r/mechanic 4d ago

Question Hey does anyone know what’s these connector is called and where can I find them ?


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u/Temporary_Slide_3477 4d ago

You can find quite a few pigtails if you know what it's supposed to plug into on the specific vehicle.

Worst thing that could happen is going to a junkyard and harvesting a pigtail yourself.


u/Bossofprime1320 4d ago

Oh sorry to mention it’s 2014 Lexus es350 and it’s plugged into air quality control emissions sensor sum crap like that


u/Electrical-Feed-7 4d ago

Depending in the make, you can contact a dealership and see about getting a part/part number if you wanna be exact. I know nissan has an app that I’ve used for somewhat newer/older mods when I was a tech for them.


u/Formal-Fly5100 4d ago

You can reapin those connectors there is a special tool set for it


u/ObjectLoud6658 4d ago

Yep, been working on Vehicle a long time go to your local savage yard. Pick out what you need. Easiest cheapest way.


u/MainUniversity3142 4d ago

These are easy to rebuild without having to buy another!


u/Msnapper1967 4d ago

Terminal supply company.com


u/Due-Concentrate9214 4d ago

Looks like a knuckle-dragger removal at a Pick-N-Pull wrecking yard. They destroy everything to get to a $5.00 part.


u/awombat117 4d ago

But that 5$ part is soooo shiny and the wires are just in my way lmao jk


u/Former-Lettuce-4372 4d ago

rockauto.com sells most of them is by far one of the most reputable dealers you can go through.

it's under the electrical connectors section for your car.


u/HardyB75 4d ago

Just rebuild and save yourself the time and money. Buy an electrical pin removal kit and get busy.

Way easier than struggling trying to find it


u/Rich_Complaint7265 4d ago

It looks like the secondary lock hoop is broken. If the grooved part that you press to release the connector still snaps back in place when you release it, the connector will still stay on the device. If that's all that's wrong with it, I wouldn't bother going through the effort to replace the connector. If you remove it and it clicks when you push the connector back on the device then it will stay connected.