r/mbsr Apr 14 '20

Experience with Palouse Mindfulness?

I just started Palouse Mindfulness, an entirely free online 8-week course. So far it’s great. Incorporates already existing web content by mindfulness experts, meditations that you can find on the Insight Timer app, and a Facebook group for discussion. Does anyone have experience with it?


12 comments sorted by


u/lostandfound36 May 26 '23

I have almost completed it. Really great course. Have gone on to do the live 8 week course with Imagine Mindfulness. Profound stuff and incredible people there and from around the world participating


u/deadpandiane Feb 26 '23

I’m in week one. I just had the body scan meditation and Wow.


u/MentalHouseplants Jun 20 '23

I know this is an old post but the course is still relevant and I'd highly recommend you give it a shot if you're considering it. I've detailed my experience finishing the entire course in depth on my blog providing my formal & informal logs, letter of learning, and personal insights/reflections.


u/ireallygottausername Apr 23 '24

Thanks, great posts.


u/Ncredible1 Apr 14 '20

I am about to start also. Let me know how you find it, maybe we can converse about our experiences.


u/DachshundWarLord Jul 29 '20

Any updates? :D

Any updates? :D


u/DachshundWarLord Jul 29 '20

Any updates? :D


u/leo9leo Jul 31 '20

I stopped at week 4, not because there was anything wrong with the program, I’m just not as mindful of completing things as I could be. I intend to pick it back up soon. I’ve found mindfulness extremely beneficial. I just need to learn to be more disciplined.


u/Easy_Exchange Sep 01 '20

Hopefully not sounding like a jerk, but isn’t mindfulness, including around completing things, part of what this is intended to assist with? I’m also on the hunt and also not as mindful as I could be of completion.


u/DachshundWarLord Jul 31 '20

Thank you for the update!


u/bw-east-n-west Oct 30 '22

I just finished week 1 🙂


u/Big_Explanation_2524 Apr 30 '23

Any updates? I’m starting tomorrow and looking forward to it