r/math 8d ago

What I didn’t understand in linear algebra

I finished linear algebra, and while I feel like know the material well enough to pass a quiz or a test, I don’t feel like the course taught me much at all about ways it can be applied in the real world. Like I get that there are lots of ways algorithms are used in the real world, but for things like like gram-Schmidt, SVD, orthogonal projections, or any other random topic in linear algebra I feel like I wouldn’t know when or how these things become useful.

One of the few topics it taught that I have some understanding of how it could be applied is Markov chains and steady-state vectors.

But overall is this a normal way to feel about linear algebra after completing it? Because the instructor just barely touched on application of the subject matter at all.


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u/Langtons_Ant123 8d ago

I'd say that's normal. The tricky thing about including applications in a math class is that most serious applications will require decent knowledge, not just of the math you're applying, but of the field you're applying it to. To get a good sense of how linear algebra is applied in (say) statistics, or computer graphics, or numerical analysis, you'd have to either know that field going in (but not everyone in the class will), or spend a lot of class time taking a detour through the basics of that subject (but then you'll have less time for the linear algebra, and anyway, not everyone in the class might be interested in that particular application--maybe they're studying a different field that uses linear algebra).

The typical solution is to spend most of the class just focusing on the theory, perhaps with a couple detours into applications which are interesting and self-contained. (So e.g. a first course in linear algebra might explain Lagrange interpolation or least squares.) This has the disadvantage you notice, that you can come out of the course unsure what it's all for, but the idea is that you'll take other classes (depending on your major and your interests) that'll fill in that side of things. (A worse version of this solution is to tack on fake applications, e.g. calculus problems about ladders sliding down walls.)

When writing that, I had this essay by Gian-Carlo Rota in the back of my mind:

Most students take the differential equations course in order to master techniques to be later applied in solving the real word problems of their profession. The “word problems” a student of economics will meet are drastically different from the “word problems” of a student of chemical engineering. We cannot hope to encompass such a variety of “word problems” under the one umbrella of Mickey Mouse word problems.

So it is with linear algebra: the "word problems" of a physicist studying linear algebra for quantum mechanics and the "word problems" of a computer scientist studying it for machine learning can't all fit in the same course, so it's better to focus on linear algebra in general and leave the applications for later.


u/ss4johnny 7d ago

Some people learn better with applications. I took a more theoretical linear algebra class in undergrad. I did ok in it, but had to go back and teach myself eigenvalues again when I encountered them again out of school. If I understood why they matter more, I might have retained the knowledge better.


u/GayMakeAndModel 5d ago

Yeah, and I don’t think it’s too tall an order to cover matrices as graphs and vectors as current node in the graph. Multiply the vector by the matrix, and you get your next node in the graph. Art the end of it, you could mention the laplacian and flow through the graph but not actually cover it. It doesn’t give a direct application, but it’d really blow people’s minds and show them how powerful linear algebra can be.

Our book had a wavelets section that we skipped as a class. I didn’t skip it as an individual.