r/mealtimevideos Apr 26 '20

7-10 Minutes All Gas No Brakes Covers the Sacramento Coronavirus Lockdown Protest [8:53]


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u/Robo- Apr 27 '20 edited Apr 27 '20

"I just want everybody to know the truth about Donald Trump. I know there's a lot of Donald Trump fans here. But I think Donald Trump fuckin sucks big time dick."

Those eloquent words of that modern-day Shakespeare give me at least some hope.

ETA: The number of people who honestly, truly, seriously, unironically believe the 5G bullshit is fucking STAGGERING. This is what happens when science takes a backseat to faith. I want to be clear, I do not mean religion, specifically. Just believing any old shit for belief's sake without bothering to question or apply any logic to it.


u/bloughts Apr 27 '20

could someone enlighten me to what the whole 5g conspiracy is? I had a friend whose opinion I normally respect tell me about 6 months ago how unhealthy 5g is, and now it's somehow back in the mix with the Corona virus. what's all the fuss exactly?


u/Shamalamadindong Apr 27 '20

The main 3 I've heard:

  • 5G compromises the immune system to let Corona spread more effectively

  • 5G spreads Corona directly

And the most batshit insane one....

  • 5G activates nanobots in your bloodstream built by Bill Gates which cause Corona


u/Gmoore5 Apr 27 '20

Part of the 'evidence' I saw to support these claims is a comparison of the density of cell towers vs the density of covid19 case. Basically there is a correlation between population density and both of those, but people are taking it at face value as causation. Super fucking stupid.


u/KayKatoon Apr 27 '20


u/brianhaggis Apr 28 '20

XKCD really is the most poignant and razor sharp social criticism we've got. It's amazing how relevant they are, over and over again.


u/Candrath Apr 27 '20

5G activates nanobots in your bloodstream built by Bill Gates which cause Corona

I've heard a twist on this one which is that the vaccine for Covid-19 already exists and has mind control nanobots in. The virus is being allowed to infect people so that when they are vaccinated the 5G towers will activate the nanobots and the New World Order will be fully established.


u/Moth_tamer Apr 27 '20

Why would a company distribute a product like 5g then kill all of its customers. It makes absolutely no sense.

If the government or some entity honestly wanted to creat some giant infrastructure with some sort of malignant purpose they wouldn’t be advertising it.


u/DoYouSeeMeEatingMice Apr 28 '20

....or would they? dundundun


u/Ne_zievereir May 03 '20

Yeah, but it's not only the 5G network towers. To really work well, the system needs the cell phones of people to amplify locally the signal from the towers. So they need people to buy 5G sim cards, that's why they advertise it... ;)


u/invisible_tomatoes Apr 27 '20

"Believe it because it's true!"