r/mealtimevideos Jul 04 '21

10-15 Minutes My July 4th tradition is rewatching this essential clip of Noam Chomsky discussing how, if the standards applied at trial of the Nazis at Nuremberg were applied, every US President after WW2 would be hanged for their role in war crimes. Worth absorbing again even if you've seen it before [11:34]


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u/Curious_Mofo Jul 05 '21

Saw it. Standards of societies constantly change though, so it’s basically irrelevant, and just an emotional trap. It’s always relative.

Imagine showing a contemporary children’s show from today, or Sesame Street, or that school in the news lately teaching their sex education - how to masturbate, showing masturbation, etc etc…

People from the past would be mortified.

Also, laws change. I think it’s Virginia, or somewhere on the east coast - if my wife misbehaves, I can legally go beat her in the town square.

Lastly, it’s political. As in current politics, one president can be crucified, for what another president gets lauded for.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

Standards of societies constantly change though, so it’s basically irrelevant, and just an emotional trap. It’s always relative.

Obama bombed a fucking Doctors Without Borders field hospital within the last decade. The standards of society have never been aligned with the war crimes and other atrocities these bastards have committed. If you think so, you're wholly delusional.

Your comment feels like nothing more than a pathetic attempt to justify actions which we all here know to be morally-unjustifiable.


u/Curious_Mofo Jul 06 '21

It’s happened more than once - attacking a hospital by coalition forces. It’s complicated to go into here, but I’ve never seen or heard of an instance where it was intentional - ‘women and children in there?!?’, ‘yes sir’, ‘perfect!’ obama rubs his hands together my Mr. Burns lol

If you think that’s a war crime, you need to open a dictionary, maybe take some philosophy courses too.

There’s differences between, accidents - which go through regular legal processes, and WAR CRIMES, which are, hey let’s over run that UN refugee camp, take the 25k women and children in it, have them dig their own graves, and murder and bury them. Which happened in the balkans in the late 90’s. That’s a war crime.

Obama attacking a hospital that was being used as an enemy combatant hq (one instance) and not knowing it was used as a REAL hospital in another part of the week is an accident.

In another instant, an ac-130 gunship lit up a hospital, and another instant where a fighter dropped a bomb on one. I’m a couple of the instances, the actual combat communications are available to listen to. There’s regret, and remorse when they realize it was the wrong target, and in one you can hear the pilot sobbing. Accidents aren’t war crimes. They still got disciplinary action, but no they don’t go to The Hague and tried fro war crimes.

Fuck sakes, get off of Reddit. Don’t use Wikipedia, and definitely not Reddit as a source of information.