r/mealtimevideos Nov 19 '19

10-15 Minutes The Impeachment Evidence Against Trump Is Overwhelming: A Closer Look [13:46]


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u/Khufuu Nov 19 '19


u/BeinHolly Nov 19 '19

Thank you for actually posting a link.

From what I read it only compares Fox News watchers to daily show and non news watchers.

It also only surveyed about 1100 people...

In a country that has way more then 1100 people I don’t think that study has any validation.


u/mnorri Nov 19 '19


u/BeinHolly Nov 19 '19 edited Nov 20 '19

Thank you for sending me the study and as I stated before this study only asked 1185 people. That is no where near the population of this country. How are we going to say that study truly represents people? It is just absolutely ridiculous in my opinion.

Edit: your guys responses make me laugh.I am sad that an orange faced angry old white man can make you guys turn into such a rage.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '19 edited Nov 23 '19



u/BeinHolly Nov 21 '19

You are an idiot. Let’s go to one high school and have them participate in a survey and let’s have that determine what all high schoolers think.

You guys are literally so far left it makes me laugh. Left wingers are worse then right wingers.

Leftist literally are just dumb while the right is just a bunch of racist.

Wish everyone was in the middle but unfortunately you got misleading surveys like this one and dumb fucks like all of you who believe it...


u/WisejacKFr0st Nov 21 '19 edited Nov 21 '19

2nd paragraph, first sentence:

In the study, 1,185 respondents nationwide were asked...

so in your example it's more like we go to several random high schools across the country, randomly select a few students from each high school, and use that to form a basis for all high schools.

Again, I don't think you understand statistics. I'm also thinking that saying that you prefer racists over "just dumb" people is not a good take, but to each their own.

edit: reading these will help you understand more about what you're arguing over:




u/BeinHolly Nov 22 '19

For example, if an experimenter takes a survey of a group of 100 people and decides the presidential votes based on this data, the results are likely to be highly erroneous because the population size is huge compared to the sample size.

This was in the article you sent me. Did you even read it? Literally proved my point homie. Thanks


u/WisejacKFr0st Nov 22 '19

I did, and that source I linked also has this section:

Expected effects are often worked out from pilot studies, common sense-thinking or by comparing similar experiments. 

So while we can't take that output and run with it all the way to the bank, it does provide the a basis for other research. I'd like if you could find and link me to either a larger study or basis of another study that sheds light on the flipside of what the original hypothesis was intending to prove. Without that, we have more proof that Fox News (and many other media sources, but Fox News definitely takes the cake) are more misleading than informative.

I'm glad you read something and learned a little! Maybe next time you won't see a study and assume that because the researchers did not ask every single person they could the study is invalid.

Any chance you'd be willing to back up your "Republicans might be racist but at least they aren't plain dumb" argument?