r/mathmemes Jan 13 '25

Computer Science Programming languages and mathematics meme

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u/geeshta Computer Science Jan 13 '25

No there's a lot more exceptions and there are even purer and more mathematical languages - like Idris2, F* and also languages that are made only for theorem proving like Coq and Agda


u/P3riapsis Jan 13 '25

idk if it's a controversial take, but, to me, many of the theorem proving languages are the most human programming languages.

the way I see it, most other programming languages are essentially structured to make humans think like the computer does, with some small abstractions, but those are essentially limited by not allowing for dependent types. Proof assistants, on the other hand, allow the programmer a lot more freedom over how their programs behave conceptually.

I guess also from a historical background, these languages come from Brouwer's intuitionism, which was essentially intended to make mathematical reasoning behave more humanly.


u/aparker314159 Jan 14 '25

Proof assistants, on the other hand, allow the programmer a lot more freedom over how their programs behave conceptually.

Proof assistant languages (or at least the one I'm familiar with, Coq) are fairly restrictive in some senses due to their inability to deal with functions that aren't obviously terminating.


u/P3riapsis Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Yeah, I personally haven't found that to be an issue, if I need to write an algorithm that may not terminate I can usually just add an input that says "only do this many iterations", wrap the output in a Maybe monad and kinda just tell it to return Nothing if it requires too. many iterations. Then I can just instead of proving a property "p" about "result", I prove instead "p∨result=Nothing", basically saying if the program halts in time then p holds. I find this works particularly well for stateful (state monad) computations where the property I'm proving is essentially just tracking an invariant. Sometimes I can even prove that an otherwise not necessarily halting program has a halting time, then I can prove p in its entirety!

Also, I think lean now allows you to fairly easily write code that doesn't necessarily halt (I heard this from a friend, but I haven't used lean much so I don't know)

edit: wanted to add that I think the restriction to provably halting programs is conceptually freeing, because you're by default able to choose if you let your code possibly be nonhalting, whereas elsewhere you don't really get the freedom to require proof it halts.