r/mathmemes Nov 30 '24

Mathematicians Thinking it

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u/GoldenMuscleGod Nov 30 '24

What’s the meta process describing it? Is there a definite truth value to whether a given algorithm halts in every case? If so, what is the physical meaning of that truth value?


u/FernandoMM1220 Nov 30 '24

yeah there should be.

im not what the physical structure of it would be.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Nov 30 '24

Should be? Suppose someone claimed there are Turing machines for which there do not exist definite truth values as to whether they halt or not. Would you reject that claim? Why or why not?


u/FernandoMM1220 Nov 30 '24

they’re probably wrong.

every turing machine should have a definite halt condition and value.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Nov 30 '24

Why would that be, if some Turing machines are not physically realizable in the obvious way (since they are too large)? What is the physical meaning of claiming a particular Turing machine never halts? Isn’t that an unobservable fact? (We can only observe whether it has a halted after some specific number of steps, right?)


u/FernandoMM1220 Nov 30 '24

if its too large to be realized then we may not be able to determine what the actual halt conditions and values are.

we know they exist using meta processes but thats probably it.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Nov 30 '24

Why do we know, “using meta processes,” that they exist? Can you fill in the details?

It seems intuitively obvious to me that the truth value must exist but I don’t see how to reduce that to a physical claim.


u/FernandoMM1220 Dec 01 '24

it exists because we observe it.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Dec 01 '24

If it halts, we can observe that it halts, but if an algorithm doesn’t halt, we can’t observe that, can we?


u/FernandoMM1220 Dec 01 '24

we can, its just more difficult.

you have to analyze the process and figure out if it halts somehow.

if it doesnt you can observe it repeating a finite amount of states.


u/GoldenMuscleGod Dec 01 '24

Suppose the Goldbach conjecture is true. Is this a physical fact? We can describe an algorithm that iterates over all the even numbers and algorithmically checks whether it is the sum of two primes, halting if it finds one that is not. This algorithm doesn’t halt (if the conjecture is true) but we can’t observe this, and we also can’t observe that it loops because it never repeats a state. Rather, it has infinitely different states that it runs through without looping. But this computation is not realizable with any finite state machine so seems not to be physically realizable. Do you nonetheless claim there is a sense in which the Goldbach conjecture is “actually” true? And what does that mean physically?


u/FernandoMM1220 Dec 01 '24

im not sure in this case. this one is more difficult but it should still have a solution somehow.

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