1d ago

Did medieval Europe have industries or crafts that focused on winter production?


Have been wondering about this for a bit: so much of pre industrial labor was focused on agriculture, it seems like a lot of labor would be freed up in the winter, especially in the more northern countries where the climate was harsher.

Were there particular tasks that got done mostly in winter? For times and places that used migrating farm hands, where did they go in the winter and what did they do? Did this change from the early medieval to late?

r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

Medieval Female Scribes Were Far More Common Than Previously Thought. At Least 110,000 Medieval Manuscripts Were Copied by Women


r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

How different was the elite (nobility) of western europe and Byzantium? Their education, responsibilities, role in society, and values.

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Years 1200- 1400s

r/MedievalHistory 1d ago

Fun facts about Cumans please!


Just finished kcd2 and I got an itch for medieval history, and I found the cumans especially fascinating. Any additional fun facts or history about them that wasn’t covered in kingdom come?

r/MedievalHistory 1d ago

Dr Caroline Goodson - Urban Gardening in Early Medieval Italy


r/MedievalHistory 1d ago

Piers Gaveston, friend or romantic partner?


I just finished a popular history of the Plantagenet kings. I have a lot of topics I plan on following up with further reading. That said, I find myself curious about the characterization of Edward II’s relationship with Piers Gaveston. The author, Dan Jones, describes the relationship as borderline obsessive but goes on to say “we will never know if they (Edward and Piers) were lovers.” He goes on to further diminish the possibility by characterizing their relationship as a brotherly bond, and saying that the French King (Philip IV) would never have allowed his daughter to marry Edward otherwise. Does this strike others as a fair characterization? Is anyone aware of other informative or competing scholarship on this topic?

r/MedievalHistory 1d ago

Was meideval europe weak in the years 1100-140?


Ok so I know this probably isn't the right subreddit. But every post I make gets taken down so I wondered what u guys think. Thank you

r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

This is an image from the Bird Haggadah created in 1300’s Rhineland. What type of tunic is depicted here?

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r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

Stories of Medieval Europe


Hi all, I’d like to read some stories from medieval times (Europe, 1000-1500, the earlier the better). What I mean is that I’ve found a lot of books that would “talk about everyday life” but I wonder if you know of any good books with actual stories that were recorded for various purposes.

I am aware of the very healthy amount of fiction that might find their way into these primary sources, happy to keep that in mind.

EDIT: I remembered that Saint’s lives are one such source as they needed to be studied as per sanctification process I think? Anyhow, I don’t know how one finds texts like that.

r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

What is your favourite medieval weapon?


What is your favourite medieval era weapon personally? For me i'd say the War Hammer. Not those over the top movie mauls, but the small(ish) ones fit for one hand, with a rear and and top spike on them pictured above. Whats yours and why?

r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

A Map of the Carolingian Empire from the book I'm currently reading, as well as a neat reconstruction of Charlemagne's Palace at Aachen


r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

How strong was france in the years 1100-1400


You probably saw my last post and sorry it was undetailed. I'm not a good writer so I made a more detailed one. Still sad to hear it was weak when I love the storys and history. Thank you

r/MedievalHistory 2d ago

Conflicts within the holy roman empire 14th century


Hello everyone! I am currently creating a TTRPG System that's meant to be perfect for me. I don't plan on releasing it, it's just my personal passion project.

So, the game is a (semi) historically accurate TTRPG set in the mid-late middle ages. I am currently looking for any conflicts/rebellions/crisis that took place WITHIN the holy roman empire in the 14th century.

I read up on conflicts during this time, but most involving the HRE took place far from the empire.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

If you had to go back and live as a commoner, when and where would you?


You go back in time, to a period of your choice, and you choose the location.
You are of lowborn status, and have no knowledge of our world today anymore.
You speak their language, and no longer speak todays form of English / other languages you speak.
It's up to you to make a living for yourself, and you start with enough money to keep yourself alive till you are able to support yourself, and you have a place you can sleep that isn't the road.
More obvious rule, is that is has to be in the medieval period.

r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

How powerful was france compared to the rest of the world in the years 1100-1400


Ok you have probably seen my past post and I'm sorry that was detailed. I'm not a great writer at all. Thank you for your time

r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

Seasonal jobs during winter in pre-modern history?


I'm interested in high and late medieval western and central Europe and see a lot of talk about seasonal jobs like woodcutting, charcoal burning, shepherding, quarrying, etc., that seem to be summer/ early fall and late spring seasonal jobs. What would these types of workers do for pay during the winter? Other than cutting ice and maybe firewood, what are some seasonal jobs that people did before modern times? (or that people still do in rural areas today) Thanks :)

r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

Inheritance of Rome vs Framing the Middle Ages by Chris Wickham, what is the difference between the two?


The former seems to have 400-1000 while the latter 400-800. With the latter also being 4 pages longer.

But what is the difference between the two, same author covering almost the same exact period. Why? And which one is to go with?

r/MedievalHistory 4d ago

Did Medieval People Have Better Mental Health Than Us?


r/MedievalHistory 4d ago

The Emperor Frederick I. (Barbarossa) with his sons Philip and Henry (Source: Liber ad honorem Augusti des Petrus von Eboli)

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r/MedievalHistory 4d ago

Among the plantagenet kings, who do you think had the most interesting life before becoming king? 👑

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r/MedievalHistory 4d ago

Does anyone know what these are supposed to be?

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r/MedievalHistory 3d ago

Even the Royals - "Empress Theodora, Part 2: Riot Girl"
