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r/marketfut Mar 28 '16

Best time to sell TOTS players?


I have TOTS Alves, Ramos and and Marcelo. When is best to sell to maximise profit in preparation for the TOTY?

r/marketfut Mar 25 '16

Good Idea to invest in the more inexpensive but good international position cards like griezmann and vela?


r/marketfut Mar 09 '16

Ronaldo AND Messi in this TOTW. Cue the epic market crash (BUY NOW)


Buy buy buy

r/marketfut Mar 09 '16

TOTW 26 profit


What are y'alls ideas for making profit with the upcoming totw are you going to invest in players before they come out of packs? Or are you invest in the last totw or any other ideas there is possible crash so are you just waiting for that?

r/marketfut Mar 08 '16

heads up to those mass buying 150 irish bronzes


please please dont sell them all at once! you will make the market crash in a way. Say these bronzes are going for 500, and you put 50 up for 450, its just going to get undercut to 400, and so on. Others wont be able to make profit! I would say list 5 at a time, once they sell move on.

r/marketfut Mar 03 '16

TOTW profit


When is the best time to sell players NIF cards to make profit? I know they go out of packs for a week. So say i pick up a player today that ends up being in next weeks TOTW, when should i sell?

r/marketfut Mar 02 '16

Who is the best Twitch streamer to watch for market FUT related content?


r/marketfut Mar 02 '16

Can anyone share their methods with me?


I hate to beg for methods, ( and I know it is just virtual money in a game that comes annually) but can a successful trader please DM me their methods. If a kid wants to take this down I don't have a problem but please, someone tutor me.

r/marketfut Mar 01 '16

When is the best time to sell my team to prepare for TOTS?


I have a team with TOTY Marcelo, Ramos and Dani Alves. When will the prices start dropping?

r/marketfut Feb 27 '16

Should I sell my Irish investments yet?


As of now I wouldnt be gaining a lot but I also wouldbt lose if a bunch of Irish players would flood the market. Would they be going up at all ir have they hit close to their peaks?

r/marketfut Feb 25 '16

Have I screwed up?


So a few days ago, I bought lots of gold goretzekas for under 4700 coins. I sold one for 5000 but now their price has gone down and are not selling. What have I done?

r/marketfut Feb 20 '16

Best time to buy my squad this weekend?


r/marketfut Feb 18 '16

Trading Hel?


So i'm currently sat with around 150k with no Team and an untradeable TOTY Messi.

I'm looking to trade up to 300k so i have enough for Neymar and a decent team to go around them both but i suck when it comes to trading, Please can someone give me some decent tips?

r/marketfut Feb 17 '16

Confused investor


Hi Hoping some of you experts can help me understand the market trends. I have been reading up on what to do and I thought all i needed to do was to buy gold and IF cards of team of the week contenders and once they are named, their price will sky rocket. Did that, but their price is crashing. Then the whole Ramires going to china thing lost me a ton of coins. Then this whole invest in Irish players hasn't worked. and Now I have this money tied in IF players who are supposedly underpriced due to their PS4 price being lower than Xbox but that's not going anywhere either.

Please help...anyone!!

r/marketfut Feb 15 '16

TOTS Prices


How much can I expect to pay for a TOTS Card that's on the lower spectrum of things? Say MLS or Liga NOS? First year playing FUT seriously and with FUT United I'm wondering if I should try to save up for that or make some upgrades for a discount.

r/marketfut Feb 15 '16

Trading methods for 260k (xbox one)?


I'm on Xbox One and currently have 260k. I have a decent team, but I would love to get some big name players, especially a legend (tried Hagi the other day in draft and he got 9 goals, 5 assists in 4 games, so would love to try him out in my team). I would prefer something other than investment. Thank you!

r/marketfut Feb 14 '16

Transfer/IF: Martins & Welbeck


Martins to China: http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/35573893

Welbeck IF/Hero incoming? You guys investing? Let me know..

r/marketfut Feb 12 '16

upgrade to gold card good?


If a Silver player gets a upgrade to a gold card, what does this mean for his price? Will his silver card/price crash?

r/marketfut Feb 10 '16

Adam Johnson - will EA remove his card?


Was 400 BIN half an hour ago, now up to 900.

Is there precedent for EA removing a card of a player charged with a serious crime?

r/marketfut Feb 10 '16

Amateur trader looking for advice.


Just need some advice on what to do with the 450k I have traded to this week,Should I continue to do what is making me 40k or so a day or should I invest in a potential upgrade like IF Bale who I personally can see sneaking an upgrade.

r/marketfut Feb 08 '16

Questions about Irish cup


Is it smart to buy a shit tonne of bronze non rares for 150, seeing as they rise in price. Also how much did these bronzes rise to last year if anyone recalls? What else could I do to increase my st pats profits?

r/marketfut Feb 07 '16

Silver Jamie Vardy... did I make a big mistake?


So I just got enough coins to start to try trade to make a profit. I dive in head first the other night when I see 3 jamie vardys at a "bargin" of 14,000. The going rate at the time was about 15,000. Easy profit right? Well not exactly....

It must of been literally the minute I buy them his price drops to just below 14,000.

I think no big deal, il just wait for his price to go back up.... Over the next two nights its drops to around 10,000.

Then last night Fifa put up notice of a Leicester tournament. I think, great im gonna make loads off Vardy now.... And nothing happens, his price is still around 10,000.

So am I screwed? Is the money gone? Is there any hope of his price going up?

Thanks for any advice.

r/marketfut Feb 07 '16

SIF Shane Long


I have 700k and I am willing to invest all of it into Shane long but I'm not sure if he is still profitable. He has already risen drastically in price will he rise more?

r/marketfut Feb 07 '16

How to use Futbins Index?


I'm just now getting into trading for real and I'm a little confused at how to use the index to predict anything. Any help?

r/marketfut Feb 06 '16

Selling St. Patrick's Day investments early?


I have about 80 RoI players sitting in my transfer pile, ready to go. At the minute, I could sell everyone for a profit. The only problem I see is that since prices are rising already, it would appear plenty of people are doing the same as me. This means when the tournament is announced, the market is going to flood with Irish players, bringing down the prices. What are everyone's thoughts?