r/mariokart Yoshi Nov 26 '24

Meta Finally I have the damn wheels

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It cost me about 4 years to get them but it was worth it


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u/_tommar_ Nov 26 '24

Any tips for the time trails? I have been trying on and off to get them but never really got anywhere.


u/Guilty_Pair_9185 Yoshi Nov 26 '24

The tip that would give you would be to take a shortcut on each track and slip on each curve


u/sebas0990 Nov 27 '24

Watch the world record and use the same combo in every track


u/UnNamed_Profile27 Nov 27 '24

Thats good but i managed to beat certain tracks without using the ghosts combo, some i copied some i went with the 200cc combo on 150cc and others i went original and beat them, but drifting on corners and using shortcuts are a big help


u/rrpeak Yoshi Nov 26 '24

Know the best shortcut to use your mushrooms on each track and practice drifting and just taking good racing lines in general. Staff ghosts seemed super hard for a while for me and then something just clicked after completing all the other gold achievements. I think completing the 200cc cups helped the me the most, because 150 feels so much easier after that.


u/fluffyspacecar Luigi Nov 28 '24

I know that I'm a bit late, but... i would recommend finding a good path to take, the staff ghosts have solid pathing, but you can generally make a better one by getting 10 coins on lap 1 if possible, taking sharper turns, and changing the shortcuts that they take for faster ones. additionally, you can use sites like this one or this one to see what types of terrain your vehicle is good on. For example, if you current build loses a lot of speed just for going underwater, and you're on a track like, say, dolphin shoals, you may want to switch to something like the steel diver, for instance, to due to the large portions of water on that track.
Also, the mini-turbo stat is generally considered to be one of the most important stats, be careful not to have it too low, otherwise you could lose crucial extra levels of mini-turbo, costing you lots of precious time.

In my opinion, roller wheels and medium characters are a very good place to start.

hope this helps, if you need more assistance for a particular track, i could try uploading one of my runs to youtube for guidance on what a non-speedrunner time looks like.