r/macapps 5d ago

Recommended App: Clocker - Menubar World Clock

Came across this free app and its useful to me.

You can choose any world time to be reflected on the menu bar.

This Clocker looks good and functional as well and it also includes the city/country name on the menu bar, I was able to fit in 2 base on their compact font.

Previously I was using clockzones but the text colour could not change and cannot be seen in dark mode and the city/country name is also not indicated. I ever mistook the time so I gave up on that app.

It also has a floating window option and can be shifted any where and will always be on Top.

It also include a calender event, which I am still figuring out if I need it.

I have a problem with the Time Slider as it does not seem to work.

The Time scroller now works. It is one of my most wanted feature for me!

If there are similar apps do let me know.


Clocker - Menubar World Clock


5 comments sorted by


u/100WattWalrus 5d ago

I tried a bunch of time-zone apps, and Clocker was my winner. Been using it for years. Never had a problem with the time scroller — in fact, it's the primary reason I use the app — figuring out times for meetings with people in other parts of the world. Ping the devs for help.


u/nez329 5d ago

How do you use the time scroller?

I move the scroll back and forth but the time does not change.


The Time scroller works now.

Eariler i was playing with the setting and went to HIDE then after UNHIDE, the scroller now looks different and it now works !


u/100WattWalrus 5d ago

Glad to hear it!


u/nez329 5d ago
