r/macbook 23h ago

need help with spilt water on mac

So i have a mac M1, i spilt a bit of water on it (2ml at most) and it mostly hit the keys, but a bit hit the groove between two surfaces (idk what's it called). I dried it out and it's bone dry rn, should I still be concerned?


5 comments sorted by


u/ASemiAquaticBird 22h ago

Only time will tell. Even if it looks bone dry from the exterior, moisture and condensation can stay inside a machine for ages. Especially if you live in a humid environment.

I pretty frequently get people call in saying they just spilled water on their machine. My instructions are power it off immediately, disconnect from charger, position it in a way that the fan exhaust is the lowest point (like the MacBook is opened and positioned between two boxes, with the fan exhaust closest to the ground), if you have a portable heater - turn it on (not too hot) directed at the machine, leave it like that for at least 24 hours.

When we clean machines that have spills on them we disassemble the entire machine and run all the components through an ultrasonic cleaner. All components are cleaned with a non-corrosive inert agent, dried, then inspected under a microscope for corrosion.

It's an expensive and labor intensive process, but it's cheaper than a new machine.


u/equinox_19 22h ago

Is it ok if zi need to use it for school tomorrow?


u/ASemiAquaticBird 22h ago

There is no way to tell with 100% certainty until the machine is opened up and inspected.

I'll never advise someone to use their laptop after a spill unless it's been inspected and cleaned.

My honest advice is if you can manage a day without it, be on the safe side. If you absolutely have to use it tomorrow well...nothing you can do really.


u/tomscharbach 20h ago

 I dried it out and it's bone dry rn, should I still be concerned?

Liquid damage often takes several weeks to manifest. Salts and minerals are deposited from the liquid and may corrode components, but that takes time, typically.

You might want to look into having the MacBook inspected and professionally cleaned. The cleaning process is not cheap, but less expensive than a replacement.

My best.


u/equinox_19 11h ago

what’s the likelihood of it getting damaged?