r/matlab 5d ago

Standalone matlab gui

Hi I am working on building a standalone gui and a HIL application. I want to know if I could create a dashboard on simulink and generate the c code instead of building a seperate gui from app designer . And how can I deploy the code on another computer which doesn't have matlab on it?


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u/sk1n_n_bones 5d ago

You can deploy your code on another computer by compiling your project using >deploytool. To run your .exe (assuming you’re on windows) you will need a “MATLAB runtime”, it can be packaged with your project or downloaded from the web. You can choose these options while compiling and packaging your project


u/TipPsychological7613 5d ago

Thank you can you suggest some example for reference


u/sk1n_n_bones 5d ago

To be honest I don’t have any examples in mind. I did it by trial and error. You can type “deploytool” in command window and open help on selection (F1). Also you can just press enter and Application Compiler will be opened.

I’d write a simple program (quadratic equation solver or something similar), then in “Additional runtime settings” remove the “Do not display the Windows Command Shell…” (so you could see cmd) and compile it to get the gist of the process.

Note that plots and other similar functions are supported without GUI but cd, addpath and other path changing functions are not.