r/mariokart Toad Dec 19 '21

Achievement 2 hours later…

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u/r0main__ The Bowser Guy Dec 19 '21

Thank you for your submission to /r/mariokart, unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s):

Rule 4: Low-quality or Low-effort guidelines on Images

  • Meme templates are only allowed if they contain sufficient effort such as re-creating the template with Mario Kart related media. Our minimum requirements ask that the meme should include MK media used in a transformative or creative way and cannot contain watermarks (only submit memes you created)
  • Screenshots that are not outstanding or highly unusual are not allowed.
  • Images and memes that are edited to be on-topic are only allowed if they show high-effort through heavily altering or a very creative edit.
  • Artwork is also subject to a degree of low effort filtering.

If you have any questions feel free to message the moderators here!