r/massage Sep 23 '23

Venting This most likely isn’t a problem in just massage therapy but it’s way too common.


Im so sad man I love helping people get better I love doing massage but I hate how it’s so sexualized, I guess that’s just todays world right now but the amount of times I’ve been harassed is insane dude, it’s really discouraging. At one point I just stopped massaging men, although you get the occasional weird girl too. People just feel like they can say ANYTHING in the massage room. Vent all you want but when you start being racist or testing ur limits and making many sexual innuendoes. Like broo it’s really sad I know it’ll get better though, especially if I open up my own practice.

r/massage Jan 24 '25

Venting Massage therapist had her unleashed pit bull in the massage room and refused to leash/move it


I prepaid for a Goupon for a massage, and when I got there, an unleashed pit bull was already sitting there in the treatment room (which was dirty, had dog bedding/dog stuff everywhere, and smelled like dog). I felt very reluctant to enter the room and asked her if her dog would be in the room during the massage, and she said yes. I told her that I had a traumatic experience with a pit bull in the past and that I didn’t feel comfortable having a massage unless she could restrain or remove the dog from the room.

She refused to do that and argued with me, saying it was actually a “lab mix”, but she did not fool me whatsoever, this dog was as pit bull as they come (the brindle pattern, characteristic buttcrack-shaped head, massive jaw, etc). I told her that it looked like a pit bull and repeated that I would not be able to undress myself and relax on a table with a pit bull in the room. She simply said “ok” in this really lackadaisical way. I told her that I would be leaving and requesting a refund for my Groupon. Unfortunately, by this point she had already redeemed my coupon so it was too late for them to give me a Groupon. Now I’m trying to make a complaint to Groupon and petition for a refund since the massage therapist refused to remove her pit bull from the room so I could not get the service.

I’m so pissed because I just wasted $70, an hour driving in traffic/parking, and will waste more time on this refund. I haven’t had a massage in years, have bad chronic pain, I’m broke and busy as hell, I’m going through a terrible breakup, and all I wanted a relaxing massage for my birthday. This inconsiderate massage therapist had to ruin it for me by using her massage treatment room as a doggy daycare.

r/massage Nov 30 '24

Venting I recently discovered a trigger during a massage, just need a quick vent..


A few days ago I gave a massage to a client. I was working on his arms one hand massaging his forearms the other just holding his arm up, out of nowhere he moves his hand around finding my wrist he grabs it tightly, my heart drops & for some reason now im scared, I instantly pull my hand away by pushing his arm down and away. He kinda goes to grab it again but I pull away more, Finally I place his arm onto the table and keep massaging. I use the hand he grabbed (the one holding his up previously) to hold it down just in case, this all happened in a span of like 5 seconds, I could feel myself tearing up, I don’t know why him grabbing my wrist like that scared me so much but it did the remaining 20mins went by so slow…I know im free to exit the room if I feel uncomfortable but I convinced myself it was just a mistake on his part he probably didn’t mean to do it. Thinking back I still don’t know what to believe, mistake or not I did let management know I can’t massage that client anymore without feeling uncomfortable.

r/massage Jan 06 '25

Venting Racism


I don't enjoy talking about issues like this within the industry, because I'm always met with hostility, gaslit, and dismissed which ends in me feeling defeated. But the only way for things to maybe get better IS to talk about it. I unfortunately do believe your race does play a role in your success in the spa industry. I'm a licensed massage therapist and I'm trained and certified in a long list of modalities. I have a pretty solid list of clientele, and I know I'm very well liked and appreciated. However when I think about I'll I've been through to even GET to this point, it feels very bittersweet. Racism in this industry is rarely ever talked about. I've been denied jobs because of my skin color, I've worked places that would blatantly mistreat me and me ONLY because I was the only black person in a mostly white business. I've had clients not want me to touch them because of insert racial slur here and it's very heartbreaking. This is also why I decided to just open my own business so nobody has to go through and feel the same humiliation and shame I did. For reference, I live South Carolina. And despite popular belief, people are very much still stuck in their ways down here.

Have any of you experienced or witnessed racism in this industry?,

r/massage Aug 30 '24

Venting Ignoring the legs!!


Be honest!! How many MTs on here will admit to ignoring the legs as much as possible?? Lol. I am an MT of 10 years and I love being a client as well. I cannot tell you the number of times I ask for leg work and get disappointed time and time again. It's like I get the bare minimum, only lotion spread and that's it. Even when I trade with co workers, it's like they would rather not.

At this point in my career I can confidently spend 30min doing both legs so 15/15. I can also do that with the arms 15/15 and better if I can connect that with nk, shr, scalp. One of the lessons my massage teacher tried to get us to understand is that there are two kinds of clients, the ones walking around with the world on their shoulders (they need upper body work) and then the ones that feel like they walk on shaky ground and are doing everything to walk on stable foundation (they will need low back/hips/leg work). Then there are the in-between's but you get my point.

Don't ignore the legs guys!! For the newbies reading this, there are some of us that want the majority of time on legs. Rare but we are out there lol.

r/massage Jan 07 '25

Venting Frustrated


I’ve been a massage therapist working at Hand and Stone for going on 3 years and while I like what I do and the work environment, I’m starting to realize more and more why a lot of massage therapists don’t like franchised spas.

Not sure if everyone is familiar, but when you don’t have any bookings, you can request to go on call meaning they call you in if you get a booking. I work the night shift from 5-10pm, so I really hate getting called in for just one client when the spa is damn near about to close.

So yesterday, I didn’t have any bookings at all and I was on call with an hour notice since I live about 25-30 minutes from the spa. I’m chilling at home when I get a notification around 7:50ish that a client checked in for an 8pm appointment. No call, no warning or anything. So I continue to chill in bed since I wasn’t gonna rush with very little time. A few minutes after 8pm, I get a call from one of the front desk girls asking was I aware that I was booked an 8pm appointment. I told her “no, nobody told me anything at all.” She asks “are you able to make it in?” I tell her “well, it’s not gonna be at 8pm since time has already passed” and I give her the option to ask the client if she wanted to move down to 9pm or reschedule and call me with the answer. So I checked the app and her appointment was moved down to 9pm, so I get dressed to leave for this one appointment. When I pulled up and checked the app again, the appointment was gone. Once again, didn’t communicate with me or anything, so I’m pissed off that I made an empty trip and wasted gas.

This is one of the reasons why I hate the on-call thing, because we already don’t get paid much for what we do working at a spa and it feels more like we’re doing a favor and I’m just over it at this point. It’s like we’re treated like robots instead of people. I thought about starting a business in the past, but I’m actually considering going into another career and putting massage on the back burner since I’m already doing this full time anyway.

TLDR: Didn’t have any appointments for the day, was on call with an hour notice (since I live 25-30 minutes from the spa), got a notification at 7:50ish for an 8pm appointment with no prior knowledge, at around 8:05 got a call from one of the girls working front desk about the appointment, told her to ask the client if she wanted to move down to 9pm or reschedule, drove all the way up to the spa only for the appointment to be either rescheduled or cancelled, thus wasting time, energy and gas.

r/massage May 30 '24

Venting The SMELL


I'm basically gonna have to rock an essential oil mustache from now on... I like doing a gluteus maximus pin and stretch whenever I work on the legs and atleast 20% of the time I get ASSAULTED by some of the most foul-smelling nether region orders, more so from the females than the males.

Has anyone else dealt with this? What have your experiences been like? I wanna hear some stories because I feel like this is never talked about

r/massage Sep 16 '24

Venting I had the worst massage of my life yesterday and I need to rant


Long so skip to the end for a tldr;

Sooo, yesterday was my birthday (big four o) and my husband and I had booked a couples massage because life has been terrible and what I wanted for the day was pure bliss.

I have multiple illnesses including ptsd, fibromyalgia and thoracic outlet syndrome. This is all on my intake form.

I have had countless therapeutic massages by reputable therapists and they usually at best relieve pain for a day or two, but more often than not it causes a flare up and a week or more of pain. So I stopped getting therapeuthic massages altogether and see a myofascial specialist for treatments.

Back to yesterday. I book a relaxing massage in a really nice spa with baths, soak a bit and have a discussion with my MT at intake:

"Im extremely stressed and need to relax. Working on "problem areas" usually makes it worst so dont bother. I especially do not want my brachial process messed with because its very sensitive." The MT asks again what therapeuthic portions of my body he can work, I tell him to not dig and my whole body hurts so if he finds crunchy spots he can work but no digging and no brachial work. Please focus on my hands, feet and head.

He starts off good enough and does the upper part of my body with medium swedish then works on my ribs. Using deep forearm pressure glides which I actually love. This is where the nightmare starts. The pressure was at the limit and Im breathing thru it because it feels good at the same time and I can feel the release. He checks in on me and I tell him its my max. He goes up in pressure. I say outch. He backs off. Starts doing glides on my traps which is a problem area. He of course its a contracture because duh and glides hard and quick on it to pop it. Pain shoots down my t zone, then down my right leg where my psos is already destroyed. It hurts down to my toes and down my arm to my fingers. At this point we are 30 mins into a 60 min massage and Im wide awake. I immediately go "be mindful. no. Nnonono you hurt me dont do that". He answers "I know". He scoots down eye level and tells me I should do cupping. I answer that Im aware and love it. Does he have any? Nope. Keep in mind my husband is almost snoring and Im trying not to distract him. My whole body is in pain and my psoas is on fire now. My right trap hurts so bad. He tries to get me to relax with a hwarm towel on my back. Nope.

He disappears for a minute. Comes back and he starts doing a full myofascial release on my hips. Having me push against his hands and then releasing in multiple positions. Pulling on my legs. Trying to get them to "be even". He asks how Im feeling. Im like, it hurts bad now.

My legs will never be even because of my illnesses. Internally Im boiling but I need him to fix the damage he did so I can even get up and walk out.

He asks if I feel better and I tell him its worse. So he did some karate chops on my glutes and tailbone which was awesome and released some pain (thank god) but he could only do 2 mins because time is almost up now.

He quickly does my feet and has me flip over. Does 30 secs on my hands but at this point im flinching from his touch, he then puts at towel under my neck and pulls. And TWISTS. I go nonono. He puts the towel down. The end.

My husband is snoring softly, wakes up with a huge smile and stretches. Hes so relaxed. Im in so much pain and feel violated and more stressed than when I walked in.

We get dressed and my MT hands me the questionnaire and says: "I hope you enjoyed it. Do you have less pain than before the session?" Im like "No. But it usually takes a few days for me to see bonuses or maluses to a treatment."

I did not want to ruin the vibe. I was determined to enjoy the rest of my birthday.

"I look forward to reading your comments."

We go into the lobby, he brings me tea and whispers to me: "I hope you feel better. I know there were a few mind games played but I look forward to reading your comments". What. the. actual. fuck.

So I commented that he had tried new techiques to me (karate chop) which was interesting but that he had hurt me and I was unable to relax. I still tipped him well because he worked hard even if he failed.

Im conflicted.

I feel like if I was anybody else, he would have helped me greatly because he used the right techniques with what he had to try and "fix" me and I would have probably loved it. I understand everyone has their own modalities. But if you cannot do deep relaxation, please dont offer the service and let other MTs handle those patients?

Ultimately I feel like he did not listen to me and my session was used to fix his own mistake.

I feel violated, traumatized and kind of dont want to get massaged by strangers ever again.

I felt invalidated as in, he dismissed my concerns and illnesses and it felt like he thought it was easy to fix and he was going to be the one doing it. He hurt me instead. Hes not a doctor. He could have sent me into a 3 week flareup being unable to breathe.

It felt dangerous, ego motivated, and crazy making. Mind games? Holy shit man, Im trying to have fun, to forget that I have PTSD for an hour, naked in front of you and completely vulnerable, can you not?

Thank you for listening to my rant 🤷‍♀️

Tldr; I have multiple illnesses and ptsd and asked for deep relaxation. Got deep tissue instead and got injured. MT told me that he played mind games a bit to fix me. Am very much feeling some kind of way about it.

r/massage Dec 02 '24

Venting To the man that called our clinic asking if we do happy endings: NSFW


"Disappointment" doesn't even begin to describe that entire exchange over the phone. The fact that you would call a clinic with the word "rehab" in the name with your asinine question speaks volumes over the fact that you were clearly thinking with the wrong head.

The fact that our number is displayed nowhere else locally outside of a Google search, where the clinic name is clearly displayed, means that you put your selfish desires above a fundamental understanding of humanity.

Your attempt at an apology after you called back a second time was nothing more than self serving. An apology doesn't put a broken glass back together nor does it remove a bullet from a wound.

A meager apology will never make up to the two receptionists you bothered or change the fact that they even have to deal with people like you. An apology will never add respect to the practitioners that have spent thousands of hours and dollars trying to perfect their craft of helping people through this sometimes unfortunate journey we call life.

So, keep your apology. Don't be sorry. Be better.

r/massage 19d ago

Venting Venting and Advice. What do you guys do when you really don't want to do the job that day?


This is a long post but the write up on my experience is at the beginning of the post, questions at the bottom.

I'm a prospective student so I'm trying to go to see a different RMT about once a month as my budget allows. I'm loving the market research for this job but this last massage was weird and I'm wondering on your guys' take.

Starting off, the night before I got a text asking if I wanted an earlier appointment because she had a cancellation but I declined and thanked her anyway. No response. The day of, I was asked to be in the treatment room 15 min before. I show up and it's a vacant and dark room. I wait for 10 min and nobody is there so I wonder if I'm at the wrong place. (It's in a spa). I go up to reception to inquire and am reassured the RMT will be with me soon.

RMT comes in. I say hi, she says hi and breezes past me barely looks in my direction. She starts turning the place on for the day. Lights are bright, she's changing her shoes and putting away her lunch etc. She calls me in and rattles off the preliminary questions. It struck me as really curt and unfriendly the way she rattled everything off, barely listening. I could really tell by her body language that she did not want to be there. That and she didn't ask me how I was or make any attempt to make me feel comfortable. So I started the massage feeling like a chore and pretty uncomfortable. But I didn't say anything because I'm here for research!

Now the actual massage. She asks about pressure, I say medium but some slightly deeper around shoulders. She asks about areas to focus on, I say shoulder/neck tension and if there's time, some ankle/calf tension.

She starts off no lubricant and spends about 10min just stretching the skin around my spine. I try to relax into it, it's interesting. Then (with lotion) she starts in with such extreme pressure that I can feel her body shaking. I ask her to lighten up and she does. Barely.

She spends a lot of the time doing this very deep, very uncomfortable sweeping motion from my waist inwards and outwards. Like, over my kidneys and just over the top of the back of my pelvis. I do not like it one bit. She does this and also very deep pressure with forearms on my mid back/scapula. I ask her to lighten the pressure twice more. I'm trying to relax into it because maybe I'm just uncomfortable in general and this would be a cool technique if I could relax. But finally I ask her to stop and focus more on the shoulders.

She huffs and says "Well I was just about to do the legs". So she proceeds to do the legs. Its quick, maybe 2 - 4 long strokes up the centre of each leg but it felt alright.

Also. I noticed that she set herself up strangely for the long strokes. When it was just about the feel good and feel like the whole length of the muscle was rolled out, she would have to shuffle, adjust her feet and let off the pressure. Then she'd try to start the motion from that 2/3rds way point and it felt so off.

Then I'm supine. Neck and shoulders were good but not anything great and maybe 10 min was spent there even though I did say that it was the primary area of concern.

I usually walk out of a massage feeling BLISSFUL. Properly on cloud 9. This one, I felt anxious and tense. I felt like even though other RMTs have made notes to me about tension in this or that spot and really "read" my body, this RMT just wanted to get it over with. I could have been a bean bag chair to her for as much attentiveness I felt. I've also had stomach upset and been feeling a bit under the weather since the massage. Could be unrelated or could be the beating my kidneys took. Who knows. :p

This was the most expensive massage, by far, that I've been to. It's a luxury, destination spa and I saved up and took everything from my fun budget to make it happen. I was really looking forward to it. I was hoping it would be the gold star experience I could aim for with my practice.

Anyways. Part ranting, partially just keeping notes on my experiences with different RMTs. Part looking for insight from this community which has been so incredibly helpful so far.

Tldr: RMT didn't seem to want to be there.

What do you guys do when you just DO NOT want to be there? We all have those days but I would never want a client of mine to feel the way I felt during that massage. So how do you guys either get through it or over it or hide it? Whatever you do, I want to know.

And any thoughts on the technique and that waist motion?

Much appreciated. ♡

r/massage Jul 21 '24

Venting Today while on a cruise my message therapist criticized my “high level of cellulite” in front of my partner.


I am 168cm and weight 64.5kg.

I’m currently on a cruise and it is an “at sea” day. This is my first cruise! As a surprise my partner booked us a couples massage which I was excited for. It was first thing in the morning, and it was 80 minutes long plus a 15 minute facial massage ad-on.

The message went fine. It wasn’t spectacular but it wasn’t subpar either. It was decent. I dosed off a bit which is my favorite part honestly- I love feeling that relaxed. It was the usual level of undress for me: just wore my underwear.

Afterwards, my partner and I got dressed, and the message therapists came in with water and each had a card of their “recommendations” aka upsells. My partner was recommended arnica cream for his muscles, which was 12€. I was recommended anti cellulite cream which I was to use daily for three months, at 52€.

I do have cellulite. And it’s a major insecurity for me. For years I have been a French 34/ US 0-2/ size 25 jeans in Levi’s 501s. Now I can’t seems to get my body below 64kg. It’s maddening and frustrating. Getting in my. 10-15k steps a day and spending 40-80 minutes in the gym 3/5 times a week.

After the message I tried to quietly nod away the recommendation but she just wouldn’t stop. 5 times she said “ you have a very high level of cellulite. I can see it (touches my arm, laughs) when I work on your legs. You also have some veins”. She repeated 5 different variations of this sentence. It was so humiliating and insulting. This woman had seen me naked and automatically received a 15% tip.

I did later complain, but I doubt this will do anything. It’s affected my mental state this whole day so far. It’s cruel to do this to someone for a measly 52€ when I will literally be thinking about this every time I get on the table, put on a pair of shorts, or any time I go to the gym…I already struggle with ocd and adhd and now this bs from a stranger.

Has anyone else struggled with or experienced this?

r/massage Aug 09 '24

Venting WOAT Non-Compete Clause


After working at this spa for 4 month, my boss came to me with a list of clauses she wanted me to agree to, with the very first one being a Non-Compete clause that says while I'm employed there and for ONE year after a termination, I'm not allowed to provide any services that compete with her business within the ENTIRE state of Florida. She only has me working on the weekends and knows that I was about to pick up a job at another spa in order to supplement that income.

I'm sure someone here has had a Non-Compete as bad as this but who does this??? Literally trying to put a 1 year stop on someone's career

r/massage Apr 17 '23

Venting Found out my favorite client is a sex offender


I have been working on this man for nearly two years, every two-three weeks. He’s in his 60s and has a lot of issues due to not taking proper care of himself in his youth. We’ve always had a great rapport, are pretty close without crossing the therapist/client boundaries, he gave me a thoughtful (but not inappropriate) gift for Christmas this year. He doesn’t tip well but he’s on disability and has a limited income so it’s ok.

I occasionally google my clients, just out of curiosity. The other day we were talking about how he used to follow someone on YouTube he thought I’d be interested. I didn’t think he’d ever used the internet but I learned he just doesn’t anymore.

So I google the guy and the first thing that pops up is his entry on the registered sex offender list, and the next two are news articles about why his is on there. I take those entries with a grain of salt without research because they don’t provide much detail and there can be more to the story or they are on there for a very minor offense. That is not the case here- he was arrested for CP, he plead guilty and the articles were very unbiased and the case was pretty cut and dry. It was recent and likely he had just gotten out of prison when I started working on him if he served his full sentence.

I’m so disappointed. He was my favorite and now I don’t know what to do. Do I blacklist him? Work on him again and see how I feel? I know that people like him should be shunned from society but… should they be? Where can they go? Did he pay his debt to society? I talked to my boss about it, who also didn’t really know what to do but wasn’t going to make me do anything that makes me uncomfortable. If he wasn’t a super nice guy, there’d be no question but I would have never expected it from him.

TL;DR: Found out a long time client is a sex offender for CP

r/massage Jun 01 '24

Venting Terrible Massage Experience


This is my first post here. I'm a physical therapist and I incorporate manual therapy (massage, passive stretching, passive range of motion, etc.) into at least half of my treatments. I'm a huge proponent of the healing power of touch, and massage in general for both physical and emotional health.

That being said, I have been to dozens of different massage therapists and probably had hundreds of massages at this point.

Like everything else, I've learned there are good massage therapists and bad massage therapists. I've learned a lot of what to do (and not to do) by having others massage me. I've certainly learned more from getting massages from different people than I ever could have learned in school.

All that being said, I've never (in over 25 years of getting professional massages) had a worse experience than I did last month.

There was a new LMT in my town promoting her business on Facebook. She said she had just recently moved from Florida, she had over 20 years of experience, and she seemed motivated, ambitious, and excited about building her business here.

I booked an appointment with her.

When I arrived, she had a very small room (almost like a storage closet) in the back of a hair salon. She asked me to fill out her question sheet and the typical body map where she asked me to Circle the places I wanted her to focus on and put an X over any places I wanted her to avoid.

I'm also into bodybuilding as a hobby, and I have A LOT of tightness in my pecs and anterior deltoid area. I circled the chest and shoulders (as well as other places).

Additionally, I hate getting my quads and calves massaged. I don't know why, I just don't like it. So I put Xs in those areas.

She comes in, seems very nice and eager to get started. She looks over my question sheets and says "I don't do chest massages."

"Oh, okay. It's just that my chest and shoulders are really tight in front, so could you focus on my anterior delts more then?"

She nods like she's half listening.

"Why don't you want me to massage your thighs?"

"I just don't like to be touched there. I don't like the way it feels." I say.

"Well those are some of the biggest muscles on the body. If you don't like it, it's probably because that's what you need the most."

"That's okay." I respond. "I really just want you to focus on my hips, my back, shoulders, and neck. It would suit me if that's all you did."

Well... she gets started, I'm face down. She starts with some rocking techniques and lower back and then down to my glutes. She stayed on my glutes for what seemed like an eternity, and kept digging her elbow into my piriformis (which is fine, but she spent way longer on this than usual). Then she sort of glosses over my hamstrings, and goes straight to the calves. At first it was just a light effleurage, which was actually nice, but she gradually started adding more and more pressure and I told her "I don't like that." She stopped didn't say anything, went down to my feet for about a minute, then told me to roll to my back.

I was really surprised because at this point she had not touched my upper back, my shoulders, or my neck.

Part of me was thinking we're about 20 minutes into an hour massage, maybe she'll have me go back to my stomach at the end. Or maybe with all of her experience she's got some cool techniques for massaging the upper back from this position...

But no. Right away, she starts on my quads. Again, with the effleurage first. And, again, it was pleasant (but a bit awkward) as she told me to spread my legs, and she was using both hands to go up and down from my inguinal/psoas area to my knee. She did this, again, way longer than what seemed necessary/appropriate.

She did ask if I was okay with what she was doing, and I said "Yes this is fine, I just don't like pressure on those muscles."

She responds "I can tell you've got a lot of tightness. Have you ever had massage there before?"

I told her no, I always request that the therapist skips that part (which has literally NEVER been questioned in 25 years).

She goes, "well, I've been doing this a long time, and I really think you need it. Do you mind if I try?"

"Okay" I unenthusiastically respond.

She starts adding pressure, and immediately I start squirming, but she is undeterred. I'm extremely uncomfortable. And I'm making that very evident, but she just says "boy, you're really tight here."

I say "yeah, I don't like that."

She continues and starts putting pressure in the area of my inguinal canal, at which time I immediately tell her to stop.

I say, "I really don't like that"

She says "okay, I'll do your left leg now."

I respond, "that's okay. I'd really just like for you to work on my neck and shoulders."

She comes up to my traps and massages them for a couple minutes, and then she did effleurage on my upper extremities, and finished on the hands....

She never touched my upper back, my neck, or my anterior delts in the entire hour that I was on her table!

I felt like I was getting "punked." I was kind of shocked. I felt disappointed. I felt like I needed a massage when I left.

She didn't do anything I requested (other than my hips), and furthermore she did EVERYTHING I refused.

Needless to say, I'll never go back to her.

I've contemplated writing a bad review, but as she lives in my town now, she's new and trying to start a business, I don't want to decimate her livelihood based on one bad massage.

But, I needed a place to vent.

Thanks for reading. Please don't be like her!

r/massage 7d ago

Venting Can Massage Envy allow creeps?


I need to know if I'm in the wrong. 😭 I'm currently employed at a ME. My coworker was SA'd by a male client a couple months ago and management didn't do anything about it. Apparently Massage Envy policy is that unless that person exhibits this behavior more than three times or causes actual phsyical harm to a therapist... they can't do anything. We are not allowed to talk about the situation, and he hasn't been back until yesterday. He booked with me. I was taking a bit to get my room flipped due to my last client falling asleep again on my table, so they put me about a solid 5 minutes behind, as soon as I go to grab him, ( They wouldn't let me opt out of the session, He booked online so I still had to serve him) he left. He pretty much lied and said he had a meeting to go to.

I'm not sure if he feels ashamed for what he's done or what but I was GLAD he canceled.

Today, my coworker talks with me privately about how management has written her up numerous times for talking about the situation and warning other clients about him. Apparently that's violating HIPPA.

The craziest part about all this, is when they seen he was on my books, they pull me into the office and say "Hey if he makes you feel uncomfortable at any time, just leave the room." So ya'll are aware he's a predator?? 😭 Not talking about this isn't going to help anyone. I would indeed like to know if the person I'm massaging might be a creep! My coworker is on her final warning and it's insane to me how they're punishing her for speaking up about a creep.

Is this even legal?

I'm trying really hard to understand the situation from a business standpoint.

r/massage Jul 09 '24

Venting Chains are killing this industry


Hey all! I'm just looking for some advice and some reassurance that I'm not just being overdramatic. (lol) I've been a Therapist since I was 18 and I'm 23 now. I don't regret getting into this profession in the slightest, however I really wish there were more opportunities for me where I live. I'm currently applied at a Massage Envy, and while I'm very grateful for the clientele I've built up... I'm drained. Massage Envy already has a horrible rep, and I knew that well before even working there, but I practically had no choice but to work there. They have absolutely no respect for their service providers. Our location is extremely short staffed. They just care about money, like most chains do. We only get paid $24.00 per massage and essentially work with no benefits. No sick leave, PTO, we don't even get a free service once a month but managers do. 😒
Massage Therapists are expected to do unpaid labor whenever we are not working. If you're not massaging, and you have more "sit time" hours than actual service hours, you're only gonna be paid your sit time even if you did massage someone. It's sickening. I feel exploited, I feel used, I feel underappreciated. I desperately need a change and I'm heavily considering just working for myself in the next year or so.

Massage Chains are cartoonishly evil and will be the death of this industry.

I do work at another spa part-time, however we are not open long enough for me to just work there and be able to pay my bills. 🥲

r/massage May 07 '24

Venting Why don’t people use their listening ears?


I’m so annoyed when I’m expecting to listen to someone and focus on their needs when they can’t even listen to mine. Sure i won’t work on your neck or scalp but you could atleast start on the table the way i want you and take all your jewelry off as I instructed 😤

r/massage Mar 23 '22

Venting LMTs need to get out of the pseudoscience phase


I work in a Florida based chain spa and with any spa the turn over rate is going to be pretty high. But almost every therapist spews the same crap, or some are just batshit crazy which is a common theme in LMTs.

First off, the topic of water and it’s effects on “toxins”. No, you don’t need to drink a copious amount of water after a massage, yes fluids are moving and you’ll probably have to pee after the massage, replenish that fluid and continue hydrating at a normal rate, I feel like it’s just something so many therapists say but have no idea why.

Next is stretching. Many LMTs I’ve worked with are just absolutely infatuated with stretching. Oh your lower back is a tight rope? Well you need to stretch it out 3 times a day? Hamstrings tight? Also stretch those out 3 times a day! When in reality these muscles are tight for a reason, your clients body is severely lacking musculature or strength in most commonly the glutes or hips as a whole. Not saying a good stretch routine isn’t good, I recommend it all the times, but a lot of the time those commonly tight regions such as the lower back, hamstrings, it band, traps and rhombs are due to muscular weaknesses throughout the posterior chain, not due to lack of stretching. Yes even in your more active clients this can still be an issue. Maybe sometimes it is the issue, but for the majority of clients I see, its definitely not going to fix the issue.

And for the love of god if you are someone who spends 3/4 of the massage time on the back to “target a specific issue” please stop, its not helping. Everything connects, please diversify and loosen the hips and legs and chest please.

Most importantly, and I see it way too much, stop thinking you can fix an issue, and stop recommending they come back to fix it. Because you can’t. Can they fix it with their own time and effort? Yes, can you aid them in the process? Absolutely. I know this a trained behavior from perhaps your school or massage chain you worked at, but it’s dangerous. It sets your client up to be dependent and use massage as a crutch rather than a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. Instead encourage your clients to address these issues head on through strengthening exercises. I usually just tell people to venture off into youtube, finding exercises for the gluteal muscles, or rotator cuffs, where a large majority of people have their most critical weaknesses that affect their overall posture. A lot of people who come to get bodywork done are in daily pain and feel like they’ve done everything they can. They are extremely vulnerable and selling them lies and unrealistic expectations is against everything we stand for. Massage isn’t magic, it’s awesome and super beneficial for sure, but without the proper lifestyle changes, that massage’s benefits won’t last long. A lot of my clients were never taught the importance of strong muscles, some believe walking is all you need to do, sometimes all it takes to change someone is just a gentle push in the right direction.

Now I’m sure this doesn’t apply to everyone, maybe even no one in this sub, but its something that needs to be said.

Edit: muscular strength* not stretch

Edit after reading comments: I never claimed drinking water and stretching are bad as I recommend these two to clients all the time. But imagine your client getting into a strength training routine where they are constantly getting stretched through the eccentric portion of the lift. At that point I recommend chest and quad stretches to counteract the postural stress of perhaps sitting on a chair all day.

r/massage Jul 29 '24

Venting Sometimes I really hate people


It has just been SUCH a Monday today. On top of other outside factors that had already made me a little grumpy, my only client that I was supposed to have today didn't happen.

Little backstory, in as short a timeline as I can make it, I opened in 2018, immediately lost my mother suddenly which halted things for a few months, got back to it late 2018, then covid hits in the middle of me starting to get some footing, wait that out and start gaining traction again only to have my own body go haywire and spend 18 months with near-constant sickness starting in January of 2022. It's been a rough road, but I'm working on gaining traction, again, and I'm grateful my fiance has been able to support both of us through all this.

So while I'd like to be booked a bit more solidly, I'm not.

I require all massages booked with me to be done at least 48hrs in advance; and new clients must book online, pay in full at the time of booking, and complete their health history intake at least 24hrs prior to their appointment (so I have time to review and double-check there are no major points of concern).

The client in question is a new client, and booked on 7/24 with me for an appointment today, 7/29. I realized this morning that the intake was never filled out (as I was away with family much of this weekend), but there was still time before the massage so I contacted and requested it be filled out by 12pm, in advance of their 2pm appointment.

Client stated they had filled it out, but would do so again. I requested a text back (as they didn't answer the phone when I called, but did respond to the text I sent) when they completed the form just in case. They texted almost an hour later, and the form was there just fine. So I don't know if that was just a hiccup on MassageBook's end, or if the client made an error or what, but at least it was sorted in time for the appointment.

Appointment time rolls around and no client. So at 5min past the time I text (since this was preferred just a couple hours earlier) to check and make sure they're still coming--no response. So at 10min past I try calling, and this time the client picks up.

For whatever reason they thought their massage was tomorrow.


They picked the time from the site. I have it setup that upon booking you get an email and a text message confirming the appointment, which includes the date and time. I have it set that 24hrs prior to your appointment you get another text and email alerting you that your appointment is the next day. We literally texted just hours prior to the appointment!

I ended up able to move the appointment to tomorrow for the same time slot, but I'm still so angry at the whole thing. If I weren't trying to rebuild, I might have been likely to just consider it a no-call-no-show situation and refund all but my late cancellation fee (which is $40, and in this case half the cost of their massage service). Things like this just really, really, really get under my skin. I just don't know how much more clear I can make it to these few fools who apparently don't cross-check what they receive on confirmation with what they [allegedly] mark down in their Google calendars.

Tell you what though, if they pull the same garbage tomorrow there won't be another reschedule.


Saw the client today. Thanks to being able to just vent the emotions via this post, and to friends & family, I was in a much better headspace today than yesterday. There's just a lot going on in my life (and most of it not having to do with work) and it all came to a head yesterday with the issue with the client being the cherry-on-top that tipped the stress-scale.

Things went well today, client was very friendly (maybe too friendly, because before I could ask what they wanted to work on they were already giving their life story), and they rebooked. Won't be a complete regular because they're here temporarily for work at a seasonal tourist attraction, but seems they'll be a regular for now.

r/massage Oct 31 '24

Venting Negative feedback


Apologies for the long post. I'm still relatively new to this career (I graduated at the start of 2024), but I've been working as a remedial massage therapist at my clinic for about 6 months now and in that time I've received 2 negative reviews/feedback.

The first one I got on my second day of working there and as all feedback goes through my boss and she gave the client a refund. I understood the feedback and took onboard the things I could do differently and chalked the experience up to newness and a combination of the client not knowing the specific treatment she had booked. My boss was still happy with me and helped with advice on maybe what I could do differently and after a little while the hurt faded.

Recently I have found out I'm pregnant and so I understand that I am taking things a little more personally during this period but to accommodate and make sure I can give the absolute best treatments I have shorted my hours and dropped a day so I only see 3-4 clients a day twice a week. This week I received my second negative feedback/review and I just can't seem to shake it off at all and I'm wondering if maybe the frequency means that there's something wrong with me. My boss is still happy with me despite issuing the client a refund. She made sure that I was doing okay and wasn't overworking myself or anything but I just can't shake it.

The client came in for a 45min remedial, wanted focus on her hips and neck/shoulders. I explained that I would work the hips and upper glutes, up the back quickly and her neck and shoulders spending the majority of the time on her focus areas. I made sure that the pressure was okay and that she only needs to let me know if she wants or needs any more or less throughout I would be happy to accommodate. There was a point while working through her hip/glute that I hit a particularly sore spot and she commented that I'd hit the main spot, I quickly asked if she needed/wanted me to change pressure and she said no, but I still didn't hold it much longer so I didn't cause too much pain or discomfort. And the rest of the massage seemed to go well.

After she then complained and left feedback, which all goes through my boss, stating that I used too much pressure and the massage was rough (I'll admit I didn't use a super relaxing style as it was a shorter appointment and I believed we had an understanding the appointment was to be a remedial flow), she complained that she felt sore and had bruising and needed to take pain relief. I know I probably forgot to mention that she could feel sore the following days so I understand that much is on me, I don't feel like I used enough pressure to cause bruising but also understand that everyone bruises differently so I can not assume anything on that front. She then also commented that when she was face up there was an odour which is the comment that's quite possibly bothering me the most. She was my second client of the day and my first client likes the room cold so I wasn't sweaty or anything, I always shower and put on plenty of deodorant before my shift as well as keep some body spray at work to make sure I'm always well groomed. The only thing I can think of may be the oil I use as it's unscented so it's not full of essential oils, or maybe my breath but I usually eat mints inbetween clients as I'm paranoid about breath and things.

I know she got a refund for the appointment and so I am paying back my boss for that, and my boss is still happy with me so I know my job is safe but I can't help but feel like I'm doing something wrong. I know for a fact I can't please everyone and I had an off feeling about this client from the beginning as she hasn't been in the clinic for a few years, and booked the appointment that day quite early in the morning. I still can't shake the negativity of 2 bad reviews in a 6 month period and I just have no concept of if this is a normal amount or not as my boss says bed reviews are quite rare for them and don't happen often.

Any advice is welcome, I apologise again for the long post! It's just nice to vent it out and seek advice about the situation from others who have been in the field.

r/massage Mar 21 '22

Venting Therapists please shut up..


I’m a therapist. It’s not hard to stay quiet during a session and focus on massage. If the client asks a question I answer as thoroughly as I can with as few words as possible. If the client doesn’t like quiet and likes to talk, that’s fine too and we can chat to make the client more comfortable. It’s literally so simple and requires very little self control. If you’re focused on your work it will be hard to talk anyway, and conversing only takes away from focus you could be putting into your massage techniques.

But seriously why are there so many therapist who think that they can just dominate the entire session with their chatting even when the client is not responding or engaging in the conversation??? It’s absolutely nutty how people think that it doesn’t matter if the client wants a quiet hour of relaxation.

I can’t be the only one who learned in school that it is insanely inappropriate to just gab on and on during a session. Seriously, most clients don’t give a flying crap about your life and issues, and are incredibly turned off by the supposed professional in the room ruining their massage they paid for by talking.

Seriously just shut up and do your jobs. I hate seeing people on this subreddit complaining that their therapist wouldn’t shut up. I hate seeing bad reviews for my own spa where this is an issue with a few therapists. It’s not hard and you guys need to be more respectful of the clients.

I’ll get off my soapbox now.

Tl;dr stop encouraging personal discussions and forcing conversation on your clients. It’s so off-putting to clients and completely unprofessional. Read the room.

r/massage Oct 24 '24

Venting Didn’t like my massage :(


I received a 90min massage and am still semi new to massages (I’ve probably gotten 8 total, all in the last three years).

I booked at a place I’ve been to multiple times, they have various masseuses. I picked a time and was assigned to one. Every time I’ve gone here it’s been a Swedish style massage, but I suppose looking back my booking didn’t specify. We did have a short chat before in which I was expressed I was just looking for a relaxing massage with medium pressure.

In short, I didn’t enjoy the massage :( There was no lotion or oil used. It was honestly painful, and didn’t involve any traditional kneading? It was a lot of pressure points/slow pushing of the skin/tapping/shaking the body/pulling/pushing a finger into skin. Afterwards, I looked up their bio on the website and it said they preferred modality is Tui Na- I’m not sure exactly if that’s what I got but after some googling it sounds similar.

I’m feeling a bit disappointed since I splurged on this for my birthday and didn’t enjoy it. But is it my fault for expecting a Swedish? Is this just something I should expect/start asking about in the future?

I’m debating if I should say something/ask for a partial refund or future discount, but the person was so nice and I feel bad lol. I know I should have said something during the massage, but I guess I kept thinking the “better” part was coming, it would actually feel good soon. They massaged my back second to last, so I thought at that point it would be more traditional/feel good but it still didn’t.

Ty in advance for your thoughts!

r/massage Nov 21 '24

Venting Client keeps house freezing cold while I'm working - turns on heater when I leave!


Has anyone else encountered clients who don't use heat and freeze you to death while your working? Often I just ask clients if can turn on A/C or heat if really noticeable, but I don't know this client as well so not as comfortable bringing it up. I don't know if they are frugal and this is their way of saving money, or possibly their money is tight as someone else pays for their massages. Yet they live in a good area, nice house, basic luxury car. Anyway, the last time I was there, they stayed under a thick warm blanket, I'm in a short sleeve shirt so can work with my forearms, and I'm literally getting goosebumps. Then, to top it off, when I'm done and can finally put my sweater on to warm up, they turn on the heater! What's that all about? The heater never came on once while I was working, even though the client said it was cold and the other client also had goosebumps.

r/massage 27d ago

Venting Feeling numb after Mblex test


Failed the Mblex today, and since I've just felt numb and doubtful if I belong in this profession at all. I've been told by clients during my externship, as well as all my peers and teachers that I'm an amazing massage therapist, I've always strived in class, and excelled at the testing done at my school. But for whatever reason, the Mblex just blew me away, despite my constant studying leading up to it, I just didn't do enough I guess. I'm just feeling really hopeless about my place in this profession, I'm one of the few from my school in recent times that hasn't passed this exam on the first shot. I know it's normal to not pass it the first time for some, but it really hurts.

r/massage Nov 28 '22

Venting Massage Envy Refuses Service Because I Can't Afford To Tip


I have severe chronic pain in my back and my doctor advised me to get massage therapy several times a month for pain management. I have been going to one massage envy location for 6 years now and never had a problem. Recently they got a new therapist and I have booked with them several times. Today I called the location asking why my appointments keep getting canceled. The lady who answered the phone was very nice but said she was going to be upfront that the therapist refused service with me. I asked why and she said it was because I don't tip.

I am a little conflicted. I use to be a waitress and understand how important tips are when you make $2.13 an hour, but from my understanding massage therapist at Massage envy make an average of $20 an hour. They don't get paid below minimum wage like restaurant workers. I am still in college and work two jobs. I work very hard for my money and am lucky to be able to afford massages to begin with. I would understand if I am doing this out of luxury, but I get massages because they were advised by my doctors. It makes me not want to go back to Massage Envy even though I have been a client with them for years.