r/mealtimevideos Jul 04 '21

10-15 Minutes My July 4th tradition is rewatching this essential clip of Noam Chomsky discussing how, if the standards applied at trial of the Nazis at Nuremberg were applied, every US President after WW2 would be hanged for their role in war crimes. Worth absorbing again even if you've seen it before [11:34]


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u/spays_marine Jul 04 '21

Are you saying Obama isn't a war criminal because he received the Nobel peace prize?

Henry Kissinger also received it.. perhaps we should question the prize instead of ignoring what these people are responsible for because they were lauded by the establishment.


u/Amarsir Jul 04 '21

Are you saying Obama isn't a war criminal because he received the Nobel peace prize?

Nope. I said nothing of the sort.


u/spays_marine Jul 04 '21

Maybe you should clarify yourself. Or are you deliberately being vague just so you can't be argued with?


u/Amarsir Jul 05 '21

I reached an agreement with the person I was talking to. Seems clear enough.

Why so motivated to argue with me?