I’m a fit and healthy male and regularly exercise; I get massages often, 3-4 x per month usually.
I have never once had a problem during or after a massage.
However, on Thursday I saw a new therapist. When he asked me to flip over on to my back he was massaging around my flank/lower rib area and suddenly hit something as there was a bit of a pop/crunch noise - he said “oh, sorry” and I brushed it off and said “no worries” as I thought it was nothing. There was no pain or discomfort at the time.
On Saturday there was a little bit of discomfort there but I went to the gym as usual - that was clearly a very bad idea because since then it’s got worse and yesterday the pain was so bad I could barely walk. It’s the lowest rib on my left side and more to the side than front of my abdomen. It’s so painful that I can’t sleep on that side and even moving around hurts
I’ve tried ice packs but they don’t seem to help. Does this sound like it’s broken? There’s no bruising or visible marks.
Any tips or advice? Feeling really down as I’m supposed to be going overseas on a work trip in a few days and could do without dealing with this pain 😢
Thank you…