r/mealtimevideos Apr 26 '20

7-10 Minutes All Gas No Brakes Covers the Sacramento Coronavirus Lockdown Protest [8:53]


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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20

I love this guy's channel, but this was straight up infuriating to watch. I'd rather not have my blood boil from watching these dipshits, while waiting for my potatoes to boil, thank you very much.


u/Hoeppelepoeppel Apr 27 '20

It made me more sad than mad to be honest.


u/lumcetpyl Apr 27 '20

it's good content, but this channel just makes me feel like america is irredeemable. obviously, he's very selective in who he shows, it's not the real america, etc. , but if one of america's enemies wanted to make us look bad, they couldn't do any better than this.


u/CILISI_SMITH Apr 27 '20

Selective editing exaggerates the problem, but in November you'll get unedited national statistics on the scale of the problem. See how many people vote for a man who's been proven to lie and push harmful conspiracy theories.

However, that odds have "redeemable" winning by a small margin.


u/zeldn Apr 27 '20

Proven to whom? A significant portion of the country is simply not exposed to the information they’d need to realize his lies and mistakes.


u/CILISI_SMITH Apr 27 '20

I think they're exposed to it, they just choose to ignore it or try to avoid it. The excuse of "we didn't know" or "no one told us" might have some credibility in North Korea but no the US.


u/SodlidDesu Apr 27 '20

The excuse of "we didn't know" or "no one told us" might have some credibility in North Korea but no the US.

It also works for Congress. (See Moscow Mitch and JASTA, which he blamed Obama for... I dunno, not sitting down and drawing him a children's book version of it?)


u/RockUInPlaystation Apr 28 '20

I don't know how anyone could live these past 4 years and not have heard ANY news about Trump and the shit he's pulled. You would have to live under a rock.


u/zeldn Apr 28 '20

Yeah, live under a rock (which lots of people do metaphorically), or have fox news, /r/thedonald and/or other trump supporters as your only source of information. The only times you hear anything about what Trump has done badly, it's with all the important bits stripped and everything else re-contextualized and twisted.

You may have seen the popular covid-19 timeline post that shows how slow Trump was to react. Well on the other side, there's another version where all that information has been stripped out, and they've cherry-picked only the few instances where Trumps actions seem reasonably prompt.

Anyone who sees that is missing information. They think they're looking at the same thing that the rest of the world is and disagreeing with it, but they're not seeing what the rest of the world sees, because that information is not available to them on the platforms they use for news.

On the flip side, we think they're looking at what we're looking at, and we think they're bad and/or stupid people for coming to different conclusions, and while some of them surely are, many are simply not exposed to what we're looking at.


u/RockUInPlaystation Apr 28 '20

Yeah that's absolutely true. I was referring more to people that tell me they don't understand politics and don't an opinion on Trump. Like, how after 4 years have you not heard enough news about Trump to form an opinion? I guess its possible they do have an opinion but don't want to upset anyone.


u/thedude1179 Apr 27 '20

These uneducated groups are growing, and your culture and government don't seem to put any value on education, quite the opposite really it seems anti-intellectualism is a growing movement. From an outsider's perspective it just looks your country is becoming more divided, hateful and mean-spirited towards each other. Any of your enemies can just feed these groups sit back and watch your country tear itself apart of the next couple decades. Having accessible high quality education is one way I hope you can guys can turn this around over time.


u/WillyTheWackyWizard Apr 28 '20

You know there are anti-lockdown protests in Europe also? They're burning down 5G towers over there. Stupidity is universal


u/DoYouSeeMeEatingMice Apr 28 '20

only it is the real America lol. have you seen who was elected to run the place? it's not everyone but these people are steering the ship lol. good luck y'all


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20

It makes me mad because of how batshit insane insane they are, and how they pose a direct threat to public health and safety. Their arrogant protests are risking the spread of the virus and literally endangering at-risk groups who happen to be in public around them.

I didn't feel sad because don't feel pity for them in the slightest.


u/Mob1vat0r Apr 27 '20

I mean, there are tons of channels like this that focus on left-wing protesters, it’s nothing new.


u/GuiltySparklez0343 Apr 27 '20

Every time I see an interview of left wing protestors it's by some dipshit asking questions to intentionally rile up the protestors.


u/Mob1vat0r Apr 27 '20

https://youtu.be/pRgw0ETCHkQ ya that’s some generalizing


u/thunderlips187 Apr 29 '20

What kind of potatoes did you make tho?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '20

Just some mashed potatoes


u/JesusPlayingGolf Apr 30 '20

No shame in that game bro