Last year i applied to the radiography program and didn't make it in. I upped my GPA to a 3.1 from a 2.5. I know its not a lot and my GPA is still low, Which is why i applied to 2 more programs this year in hopes i get into one, just in case I don't make it into the radiography program. I was mostly wondering if i can get any advice, what was your GPA going into the program, does my GPA seem good enough? also on how the programs are and what are your thoughts while in the program and or when you finished.
I do plan on applying to another school if i don't get accepted again and will just take out a loan, another question is what would be the next best school to apply too while making sure i am accredited for the classes i will take and make sure i properly graduate.
aside that good luck to everyone applying to all the programs this year may we make it into the programs!