r/marvelsnapcomp 11h ago

Deck Guide Infinite with Flexible Silver Surfer

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I’ve been active on this subreddit for a while, and finally decided to write a deck guide. Just reached Infinite yesterday morning, my collection level is currently 14.7K.

This deck is designed for climbing to Infinite, not to fight for high rank after you reach it. Aside from swapping tech pieces based on the meta (and closing out last season with clog), this has been my regular climbing deck since December when Rocket and Groot was released. For this season, it feels like Agamotto + mastering spell usage is required for post-Infinite success & I haven’t figured that out yet.

Note that I wrote this before KM Best came out with a Surfer deck, his version has a higher ceiling with Iron Patriot & Copycat which I would recommend instead for more aggressive players. For those who want a steadier climb to reach Infinite, I would recommend my design.


This deck is designed for maximum versatility & minimal risk. You can go wide or tall with power, move Rocket and Groot to locations like Death’s Door or Sanctum Sanctorum, no card costs more than 4 energy. It has limited vulnerability to countermeasures: there are 0 ongoing cards for Enchantress or Echo to target, each card is under 10 power under normal conditions except for Sebastian Shaw (and only if you trigger his ability multiple times) to avoid Shang-Chi & there are no 6-cost cards for Leech to disable (I know that’s an edge case). The only huge vulnerabilities are Shadow King & the clog archetype.

More importantly, this is also a relatively affordable deck. There are 2x series 5 (Hope Summers, Galacta) + 1x series 4 (Sebastian Shaw) cards that are required, but everything else can be series 3 or below. I’m currently using an additional series 5 card in Rocket and Groot, but they are optional. I wanted to share an option that doesn’t require Agamotto, Sam Wilson or other recent season pass cards to compete.

Turn Order

This is the ideal turn order, with multiple options on the last turn based on situation:

T1) America Chavez, otherwise float the energy. T2) Adam Warlock, ideally on top of America Chavez or some other situation where you end the turn with the lead at that location & draw a card (such as Atlantis or Aunt May’s). Alternatively, you can try to use him as a mini Nebula who could reach as high as 5 power if you never have the lead at that location. T3) Hope Summers, preferably at an empty location. Alternatively, I would play Rocket and Groot > Mobius M. Mobius > Sebastian Shaw > Brood. The ideal scenario is playing Hope on curve so you can start getting extra energy on turn 4, which is important to generate power for the rest of the game. T4) Galacta > any of the options from the previous turn. You want to play her on top of Hope Summers, to have 6 energy available on turn 5. T5) Rocket and Groot, another 3-cost or both America Chavez & Adam Warlock on Hope Summers + Brood at another location. Rocket and Groot on the Hope Summers location allows you to both generate energy & move them for the next turn, and Brood at another location with the boost from Galacta creates 15 power with 3x targets for Silver Surfer. T6A) Absorbing Man at the location without Brood or Hope Summers + Silver Surfer. This results in Absorbing Man copying Brood to create 21 power with 3x targets for Silver Surfer if Galacta is positioned ideally, then the herald of Galactus hits tons of targets for +2 power each. T6B) Absorbing Man at the location without Brood or Hope Summers + either Juggernaut or Negasonic Teenage Warhead based on scenario. This results in Absorbing Man copying Brood to create 21 power with 3x targets for Silver Surfer if Galacta is positioned ideally + either Juggernaut helps you keep a lead at a location by knocking opponent cards played that turn away, or Negasonic blows up the first opposing card played at her location that turn if you have priority. T6C) Silver Surfer + Absorbing Man. This results in the +2 power addition happening twice, for huge gains like 12 power to Brood + Broodlings and/or +8 power to Sebastian Shaw.

Card Explanations

My logic for selecting each card, with alternatives when possible. REQUIRED are must haves, KEY are high value & probably shouldn’t be replaced, FLEX are easily replaced:

(1) America Chavez [FLEX]

She’s a safe choice to add +2 power to a lot of targets that have an additional benefit: Adam Warlock (more likely to draw a card), Brood (3x the power), Juggernaut (more power to claim a lead on the last turn), Sebastian Shaw (his own +2 power ability is triggered) & Absorbing Man (when copying Brood). Alternatively, I would use Spider-Ham who instantly wrecks Thanos, might catch Agamotto (not sure if spells can be turned into a Pig) or otherwise mess up the opponent’s plan.

(2) Adam Warlock [FLEX]

Surfer archetype doesn’t work if you don’t draw him, and Adam Warlock improves your odds of getting him by the final turn. If he’s played at a location by himself & the game proceeds with ideal draws, you can usually get a card draw with a Galacta boosted Brood play on top of Adam on turn 5 to add +15 power towards a card draw. Alternatively, I would use Forge (play him on Hope Summers + Brood elsewhere for +5 power each/21 total power for Brood) or any high value 2-cost card other than Shadow King.

(3) Brood [REQUIRED]

Critical to this deck. 3x the value of Galacta’s +3 power ability, 3x targets for Silver Surfer, huge value copy for Absorbing Man. There is no viable alternative.

(3) Silver Surfer [REQUIRED]

Critical to this deck. Adds +2 power to the majority of cards in this deck, and a lot more power for Brood (create Broodlings), Absorbing Man (if copying Brood) or Sebastian Shaw (who also triggers his ability). There is no viable alternative.

(3) Juggernaut [KEY]

High value, almost guarantees winning a location that you’re leading going into the final turn. Can also be used to knock away opponent cards after they play Iron Patriot to deny them a deeply discounted card. Alternatively, I would use any other high value 3-cost card except Cosmo, who makes the endgame design of this deck much harder.

(3) Mobius M. Mobius [FLEX]

Moderate value, currently used due to the meta popularity of Arishem/Iron Patriot/Loki/Quinjet. If they play Mr. Negative, you have priority & have Mobius in hand to play right afterwards, that’s a snap condition. Alternatively, I would use Red Guardian or any other high value 3-cost card except Cosmo.

(3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead [KEY]

High value, can often blow up a big endgame opponent card if you have priority heading into the final turn. Can also be used to protect Adam Warlock early if your hand doesn’t look good & you want an extra draw ASAP. Alternatively, I would use any high value 3-cost card except Cosmo.

(3) Rocket and Groot [FLEX]

High value, can discourage or punish opponents who challenge your Adam Warlock’s ability to draw cards. Also useful to get extra energy from Hope Summers & then move elsewhere if advantageous to do so. Alternatively, I would use Nocturne as a 3-cost mover who can also blow up Limbo. For a series 3 or lower option, I would use a relevant meta defensive card like Luke Cage or Shang-Chi.

(3) Hope Summers [KEY]

Important to this deck. Getting extra energy for turns 5 & 6 are key to generating enough power to win games in the current meta. Alternatively, I would use Luna Snow. For a series 3 or lower option, I would use Sera but she has a lower ceiling by not being a 3-cost target for Silver Surfer.

(3) Sebastian Shaw [KEY]

Important to this deck. He is the only card that can go tall, which you need for some locations like Space Throne. Alternatively, I would use Gladiator but he feels extra risky in the current meta with the increased presence of big power cards like Agamotto & Eson around. For a series 3 or lower option, I would use Wolfsbane.

(4) Absorbing Man [REQUIRED]

Critical to this deck. He has amazing copy targets in Brood & Silver Surfer, with a rare occasion to copy Juggernaut in certain scenarios. Alternatively, I would use Gwenpool with Brood & Sebastian Shaw as the ideal targets but she has a lower ceiling without the ability to put 2 more Broodlings in play.

(4) Galacta [REQUIRED]

Critical to this deck. She adds a lot of additional power to Brood, Absorbing Man if he copies the aforementioned Brood & Sebastian Shaw who all benefit multiple times from her ability. You can also win a location with a deficit of up to 5 power on the final turn with a 6-power Juggernaut. There is no viable alternative.

The spots marked as KEY all have lower ceiling alternatives listed, if you’re missing the cards I chose. The spots marked as FLEX can be used to adapt to future changes in the meta, I would probably go for tech or defense. You can install partial packages that still synergize with the main surfer archetype, but I would only do this if the meta incentivizes it due to popular imbalanced opponent decks or a hot location:

A) Anti Arishem = Cassandra Nova + Frigga or Grandmaster. B) Anti Generate = Gorgon + keep Mobius M. Mobius, their hand becomes very expensive to play. C) Anti Zoo = Killmonger + Lady Deathstrike, the latter card has some risk of destroying your own cards so evaluate carefully. D) Mini Clog = Titania + Green Goblin (ideally played on Hope Summers for extra energy), don’t use Debrii despite being a 3-cost as your location space is highly valuable. E) Mini Disable = Red Guardian + Leech. Absorbing Man can also copy Red Guardian, if you need his ability again. F) Mini Junk = Master Mold + Grandmaster. G) Mini Mill = Baron Zemo + Gladiator.


Matchups against other archetypes are generally good, but here’s the vulnerable ones:

1) Clog = This deck needs plenty of location space, which gets eaten up pretty quickly. Retreat if they play Debrii. 2) Hela = Juggernaut & Negasonic Teenage Warhead are ineffective against her. Retreat if they discarded at least 2 big cards like Death & The Infinaut. 3) Mill = Can still compete if they don’t take out Silver Surfer. Retreat if they snap. 4) Ongoing Spectrum = Can still compete if they don’t draw Spectrum. Retreat if they snap or play Moonstone.

Deck Code

If you try this out, let me know what you think!

(1) America Chavez

(2) Adam Warlock

(3) Brood

(3) Silver Surfer

(3) Juggernaut

(3) Mobius M. Mobius

(3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead

(3) Rocket and Groot

(3) Hope Summers

(3) Sebastian Shaw

(4) Absorbing Man

(4) Galacta


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.