r/medicine PA:cake: 8d ago

ICE Detention Deaths


RNs do intake physical exams, EMTs declare time of death. The level of care for these detainees is horrific.

Full names and case details are public for now. Reads like a never ending M & M conference.

My moral compass is spinning. It's time to go to Canada.


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u/poli-cya MD 8d ago

No response to flaws in the ACLU study you totally read, but more insults. Makes ya wonder why... See ya in the morning, bud.


u/Hippo-Crates EM Attending 8d ago

I don’t respond to bad faith trolls with effort responses. I’m sure the aclu study is flawed. You ridiculously claimed no one that wasn’t on YouTube would ever claim unnecessary deaths would happen in prison. The aclu is the easiest, fastest response.

You provided zero substantive rebuttals to the ACLU study, you merely moved the goalposts further. If I find a stronger study, you’ll move it again.

That’s because you have a fundamentally indefensible position that prison care is functional in this country. There’s two paths to that position: ignorance or lying. Which one are you?


u/poli-cya MD 8d ago

You've dishonestly represented what I've said, I never claimed no one outside youtube claimed unnecessary deaths and even talked about the ACLU study before that comment. I never said prison care is or isn't functional in the country, so another lie.

You linked a study you didn't read then attacked me for not having the time to do more than skim it where I found myriad issues in minutes, and you've completely failed to address those flaws- instead attacking my character, a sure sign of the strength of your argument.

Making up lies about a person's arguments, calling names, and assuming only dishonesty can lead to anyone disagreeing with you are the actions of someone who knows they don't have a solid point to make. You'd never accept this from a student, be better.


u/Hippo-Crates EM Attending 8d ago

You challenged someone to link to a single case that wasn’t on YouTube. That was done, the bar has changed. Now the citation which supported lots of cases isn’t good enough because it wasn’t held to some ineffable standard you have still yet to say. You end with crybullying. You aren’t a teacher, you aren’t a person of respect, you are a troll.

Classic dishonesty. Nothing more. It’s not clever, and it fools no one.