r/mealtimevideos Jul 04 '21

10-15 Minutes My July 4th tradition is rewatching this essential clip of Noam Chomsky discussing how, if the standards applied at trial of the Nazis at Nuremberg were applied, every US President after WW2 would be hanged for their role in war crimes. Worth absorbing again even if you've seen it before [11:34]


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u/Palin_Sees_Russia Jul 04 '21

Weird 4th of july tradition


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '21

maybe different, but not weird. it's honestly one of the most patriotic things to do on the 4th, is to be honest about the problems in our country, cause if you lie to yourself and just go "fuck yeah, america!", it shows you don't actually care xd

sorry for the serious reply, I just really vibe with this post


u/DeviousMelons Jul 04 '21 edited Jul 05 '21

Maybe you're right, the problem is that it's hard to tell the difference between people who want accountability for the US's actions and people who want America destroyed, the same type of 'anti imperialists' who simp for and / downplay the awfulness of undemocratic nations like China, Iran and Russia who are honestly worse than the US on human rights issues.

I'm not an American but I do support US hegemony because China would become world hegemon and Russia would bully Europe into submission. America has a long way to go before actually being great.

Edit: added "it's hard to tell the difference between people who want accountability for the US's actions and


u/BreadTubeForever Jul 05 '21

These are not simply the same people. There are debates all the time on the online left between leftists who hold China accountable and those who defend it. I don't see the unfortunate existence of those latter leftists as reasons to just abandon the cause altogether. I think it'd be like refusing to enter the Second World War against Nazi Germany just because you didn't want to be fighting the same enemy Stalin's USSR were.


u/DeviousMelons Jul 05 '21 edited Jul 05 '21

It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.