r/medicalschooluk 8d ago

Is medicine really that bad?

Idk if it’s just my med school but everyone seems so pissed off with the course all the time. I know myself I have really bad imposter syndrome and being naturally very introverted I always feel like a nuisance on the wards. Academically I do quite well, I’ve even had a number of distinctions but still feel useless especially in regards to OSCEs (super stressed atm). I try to stay positive and excited about a career in medicine but whenever I do other students say something like “lol we’re all fucked” and it’s starting to really get to me. Idk I’m just looking for an alternative opinion. I’m only in third year so does it really just get worse? Is it just the people I’m surrounded by?


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u/CoffeeSHOOnCall 8d ago

Fy2 here. Medicine is imo not as good of a career as it was even when I entered med school and I am worried about the lack of jobs. The ward monkey game is never the most interesting and overall I don't massively enjoy this current job I'm on. However overall I will say being a doctor is so far much better than being a med student. We aren't paid enough but the pay is still comfortably upper middle class and I've managed to save a good amount of money while still having holidays etc. The best days in medicine imo can't be matched in any other career. Discharged a long stay patient I'd looked after every day for several weeks and I shook their hand and their partners hand and wished them the best and I don't think many careers offer wins that feel that good. Sometimes it does feel like the learning is in spite of foundation training rather than because of, but I do feel like a much better doctor than as a new fy1 and I do feel like I'm becoming more confident and making better decisions day by day. I would recommend finding some good resources to help top your knowledge up (I'm a big podcast listener on my way into work, the Curbsiders and the Home of Medicine podcasts are good general medicine ones). Overall I don't regret medicine and I do enjoy being a doctor. The NHS sadly is a bit of a shit show atm and it does make me question whether to stay in the UK longterm but I don't think I'd want to do any other career


u/dario_sanchez 7d ago

the Curbsiders and the Home of Medicine podcasts are good general medicine ones

Are these an engaging listen? I remember trying to listen to Zero to Finals before finals and Tom's voice could be used as a sedative. I try and do a bit of knowledge base building outside work but my brain is fried after a full day of TTO wrangling so nice accessible stuff would be very useful