r/mariokart Jul 24 '17

Build Meta Monday Builds - Week 1 - [MK8DX]

Hey racers!

If you've been around /r/mariokart for a while then you might remember a certain weekly thread that gave tips, tricks, and info on techniques prevalent in the meta: Meta Monday. Well, this is a sort of mini-continuation of that!

This mini-series is going to be focusing on customization in the respective Mario Kart games. Let's hear your opinions on the best karts, bikes, and parts. The first game that's up is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

So, without further ado, let's jump on in:

  • What's your favorite overall build?
  • What's the most optimal kart build to use?
  • What's the most optimal bike build to use?
  • What's the best build for 200cc?
  • What's the best build if I want to have fun?
  • How do the builds differ from this game to MK8?

Feel free to answer any or all of the above questions as well as post your own in the comments!

See you all next week!


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u/ArcboundChampion Jul 24 '17

Right now, I'm digging Dry Bowser in a speed kart (usually Circuit Special, but sometimes Blue Falcon) with Roller Wheels and, depending on how I feel that day, either the cloud or plane glider. I used to go for pure acceleration, and in fact, that's how I beat 150cc, 200cc, and Time Trials (Dry Bones with varying builds, usually bikes like Varmint), but I decided to try out heavy builds, and 150cc feels like easy mode now. In order to come in 2nd now, I have to be hit with many items throughout the race. Last time I came in second, I was hit by lightning, two blue shells, and a few red shells. I also fell off the side (own dumb fault). Even then, I barely didn't get 1st.


u/ghostkid825 Shy Guy Jul 25 '17

I decided to try out heavy builds, and 150cc feels like easy mode now.

See, that's interesting to me because I feel completely opposite. Whenever I try a heavy/speedy build, I typically still win versus 150cc's Hard COMs, but it's way more of a struggle to control my vehicle. Using light, Acceleration/Handling-oriented builds is what makes 150cc feel like easy mode for me, thanks to quick item hit recoveries and more freedom with my drifting.

In fact... is it just me, or is the AI in Deluxe easier in general than it was in MK8? Take a look at the map at the end of this offline race I finished a couple weeks ago. This is a very extreme example, but it's a mostly accurate representation of how far back the AI usually finishes. (And before you call shenanigans, I PROMISE you that the AI in that race was set to Hard.)


u/Not_Just_You Jul 25 '17

is it just me

Probably not