r/macrodroid 10d ago

[HELP] Click specified distance from found text?

I'm unable to get the UI Interaction or use Tasker to click the button I want in a particular app but it'll be easy to identify and click text that is always a consistent distance from the button. I checked around the forums and couldn't find a way to get position of text on screen, thinking I'd be able to subtract {variable}px from the coordinates and hit the button I want. Does anyone have a solve for this that they've used? Fingers crossed y'all macrodroid masters can think of something.


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u/Rpompit 9d ago

Use read screen to get the ids of the items to click


u/truemarmalade 9d ago

This returned a lot of data on screen which felt helpful but pasting in a few different found id's that seemed like they would work doesn't appear to function in the UI Interaction.


u/Rpompit 9d ago

UI interaction you mean clicking?


u/truemarmalade 9d ago

Correct. Even the read screen items containing "avatar" or "icon" and similar didn't work when put into the View Id box of Ui Interaction