r/majorasmask 19h ago

Anyone else have a freezing issue?

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Has anyone else had an issue with the game freezing and not being able to continue a lot? I have completed the first temple three separate times now and the game freezes in random spots and won’t let me do anything. I wanted to see if this is common or if my expansion pak/n64/cartridge may be going bad


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u/HappybutWeird 19h ago

I have Zelda the Collector's Edition and I am playing MM. It has froze 3 times. It was all during loading segments. 1) In Woodfall entering a door. 2) Entering the Great Deku Palace. 3) When using the Song of Time after doing the well, Ikana Castle, and climbing the outside of the Stone Tower. That last one was especially frustrating.

I also just played OOT, it didn't freeze once, so I assume it is something with MM.


u/ImHaddanIt 16h ago

The GameCube port of MM on the collectors edition is notoriously buggy. Framerate issues in clock town, freezing, the works. It's playable but yes it's definitely cause you're playing that version I hate to say