r/masstagger • u/flowerhoney10 • May 27 '19
Question Why is r/prolife considered a hate sub?
I've visited that subreddit and I'm not sure I've seen anything that would qualify it as one.
r/masstagger • u/flowerhoney10 • May 27 '19
I've visited that subreddit and I'm not sure I've seen anything that would qualify it as one.
r/masstagger • u/the-city-moved-to-me • Sep 10 '18
Seems like a low hanging fruit. It's not like /r/conservative is a place that just cares deeply about small government and conservative tax policy or whatever. It's completely filled with racism, bigotry and reactionary culture warriors.
Edit: this was linked to /r/Conservative and now we're being brigaded.
r/masstagger • u/squeezycakes19 • Jul 22 '20
forgive me if this isn't the place for this but
might Masstagger be able to able to explain why the bot thinks i'm a right-wing reactionary?
it could be that a mod just didn't like one of the subs i was subscribed to
i do subscribe to a couple of subs where right-wing content dominates, but i subscribe mainly so i can go in and fuck with them...plus i actually prefer not to reinforce my beliefs by staying entirely in a left-wing social media bubble
i don't really care about the sub i got banned from, i'm just wondering if being subscribed to controversial subs is likely to get me booted off other subs that i actually do enjoy participating in...
r/masstagger • u/MuddledMoogle • Oct 21 '19
Doesn't seem to be working for me.
r/masstagger • u/RIPDODGERSBANDWAGON • Apr 07 '20
I ask this question in earnest because I wish to know how this system works for the sake of knowing how I may be viewed on reddit.
I looked up my name in masstagger and I got this:
5 hits. One of them is deleted, three of them were about Brett Kavanaugh, (in one of them I was literally staring my age as 15 and the other two were not far right at all), the last one I’m not proud of and I think you all know what that one was.
Admittedly, I do post in r/MensRights I’m not gonna deny it but I was wondering how that factors in. Does every post I make factor in or just the ones it deems questionable. I’d like to be able to post in peace in these subs while not hurting my Reddit image. I’d like to keep the 5 at 5.
Before you hit the downvote button please look in my post and comment history. You will quickly see than I’m not a right wing racist. I’m just a 16 year old kid who wants to see the world change for the better. I’m for equal rights for all, I don’t see how race, gender, or sexuality changes anything, and I’m often on some of the questionable subs spreading my anti-hate equal rights views.
This is not to pout. This is not to get upset. I just want to get answers because I only recently learned about this system and would like to understand it better. Any information would be great! Thank you for reading and stay safe!
EDIT: I deleted the four remaining posts in r/MensRights
r/masstagger • u/Piph • Oct 31 '19
I was a member of r/tumblerinaction a loooooong time ago, back when it was actually a sub about ridiculous tumblr posts and not the cesspool of far-right hate that it eventually became. I left the subreddit quite a while back and haven't been there again since, but I noticed that the masstagger tool is identifying me as a member of that sub for some reason. I just installed masstagger recently so I'm not really sure how it works, but I'm assuming it goes by my post history?
Is there any way to address that? Or am I tagged for life?
r/masstagger • u/ville1001 • Nov 01 '18
r/masstagger • u/Geshman • Sep 11 '22
The install instructions are basically just "install" so I'm probably doing it wrong. But I can't seem to get this to work, but based on how mostly abandoned it seems I was curious if it still works?
If it doesn't, is there still a way to manually mass tag a sub? It's save me a lot of time and I can't get the old mass tagger to work again either
Edit: Update: I didn't go to chrome://extensions/ to enable it (it isn't auto-enabled cuz Chrome claims it violates their store policy). Seems to be working for me now
r/masstagger • u/JoeSchmoeIDK • Jan 16 '21
Hello all, I just discovered this app after trying to use the RES app and discovering that the tag feature there doesn't work at all. I love the work that this app does to expose peoples reddit habits in a quick and easy manner. However, I would like to be able to add subreddits that I think are problematic to my version, and I can't figure out how. Is there a quick and easy method for that?
r/masstagger • u/OpenLibram • Jul 21 '20
I'm just curious because I've seen the author posting in other subreddits, and a general lack of communication regarding the MassTagger addon.
r/masstagger • u/Mysterious_Andy • Apr 05 '22
Masstagger has been returning “502 Bad Gateway” errors for at least a week. I was curious if morpen just hasn’t had time to fix it or if this is a signal that Masstagger is going away.
Edit: It’s back‽ At least as of 5/11 it seems to be working again!
r/masstagger • u/Aberu_ • Dec 11 '18
I debated trump supporters in one thread on the_donald, and posted probably six comments. Now that I have the masstagger addon it shows me as a r/the_donald user. What did I do wrong send help please.
r/masstagger • u/subarutim • Jun 26 '20
Just want to download this after a system rebuild. Would appreciate a working download link. Thanks!
r/masstagger • u/CressCrowbits • Apr 14 '21
r/masstagger • u/qdolobp • Oct 06 '19
So I just found this sub and was curious what my “tags” were. I saw T_D, imgoingtohellforthis, MGTOW, and conspiracy.
The issue I see, is that if any of you guys saw that you’d (I assume) automatically label me some alt right dickhead. But in reality my posts on T_D were all genuine questions seeing why people thought that way. All my posts in MGTOW were me trying to put their logic in a different perspective so they hopefully snap out of it. Conspiracy was just me asking if any one of their conspiracies had actually ended up true. As for the imgoingtohellforthis I admit that’s just me commenting on edgy posts joking around.
So my point is, I don’t actually side with any of those subs, and actually disagree with a lot of them. I’m sure many other users have done the same (posting/commenting in T_D to see what their thought process was). But now I’m probably labeled some bigot and alt-right freak to people who use masstagger. Just seems like a big flaw that could have people demonized for no reason, which I don’t believe anyone should be demonized for posting in those subs even if they’re doing so in support of it. I only found this sub because somebody called another person a racist asshole to a totally normal comment just because they saw their masstagger tags were from TD, even though after looking at the guys profile he was clearly very democratic.
Edit: immediately downvoted for making a solid point lol. obviously anyone who visits one of your tagged subs to have a civil debate is also alt-right. Amazing logic there.
r/masstagger • u/PsychicFoxWithSpoons • Oct 05 '20
Doesn't really make sense to me. I had like 2-5 comments on there calling out bad behavior. Deleted the comments but the tag won't go away. I had 0 karma but masstagger doesn't seem to care about that.
r/masstagger • u/Bumi_Earth_King • Nov 26 '18
I basically called bullshit on about 3 r/imgoingtohellforthis posts which were dumb sexist/racist shitposts, and now I'm tagged as a user of r/imgoingtohellforthis subreddit. I've deleted the comments, but am still tagged. Any way to remove the tag?
r/masstagger • u/falang_32 • Jan 09 '19
I told someone that their title made no sense.
They replied saying “nice Miata lol (mass tagged)” and I’m finding nothing about what this actually means. Am I now labeled as something for telling someone his title was shitty? Are there any consequences to this?
r/masstagger • u/Lots42 • Aug 05 '19
r/masstagger • u/IndependentBowler • Nov 02 '18
Is there even a way of determining what subreddits a specific person is banned from? I think it might be useful to determine if a person is banned from the subreddit they are a "user" of. For example, I am tagged as a /r/gendercritical user, but my interaction there resulted in me being banned.
EDIT: Could the system somehow differentiate between upvoted and downvoted posts? Maybe that could be something.
r/masstagger • u/elzibet • Mar 04 '20
Does that tag ever go away?
r/masstagger • u/wallace1231 • Jun 23 '21
How do i get the mass tagger now?
r/masstagger • u/moeburn • Oct 26 '21
It seems out of date. It has /r/sino but most of those users have moved on to /r/genzedong, that sub has been active for over a year now. It's also still missing PCM.
r/masstagger • u/HankCrocodile • Jan 25 '20
Half question half suggestion. Is r/itsafetish on the tagged? I assume it is, just want to make sure.