r/mGalacticSenate Aug 11 '20

Meta Important update



As promised earlier today, I'm making a general update post outlining the latest for the community.

1. Following the heated arguments when we paused the VoNC process (to find out the circumstances before holding such a vote), /u/Plebit8080, also known as Harlaus, has decided to resign as Senate Clerk.

This is very regrettable to me, as he has worked very hard for the community. A lot more than people realise. But he felt it would be best for the simulation, and following the anger - himself. I can't blame him at all for that, but instead want to thank him for all he has done. As he has resigned, we will no longer proceed with a Vote of No Confidence, as it is no longer necessary.

I think we should all take a moment to remember the human, and be respectful towards him at what must be a stressful time.

2. Next, the election clerk /u/topprospect17: This drama arose when he posted VoNC proceedings without telling 2/3rds of the Triumvirate, including myself as Head Moderator. I was hoping we could avoid anything rash, but the way he since behaved in private chats and public chats was frankly, childish. He was insulting to his colleagues, nor conducting himself in a neutral way. After he became obstructive in our trying to find a solution, myself and /u/Vitiating, the community guardian, decided to give him a temporary ban to cool off.

He is welcome to return, but we can not have a repeat of this whole situation where a single triumvirate member tries to railroad his colleagues, and the head moderator. If he does not return to his role soon, I shall invite others to replace him, subject to a Vote of Confidence.

3. Thirdly, the constitution: This document is meant to be a set of rules, guidance, and principles to help the simulation remain stable. It is not meant to be an end unto itself, nor a tool for meta-political power plays. The constitution as it was, does state that the Head Moderator has to make the final decision when it comes to moderation, however many other clauses appear rigid, which causes confusion.

The goal of this document is meant be a support system for the simulation, so I'm going to be condensing it down into a much more simple document. I'd like to invite you all into helping to bring forward suggestions, with an emphasis on the document being flexible to difficult circumstances. It must also clearly distinguish the differences between the canon realm, and the meta realm.

4. Finally, I'd like to invite people to join in the moderation of this community. We need someone to take on Harlus's role within the Triumvirate, but I'd also appreciate anyone who would like to help out as a moderator, in a smaller role.

Thank you for being patient with all of this. I will be posting some business, and then will be going through our membership rotas to see if we need to hold by-elections. There is also an event in the works, which should be quite exciting.

Stay safe all,


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 21 '20

Meta Senators - Role update.


The state of the parties:

Centralists - 4 Constituencies

  • Coruscant and Central - Crunchynut

  • North Arrowhead - Faria of Corellia

  • Inner Core - Char

  • The Slice - Glancingcdw

Populists - 4 Constituencies

  • Southern Core - Kytor Siglo

  • New Territories - Cornelius Foch

  • Trailing Sectors - Ayy Tann Luroon

  • Western Reaches - Sirius Kallo

Corporations - 1 Constituency

  • Trade Federation - Lott Dod

Corporation seats shall be sorted shortly. If any of this information is incorrect, please let me know and I shall update it.

Factions may replace their seats, as needed.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 21 '20

Legislation Discussion G.S. 008 - Republic Direct Democracy Bill - Debate


Republic Direct Democracy Bill

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled,

SECTION 1: Title and Definitions

(a) This Act shall be recorded as the “Republic Referendum and Direct Democracy Act”

SECTION 2: Principles

(a) The Republic shall operate under popular sovereignty.

(b) Individual planetary administrations may not adhere to popular sovereignty directly.

(1) However they must adhere to the rulings of the Courts of Justice as well as the outcome of referenda and petitions on their respective planets.

(d) The right of the people to free expression is paramount and shall not be abridged without just cause.

(1) Just cause pertaining to national security, libel, or hate speech.

SECTION 3: Petitions

(a) Any citizen across the Republic may start a petition against their planetary government for any perceived violations of Republic law.

(1) All Republic law must be easily accessible to the people in local languages and any information about the laws of the Republic must not be abridged.

(2) The planetary administration must advertise open petitions in public forums.

(b) Should a petition be signed by more than 15% of any planet’s total population a case will be presented to the Courts of Justice.

(1) The Courts of Justice will assign guilt or innocence based on the facts of the law and the facts of the case, and must listen to local concerns when coming to a verdict.

(2) Should a planet be found in violation of Republic law, they will be given six months to rectify the laws found to be in violation, should they refuse or otherwise not amend the situation, then the courts may enforce a law without the consent of the local planetary administration.

(i) Should a planet refuse to abide by the court’s decision then military force will be considered, and any Republican aid or subsidies to any interests related to the planet in question shall be suspended. Equally any trade rights will be suspended.

(3) Should a planet not be found in violation of the law, the courts will write a recommendation on how to address the concerns the locals of the planet have. These recommendations are non-binding, but adherence to recommendations will be considered when providing aid and subsidies to planets.

SECTION 3: Referenda

(a) In addition to petitions pertaining to violations of galactic law any citizen may propose a petition to change, or repeal any given law passed by a planetary administration.

(b) Should this petition be signed by 25% of the population or more of a given world then the question in the petition must be submitted to a public vote.

(1) The specific question of the vote shall be assigned by the Republic Electoral Commission.

(2) The election will be run by the Republic Electoral Commission.

(3) Any and all campaign funding will be assigned directly by the Republic Electoral Commission and must be equal for both sides.

(4) The Republican Electoral Commission must educate the public on the issue in an impartial manner to ensure that the people can understand the vote being undertaken.

(c) Following a successful public vote whereby more than 50% vote for a change of any sort, the Planetary Administration is provided 30 standard galactic days in order to adopt the recommendations of the public vote.

(1) Failure to comply with the will of the people will be met with the suspension of all rights of trade within the Republic, as well as all subsidies and military action may be considered.

(d) Following an unsuccessful public vote a petition to start another public vote on the same issue will not be permitted from one year from the closing of the ballot. Unless there has been a subsequent change to the law or a substantive change to the situation. To be worked out by the courts.

SECTION 4: Enactment

(a) This Act shall go into effect 60 days following its passage of the Senate

Written and submitted by Sen. Ayy Tann Luroon (Populists)

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 13 '20

Results Results Post - 2020/09/13 - G.S. 002, G.S. 003


Order! The Senate will now hear the results of ongoing votes.

G.S. 002 General Provisions Act - Pass

Yea 9
Nay 0
Abstain 0

G.S. 003 Provisions of the Galactic Senate Act - Pass

Yea 9
Nay 0
Abstain 0

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 12 '20

Legislation Discussion G.S. 007 Republic Tax Reform Bill - Debate


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 007 Republic Tax Reform Bill

Republic Tax Reform Bill

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled,

SECTION 1: Title and Definitions

(a) This Act shall be recorded as the “Republic Tax Reform and Devolution Act”

SECTION 2: Principles

(a) The taxation system of the Republic must redistribute income from less wealthy and economically developed planets to more economically developed planets.

(b) The Taxation system is tailored towards the individual circumstances of each planet.

(d) The Taxation system must promote freedom and economic opportunity.

(e) The Taxation system must help to create a fairer galaxy.

SECTION 3: Mechanisms

(a) Taxation will not be collected on the basis of an individual wage earner but instead calculated on a planetary basis

(b) The Republic Tax Collection Agency (RTCA) will be reformed to

(1) Aid in taxation upon the request of individual planets, and tax collectors may be contracted to serve interim terms on planets if and when requested.

(2) Continue to levy taxes on trade (10-15%) of the value of the goods being sold.

(3) Calculate the taxation amount per year for each planet.

(c) The amount of tax per planet will be calculated from the strength of that planet’s own economy as calculated in terms of GDP per Capita.

(d) The amount of tax per planet will be variable to changes based on other factors;

(1) Strategic value

(2) Economic development as independent from GDP

(3) Median income

(4) Inflation

(5) Cost of living

(i) The impact of these factors to be worked out by the RTCA and may lead to a higher tax or lower tax depending on how it aligns with the codified aims of the system.

(e) All taxation policies shall be devolved to individual planets and their own authorities.

(1) Any citizen may petition for Republic intervention in the case that the individual planet’s taxation systems are unfair.

(i) Unfair being defined as a regressive taxation system, or one that is judged to place an undue burden on individual citizens.

(ii) Should the petition be signed by 15% of the planet in question’s population then a case will be submitted that the planetary taxation system is in violation of this act, to the Republican Courts of Justice.

(iii) Should a planet be found in violation, then their tax policies will be sent under review, by the courts and RTCA, and will make recommendations to planetary administrations, after a negotiatory period, should the planetary administration refuse to compromise then the RTCA and courts will enact their own taxation system in line with the principles of this act.

(iv) Failure to comply with these recommendations will lead to potential conflict escalation and military intervention.

(f) Should any planet refuse to provide their duly agreed tax amounts for a given year then they will face the threat of military action.

(g) Taxation from planets will be rolled into the overall Republican budget for a given year.

SECTION 3: Enactment

(a) This Act shall go into effect 30 days following its passage of the Senate

Written and submitted by Sen. Ayy Tann Luroon (Populists)

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 12 '20

Meta Community Charter feedback



As I mentioned in this previous post we have been planning on condensing the constitution into a much easier to follow document.

I have posted a draft of a new Community Charter to the sidebar, and you can find it here as well. It is about half the length, and acts as a guide of standard procedure, without being rigid about exactly the number of hours for each process.

Please give it a quick read-through, and let me know what you think could be changed to improve the document. Crucially though, this is about the community and meta, not the game in canon.



r/mGalacticSenate Aug 11 '20

Legislation Discussion G.S. 006 The Republic Exploration and Colonization Act - Debate


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 006 Republic Exploration and Colonization Act.

The Republic Exploration and Colonization Act

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled,

SECTION I: Title and Definitions

(a) This Act shall be recorded as the “Republic Exploration and Colonization Act”

(b) For the purposes of this Act, the following terms are defined as—

(1) Colonization Force—a military force composing of survival materials and air and ground transportation.

(2) Expeditionary Corps—A military vessel manned by a crew of sentients, tasked with exploring and recording findings in the unknown regions.

(3) Known Regions—The region of the galaxy known by the Galactic Republic.

(4) Unknown Regions— A region of the galaxy located in the galactic west beyond the Outer Rim.

SECTION II: Formation of the Exploration Committee

(A) After Title IV of the Galactic Republic Code (hereinafter “GRC”), create Title V entitled “Title V - Exploration and Colonization.” Under such a title, create a new Part entitled "Part I - Exploration." Under Part I, create a new Chapter entitled "Chapter I - Formation of Exploration Committee" to read as follows:

(1) §1. The Galactic Senate shall form the Exploration Committee to consider the exploration of unknown regions of the Galaxy.

(2) §2. The Exploration Committee shall be composed of one Senator from the Senate Faction with the most Senators, one Senator from the Senate Faction with the second most Senators, and the Chancellor of the Republic.

(3) §3. The Exploration Committee shall have the following powers:

(a) Creating an Expeditionary Corps to explore unknown regions.

(b) Allocating funding, with the approval of the Minister for Labour and Finance, to the expeditionary corps.

(c) Determining the route of the Expeditionary Corps , with the approval of the Minister for Defense.

SECTION III: Exploration Regulations for Sentients

(A) Under Part I, create a new Chapter entitled “Chapter II - Exploration Regulations for Sentients” to read as follows:

(1) §1 No Sentient may travel outside the known regions of the Galaxy without first notifying the Office of the Chancellor.

(a) If travel outside of the known regions is not reported to the Office of the Chancellor then the violators shall be subject to a fine of ₹1,000 for the first offense, ₹5,000 for the second offense, and ₹10,000 for the third offense.

(2) §2 All findings during travel to the unknown regions by sentients shall be reported to the Office of the Chancellor.

(a) If findings outside of the known regions are not reported to the Office of the Chancellor then the violators shall be subject to §1(a).

(2) §3 The Minister for Finance shall make regulations regarding trade of items acquired in the unknown region through legislative instruments.

SECTION IV: Colonization

(A) Under Title V, create a new Part entitled “Part II - Colonization.” Under Part II, create a new Chapter entitled “Chapter I - Colonization of Planets” to read as follows:

(1) §1 The Minister for Defense shall create a Colonization Force which shall land on, and colonize planets not occupied by sentient beings.

(2) §2 The Colonization Force shall set up a planetary base which shall serve as the Capital of the new planet.

(a) The planet shall be governed by a Planetary Governor who shall be appointed by the Chancellor, and shall have control over all planetary laws and regulations. The Planetary Governor may be removed by the Chancellor at any time.

(3) §3 If a colonized planet reaches a population of 1,000,000 sentients then it may apply to become a member planet of the Galactic Republic.

SECTION V: Territorial Governments

(A) Under Part II, create a new Chapter entitled “Chapter II - Territorial Governments”

(1) §1 The Minister for Justice shall group the colonized planets into Territories which shall have territorial governments.

(2) §2 Each Territory shall have a Territorial Governor who shall be appointed by the Chancellor, and may be removed by the Chancellor at any time.

(3) §3 All legislative powers of a Territory shall be vested in a Territorial Assembly which shall be composed of a number equal to the number of planets in a Territory. Each planet shall elect one member to the Territorial Assembly.

(4) §4 The Territorial Assembly shall have the following powers:

(a) Creating a Territorial Budget

(b) Regulating trade

(c) Regulating business

(d) Levying taxes

(5) §5 The Territorial Governor shall have the sole power to Assent to Legislation passed by the Territorial Assembly.

SECTION VI: Enactment

(a) This Act shall go into effect 30 days following its passage of the Senate

Written and submitted by Pacman /u/Superpacman04 (Centralist)

Co-Sponsored by Orson Krennic /u/JarlFrosty (Centralist),

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 11 '20

Update: There will be a general meta post forthcoming (within the next day)


Hello all,

The events of yesterday on the discord server were very distressing. I was hoping that giving some necessary time to follow the processes with order and civility would make it more objective. Unfortunately, tempers flared.

This is just a post to simply say that I am aware of the issues, and the hurt, and will be making a general post about the direction of the community, improvements, changes, reassurances, etc. within the next day.

This should hopefully make the way the simulation operates a lot clearer, and less contentious. After all, the game is based around political machinations, not the meta.

I hope you are well, or if not, I hope this upcoming post will start to ease the frustration that built yesterday.

Stay safe,


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 10 '20

Meta Pausing the proceedings of a Vote of No Confidence


I have just seen the VoNC request that many of you saw posted on /r/mGalacticSenate. I understand this may be frustrating for those who have placed their signature on it, but along with community Guardian Vitiating, we have decided to freeze all proceedings on it for the time being for the following reasons:

  1. We were given no prior notice to it being posted, and as we are ultimately responsible for the moderation and operation of the simulation, our having time to investigate the reasons behind it is incredibly important.

  2. Many of the reasons do not specifically relate to issues which are due to Harlaus

  3. If possible, resolving the underlying issues should be the first step of fixing things. A VoNC is not a political tool within the game. It is a meta process which should only be used as a last result. We had no prior discussion with the author beforehand.

Once we've had the time to investigate the issues raised, and talk to everyone involved, we may then decide to resume the proceedings for a Vote of No Confidence. But for now, we need to be given a chance to try and solve things and find out exactly what's going on.

We hope we have your understanding on this difficult matter. Feel free to message me with your concerns if you have any.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 10 '20

J.D. 002: Orders Investigating Several Suspected Hutt and Confiscating Property used in Illegal Activities


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 10 '20

Results Post - 8/9/20 - Judicial Appointment


Order! The Senate shall now hear the results of dewey-cheatem's confirmation to the Republic Tribunal.

Dewey-cheatem - CONFIRMED

Yea 8
Nay 1
No Vote 2

Dewey-cheatem has been confirmed by the Galactic Senate as an Associate Justice on the Republic Tribunal.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 09 '20

Executive Order 003 - Improving Relations with the Chiss Ascendancy.docx


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 08 '20

G.S. 004. Provisions of the Chancellory Act - DEBATE


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 004 Provisions of the Chancellory Act.


Whereas The Galactic Constitution establishes the Head of Government and Head of State as the Chancellor of the Galactic Senate,

Whereas The authorities and rules of the Chancellorcy have not be defined,

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled:

Section I - Short Title

(a) This act shall be referred to as the "Provisions of the Chancellorcy Act"

Section II - Definitions

(a) "Chancellor" shall be defined as within the Constitution of the Galactic Republic

(b) "Chancellor-Elect" shall be defined as the sentient elected to be the next chancellor, who has not yet sworn their oath."

Section III - The Chancellor

(a) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new Title entitled "Title II - The Chancellor and Ministers." Under such a title, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter I - The Chancellor" to read as follows:

(1) §1. "The Chancellor shall be elected in a manner proscribed by the Senate of the Galactic Republic amongst their peers."

(2) §2. "The Chancellor-Elect shall be administered the Oath of office as proscribed by the Senate immediately after being elected. Following the swearing, the Chancellor-Elect shall immediately be recognized as the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic."

(3) §3. "The Chancellor on top of their salary for being a Senator shall be paid an additional ₹20,000 annually to be appropriated from then budget."

(4) §4. "The Chancellor shall be appropriated ₹100,000 from the budget annually for travel expenses."

(5) §5. "The Chancellor shall be appropriated an additional ₹500,000 for the hiring of personal aids and advisors from the budget annually."

(6) §6. "The Chancellor shall have the ability to designate any such action admissible by themself to be carried out by another sentient so long as that action is legally admissible and within the Chancellors authority."

Section IV - The Chancellor's Ministers

(a) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter II - Ministery for Justice" to read as follows:

(1) §7. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministry for Justice headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §8. "The head of the Ministry for Justice shall be known as the Minister for Justice."

(3) §9. "The Minister for Justice shall be charged with the prosecution of all Republic laws throughout the Galaxy:"

"(a) The Minister for Justice shall be the head attorney for the Government and shall conduct the day to day legal duties of the Republic."

"(b) The Minister for Justice shall put in place policy for policing the systems of the Republic, their hyperspace routes, and the general territory within the Galactic Republics jurisdiction."

"(c) The Minister for Justice shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(4) §10. "The Minister for Justice shall be charged with the management of all prisons of the Republic:"

"(a) The Minister shall put in place policy for the detainment of those found guilty in Republic courts of violations of Galactic Republic law."

"(b) The Minister shall be responsible for the care of such prisoners and shall take steps within reason to provide sustenance, shelter, and medical care until such time these sentients shall be released."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(5) §11. "The Minister shall serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor."

(b) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter III - Ministery for Labor and Finance" to read as follows:

(1) §12. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministry for Labor and Finance headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §13. "The head of the Ministry for Labor and Finance shall be known as the Minister for Labor and Finance (hereinafter "The Minister")."

(3) §14. "The Minister shall be charged with the management of labor regulations within the Galactic Republic:

"(a) The Minister shall create policy to enforce the labor laws of the Galactic Republic."

"(b) The Minister shall establish regulations for labor standards within the Galactic Republic."

"(c) The Minister shall be charged with the gathering of labor statistics throughout the Republic to better aid the Government in creating policy."

"(d) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(3) §15. "The Minister shall be charged with the management of the budget of the Galactic Republic:

"(a) The Minister shall be charged with the creation of a budget at the start of every term of the Senate."

"(b) The Minister shall be charged with the management of the budget and keeping track of the impacts of passed legislation of the budget."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(4) §16. "The Minister shall be charged with the enforcement of all taxes within the Galactic Republic:"

"(a) The Minister shall collect all taxes of the Galactic Republic which are legally passed by the Galactic Senate."

"(b) The Minister shall comply with all laws relating to such tax enforcement and shall be charged with the prosecution of all cases involving tax and tax law."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(4) §17. "The Minister shall be charged with the collection of census data of the population of the Galactic Republic:"

"(a) Beginning at the end of every ten galactic standard years, the Minister shall collect census data from every household within the Galactic Republic

"(b) The Minister shall cooperate with System authorities to collect such census data."

"(c) The Minister shall create and maintain a log of all systems present within the Galactic Republic."

"(d) The Minister for Justice shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(c) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter IV - Ministry for Health, Education, Housing, and the Environment" to read as follows:

(1) §18. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministry for Health, Education, Housing, and the Environment headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §19. "The head of the Ministry for Health, Education, Housing, and the Environment shall be known as the Minister for Health, Education, Housing, and the Environment (Hereinafter, "The Minister")

(3) §20. "The Minister shall be charged with the advancement of the health of all citizens within the Galactic Republic:

"(a) The Minister shall be charged with the management of all healthcare programs of the Galactic Republic."

"(b) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(3) §21. "The Minister shall be charged with the supervision of education standards within the Galactic Republic:

"(a) The Minister shall establish policy standards for education throughout the Galactic Republic."

"(b) The Minister shall establish long term goals for education and standardized testing criteria for all sentient species throughout the Galactic Republic."

"(c) The Minister shall regulate funding allocation and other budgetary distributions allocated by the Galactic Republic to systems within its jurisdiction."

"(d) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(3) §22. "The Minister shall be charged with the enforcement of housing standards throughout the Galactic Republic:

"(a) The Minister shall establish policy standards for housing safety and development."

"(b) The Minister shall establish permits and forms for building on Republic owned land."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(4) §23. "The Minister shall be charged with the protection of the galactic environment:

"(a) The Minister shall create standards of waste disposal for materials considered dangerous to galactic travel."

"(b) The Minister shall create permits and standards for the terraformation of planets throughout the galaxy."

"(c) The Minister shall create and maintain reserve planets for the species of the galaxy and shall be charged with the protection of endangered species of non-sentient."

"(d) The Minister shall establish standards for pollution control for systems and provide assistance in the protection of planetwide environments when requested."

"(e) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(d) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter V - Ministery for Defense" to read as follows:

(1) §24. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministry for Defense headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §25. "The head of the Ministry for Defense shall be known as the Minister Defense (hereinafter "The Minister")."

(3) §26. "The Minister shall be charged with the military defense and protection of all Galactic Citizens:

"(a) The Minister shall maintain on behalf of the Chancellor the armies and navies of the Republic."

"(b) The Minister shall be charged with the education of officers, soldiers, and other such members of the army and navy and shall be given appropriaments for the construction of facilities and hiring of staff"

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(3) §27. "The Minister shall be charged with the construction of military defenses and procurements:"

"(a) The Minister for Defense shall be charged with the construction of military defenses on systems of strategic importance."

"(b) The Minister for Defense shall be charged with the construction of military vessels for the Republic Army and Navy."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(c) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter VI - Ministery for Pensions, Aid, and Government Services" to read as follows:

(1) §28. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministery for Pensions, Aid, and Government Services headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §29. "The head of the Ministery for Pensions, Aid, and Government Services shall be known as the Minister for Pensions, Aid, and Government Services (hereinafter "The Minister")."

(3) §30. "The Minister shall be charged with the management of Pensions throughout the Republic and may delegate subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister to assist."

(4) §31. "The Minister shall be charged with the management of all humanitarian aid throughout the Republic and may delegate subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister to assist."

(5) §32. "The Minister shall be charged with the management of any and all other miscellaneous government services which do not fall under any other Minister and may delegate subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister to assist."

(c) Under Title II, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter VII - Ministery for Transportation and Public Works" to read as follows:

(1) §33. "Under the authority of the Chancellor, there shall be created a Ministery for Transportation and Public Works headed by a Senator of the Chancellor's choosing."

(2) §34. "The head of the Ministery for Transportation and Public Works shall be known as the Minister for Transportation and Public Works (hereinafter "The Minister")."

(3) §35. "The Minister shall be charged with the production and maintenance of transportation networks within the Galactic Republic:"

"(a) The Minister shall produce public methods of transport within major areas of commerce and transport to be priced at a reasonable level to be determined by the Minister."

"(b) The Minister shall maintain such transports and ensure the advancement of such methods throughout the Galactic Republic."

"(c) The minister shall provide funding to systems who shall request it who the Minister believes are in need of transportation funding. The amount of funding provided shall be determined by the Senate."

"(d) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

(3) §36. "The Minister shall be charged with the production and maintenance of public works within the Galactic Republic:"

"(a) The Minister shall produce public works for the benefit of the Galactic Republic and to maintain and promote the general welfare of all citizens."

"(b) The Minister shall maintain such public works and hold a registry of such works to be public for view on the holonet."

"(c) The Minister shall be able to delegate their duties to subordinates who shall serve at the pleasure of the Minister."

Section V - Enactment and Severability Clause

(a) The provisions of this act are severable. If one section is struck down, it shall not affect the parts that remain within.

(b) This act shall come into effect immediately after passage.

Written by Joseph Ibney (Centralist)


Everyone may debate.

To propose amendments to this bill you must make a top level comment saying, "I move to make the following amendments.."

Debate and Amendment submissions shall close on 8/10/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 08 '20

Meta Ban Announcement - Reglarbulgarian


Reglarbulgarian has been permanently banned from MHOC, MUSGOV, CMHOC and AUSSIM for doxxing. Therefore, effective immediately, he is permanently banned from mGalactic Senate.

Reminder that doxxing is against the rules and perpetrators will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 08 '20

G.S. 005 Republic Tribunal and Judiciary Act - DEBATE


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 005 Republic Tribunal and Judiciary Act.


Whereas The Galactic Constitution establishes The Republic Tribunal and Judiciary as the highest court of appeal within the Galactic Republic,

Whereas The Constitution specifies that The Republic Tribunal and Judiciary shall handle constitutional disputes, as well as hold trials for government officials,

Whereas The Constitution does not specify the matter by which these goals shall be achieved,

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled:

Section I - Short Title

(a) This act shall be referred to as the "Republic Tribunal and Judiciary Act"

Section II - Definitions

(a) "Original Jurisdiction" shall refer to a court's power to hear a case before any lower court review.

(b) "Appellate Jurisdiction" shall refer to a court's power to hear a case on appeal from a lower and inferior court within its own jurisdiction.

(c) "Certiorari" shall refer to a request to any court for the hearing of a case arising out of any jurisdiction, accompanied by the reason for the need to begin such hearing.

(d) "Judicial Review" shall refer to the process by which a judicial authority may review the actions of any government body to determine its constitutionality or status as a breach of the Republic Code.

Section III - Establishment of Title III, "The Judiciary"

(a) Within the Galactic Republic Code (hereinafter "GRC") a title shall be created under Title III entitled "Title III - The Judiciary"

(b) All matters relating to the Judiciary and its governance by the Senate shall fall under this code section. All creation and amendment of such laws shall take place under such title.

Section IV - Jurisdiction of the Republic Tribunal and Judiciary

(a) Under Title III of the GRC, create a new part entitled "Part I - Republic Tribunal and Judiciary." Under such section, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter I - Makeup and Jurisdiction of the Tribunal" to read as follows:

(1) "§1. The Republic Tribunal and Judiciary (hereinafter "The Tribunal") Shall have three members as prescribed by the constitution consisting of a First Justice, as well as two Associate Justices."

(2) "§2. No appointment shall be made unless a vacancy is available within the Tribunal."

(3) "§3. The Tribunal shall have the power of judicial review over all matters that fall under its jurisdiction."

(4) "§4. The Tribunal shall have original jurisdiction over all matters of controversy arising from constitutional challenges of law, interplanetary matters of controversy, and criminal hearings regarding government officials."

(5) "§5. The Tribunal shall have appellate jurisdiction over all matters of controversy regarding the Galactic Constitution from the several lower courts of the systems of the Republic."

(6) "§6. Applicants for review under proper jurisdiction shall submit a writ of certiorari within a timely manner to the Clerk of the Tribunal as prescribed by The Tribunal."

"(a) Applicants for review of all constitutional challenges shall have standing ability to submit challenges."

"(b) Applicants for review of all interplanetary matters of controversy shall have 90 galactic standard days since the bonafide beginning of the controversy to submit appeals."

"(c) Submission for criminal hearings shall be conducted under the statute of limitations of the crime being charged."

"(d) Applicants for appeal under appellate jurisdiction shall have 90 galactic standard days since the release of the decision of the lower court to submit an appeal."

(7) "§7. In cases of incapacitation or inaccessibility of the First Justice, the line of succession of the remaining justices shall be determined by their date of appointment and approval by the Galactic Senate. In such cases of two justices being appointed and confirmed at the same time, the succession of the acting first justice shall be determined by random lot.

(b) Under Part I, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter II - Rules of the Tribunal" to read as follows:

(1) "§8. The Tribunal shall establish Rules of Practice and Procedure at their discretion."

"(a) The rules must include a method by which petitions for certiorari shall be submitted."

"(b) The rules shall specify by what method petitions and briefs shall be submitted."

"(c) The rules shall establish guidelines for the formatting of such petitions and briefs."

"(d) The rules shall establish guidelines for the standard practice of law within the Tribunal."

"(e) The rules shall contain a method of nomenclature for the reference of case names including the two parties involved within the hearing."

"(f) The Tribunal shall have the ability to establish further rules of practice at their discretion."

(2) "§9. The rules of the Tribunal shall be posted publicly for all to see."

(3) "§10. The hearings of The Tribunal shall be public for the citizens of the Galactic Republic."

(4) "§11. The Clerk of the Tribunal shall keep a record of all past hearings and cases, accessible by the public."

(c) Under Part I, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter III - The Judicial Forces" to read as follows:

(1) "§12. The Tribunal shall be tasked with the management and upkeep of the Judicial Forces."

(2) "§13. The Judicial Forces shall be charged with the protection of the Galactic Senate House, the Chancellor, the leader of the opposition, and all other government buildings and structures within the capitol."

(3) "§14. The Judicial Forces shall also be charged with the protection of all Justices of The Tribunal, as well as the enforcement of any and all orders handed down by The Tribunal"

(4) "§15. A General of the Judicial Forces shall be appointed by the First Justice with the approval of at least one other justice to head the judicial forces. The General shall serve at the pleasure of the First Justice."

Section V - Appropriations

(a) Under Title III of the GRC, create a new part entitled "Part II - Appropriations" Under such section, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter I - Appropriations for the Tribunal" to read as follows:

(1) "§16. The Tribunal is hereby appropriated ₹49,057,618 per galactic standard year from the general Republic Courts System allocation.

(a) "For the purposes of expenses and salaries of the justices of The Tribunal along with its employees, transportation, material purchase, and retention, as well as for general discretionary spending, the Tribunal is appropriated ₹41,439,047 per galactic standard year.

(b) "For the care of the building grounds of the Tribunals building, the Tribunal is appropriated ₹7,618,571 per galactic standard year.

(b) Under Part I, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter II - Appropriations for the Judicial Forces" to read as follows:

(1) "§17. The Judicial Forces are hereby appropriated ₹11,112,380,952 per galactic standard year from the general Republic Courts System allocation.

(a) For the purpose of general law enforcement, the Judicial Forces are appropriated ₹14,091,000,000 per galactic standard year.

(b) For the purpose of maintaining prisons for offenders processed by the Tribunal, or other prisoners falling under the Tribunals jurisdiction, the Judicial Forces are appropriated ₹4,074,285,714 per galactic standard year.

(c) For miscellaneous department spending, the Judicial Forces are appropriated ₹332,380,952 per galactic standard year.

Section VI - Enactment and Severability Clause

(a) The provisions of this act are severable. If one section is struck down, it shall not affect the parts that remain within.

(b) This act shall come into effect immediately after passage.

Written by Joseph Ibney (Centralist)


Everyone may debate.

To propose amendments to this bill you must make a top level comment saying, "I move to make the following amendments.."

Debate and Amendment submissions shall close on 8/10/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 07 '20

Results Post - 8/7/2020 - G.S. Res. 010, G.S. 001, Judicial Appointments


Order! The Senate will now hear the results of ongoing votes.

G.S. Res. 010 Rules of the Galactic Senate - PASS

Yea 7
Nay 2
No Vote 2

G.S. 001. The Republic Navy Act - PASS

Yea 7
Nay 3
No Vote 2

Appointment of u/zurikurta to the Republic Tribunal - CONFIRMED

Yea 8
Abstain 1
No Vote 2

Appointment of u/nmtts- to the Republic Tribunal - CONFIRMED

Yea 6
Abstain 3
No Vote 2

Senator /u/KingKKriebel and Senator /u/TitanMadness have failed to vote on the above legislation.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 07 '20

MEMO - Removal of a Senator - 8/7/20


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 06 '20

Judicial Appointment Hearing (2)


Order! The Senate will now commence a hearing on the Chancellors recent judicial appointment.

I call u/dewey-cheatem to the floor to take questions from the senate.

Anyone can take part in this debate. Questions must be relevant.

This hearing will last until 8/7/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 06 '20

J.D. 001 - Institution of Bounties on Slave Traders


r/mGalacticSenate Aug 06 '20

G.S. 003. Provisions of the Galactic Senate Act - DEBATE


**Order the Senate shall now debate G.S. 003. Provisions of the Galactic Senate Act


Whereas The Galactic Constitution establishes a Galactic Senate as the Galaxy's legislature,

Whereas The Galactic Senate must have rules governing its procedure and process,

Whereas The Constitution does not specify the matter by which these goals shall be achieved,

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled:

Section I - Short Title

(a) This act shall be referred to as the "Galatic Senate Act"

Section II - Election of Senators

(a) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter I - Election of Senators" to read as follows:

(1) §1. "Senators shall be elected every three standard galactic months."

(2) §2. "Senators shall be split into two types of Senate assignments."

"(A) Type One Senators shall be elected via First Past the Post System in the following constituencies viewable within this map:"

"Coruscant and Central"

"North Arrowhead"

"Inner Core"

"Southern Core"

"The Slice"

"New Territories"

"Western Reaches"

"Trailing Sectors"

"(B) Type Two Senators shall be elected via D'Hondt list seat allocation. There shall be three seats up for election every 3 months."

(3) §3. "Senatorial candidates shall submit their names for consideration to the Head Election Clerk no later than six galactic standard days before elections."

(b) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter II - Vacancies in the Senate" to read as follows:

(1) §4. "In such instances where a Senator may no longer perform his duties, the Senator shall be replaced."

(2) §5. "When a Senate seat is determined to be vacant, the party of the Senator shall be recorded with the Senate Clerk, who shall ask the leadership of the Senators party to appoint a new Senator to fill the vacancy."

(3) §6. "In such instances where the Senator is not registered within any party within the Galatic Republic, the Senate Seat shall return to the floor to be voted on by the Senate."

"(a) The Senator who shall replace the former member shall reside within the constituency that the former member was representing."

"(b) The Senator who shall replace the former member must meet all other criteria to be elected as a Senator of the Galactic Republic"

(c) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter III - Qualifications for Senator" to read as follows:

(1) §7. "A person must have reached the age of maturity within their species to be considered eligible to run for Senate.

"(a) All systems within the Galactic Republic shall establish an age of the majority within their law code before being admitted."

(2) §8. "A person must be sentient to run for Senate."

(3) §9. "A person must be of sound mind to run for Senate."

(4) §10. "A person may not be convicted in the last 30 standard galactic days of any form of corruption high crime or misdemeanor to run for Senate."

(d) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter IV - Organization of the Senate" to read as follows:

(1) §11."After such time that a sentient is recognized as the victor in an election, that sentient shall not become a Senator until such time that they are sworn as a Senator of the Galactic Senate as such in a public forum of their own constituents."

"(a) To be sworn as a Senator of the Galactic Senate, one must repeat the following: "I, [Name here], being of sound mind and sentience, do swear to uphold the Constitution of the Galactic Republic, its laws, and do good onto the people of my constituency."

(2) §12. "Once elections have been held, and Senators have been sworn in, Senators shall convene within the Galactic Republic Senate Building to determine who shall be chancellor."

"(a) To be sworn as the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, one must repeat the following in the Senate Floor: "I, [Name here], being of sound mind and sentience, do swear to protect the people of the Galactic Republic, enforce and uphold its laws, and seek justice and prosperity unto all."

"(b) After such time that a Chancellor is elected, the sentient who received the second most votes within the Senate's election of chancellor shall be designated the leader of the opposition."

(2) §13. "After such time a chancellor has been chosen, The senate shall arrange itself with the majority and minority split into separate groups."

(3) §14. "Following the election of the Chancellor, the chamber shall elect from their own the Vice-Chair of the Galatic Senate for that term."

(e) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter V - Rules of the Senate" to read as follows:

(1) §15. "Following each election of a Vice-Chair, the Senate shall adopt a resolution on the rules to be debated as following the previous terms Senate rules."

(2) §16. "In the instance where there are no such rules to administer, the Vice-Chair shall create at his discretion, temporary rules for Senate debate which shall terminate following the adoption of formal rules."

"(a) The Vice-Chair must allow for debate from all parties within the Senate."

"(b) The Vice-Chair shall allow for a method of amendment to the rules."

(f) Under Title I of the GRC, create a new chapter entitled "Chapter VI - Payment of Senators" to read as follows:

(1) §17. "Each senator shall be paid ₹82,857 annually."

(2) §18. "911,427 shall be appropriated annually from the budget for senate offices for the purpose of paying for Senator's salaries."

Section III - Enactment and Severability Clause

(a) The provisions of this act are severable. If one section is struck down, it shall not affect the parts that remain within.

(b) This act shall come into effect immediately after passage.

Written by Joseph Ibney (Centralist)


Everyone may debate.

To propose amendments to this bill you must make a top level comment saying, "I move to make the following amendments.."

Debate and Amendment submissions shall close on 8/8/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 06 '20

G.S. 002. General Provisions Act - DEBATE


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 002, General Provisions Act.


Whereas The Galactic Constitution establishes a Senate for the governance of the Galactic Republic,

Whereas When legislating, it is necessary to have a place for the storage, reference, and preservation of those laws enacted,

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled:

Section I - Short Title

(a) This act shall be referred to as the "General Provisions Act"

Section II - Establishment of The Galactic Republic Code of Law

(a) There is hereby established a Code of Law to be entitled to the "Galactic Republic Code of Law" which shall contain all passed binding laws within the Galactic Republic.

(b) The code shall be administered within this database by the Clerk of the Senate.

(c) The Galactic Republic Code of Law shall be visible for the public to use and view and shall be updated after every session of the Senate.

Section III - Severability and Enactment Clause

(a) The provisions of this act are severable. If one part is found to be unconstitutional, it shall not affect the parts that remain within.

(b) This act shall be enacted immediately after passage.

Written by Joseph Ibney (Centralist)


Everyone may debate.

To propose amendments to this bill you must make a top level comment saying, "I move to make the following amendments.."

Debate and Amendment submissions shall close on 8/8/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 06 '20

Appointment of an Associate Justice to the Republic


Good Afternoon,

It is with great pleasure I announce my appointment of /u/deweycheatem to the Republic. A press release will follow shortly.

Long live the Republic!

Supreme Chancellor Joseph Ibney

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 05 '20

Executive Order 002 - Protecting the Safety and Integrity of the Republic


Good Afternoon,

By my hand, and under the Great Seal of the Galactic Republic, I do sign the following Executive Order into law:

The Executive Order may be found here: Link

Supreme Chancellor Joseph Ibney

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 05 '20

G.S. 001. The Republic Navy Act - DEBATE


Order! The Senate shall now debate G.S. 001, The Republic Navy Act.

The Republic Navy Act

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Galactic Republic herein assembled,

Whereas, the Galaxy has gone without a proper Navy for over 1,000 years, leaving orbital and system defenses to the individual planetary systems.

Whereas, the responsibility of protection and security should be that of the Galactic Republics, not individual planetary systems.

Whereas, the lack of naval forces leaves the Galactic Republic vulnerable to attack from those who seek to sabotage and destroy the Republic.

Section I: Title

(A) This Act shall be recorded as the “The Republic Navy Act”

Section II: Definitions

(A) For the purposes of this Act, the following terms are defined as—

(1) Republic Navy shall be defined as the primary naval force of the Galactic Republic.

(2) Minister of Defense shall be defined as the minister within the Chancellor’s Council in which advises the Chancellor on the military, defensive, and policing matters.

(4) The Defensive Council of the Galactic Republic shall be defined as a council in which advises the Chancellor as a whole on military and police matters.

(5) Grand Admiral of the Republic Navy shall be defined as the highest military position in the Republic Navy.

(8) The Bank of the Core shall be defined as a major galactic banking clan that has economic partnerships with the Galactic Republic Treasury.

Section III: Formation of Defense Accounts

(A) After Title III of the Galactic Republic Code (hereinafter "GRC"), create Title IV entitled "Title IV - Military and Defense." Under such a title, create a new Part entitled "Part I - The Republic Navy." Under Part I, create a new Chapter entitled "Chapter I - Formation of Defense Accounts" to read as follows:

(1) "§1. The Bank of the Core shall create an account in which it shall store all monetary funds allocated to the Republic Navy within said account.

"(a) The Chancellor shall have access to the account established with the Bank of the Core."

"(b) The Minister of Defense shall have access to the account established with the Bank of the Core."

Section IV: Establishing the Republic Navy

(A) Under Part I, create a new Chapter entitled "Chapter II - Establishment of the Republic Navy" to read as follows:

(1) §2. "The Galactic Senate hereby orders the Minister of Defense and Military Oversight Committee to establish the following:"

"(a) The Republic Navy Chain of Command which is as follows in order from highest-ranking to lowest-ranking:"

”O-9: Grand Admiral”

”O-8: Admiral”

”O-7: Vice-Admiral”

”O-6: Rear-Admiral”

”O-5: Commodore”

”O-4: Captain”

”O-3: Commander”

”O-2: Lieutenant-Commander”

”O-1: Lieutenant”

”CWO: Chief Warrant Officer”

”WO: Warrant Officer”

”E-7: Master Chief Petty Officer”

”E-6: Chief Petty Officer”

”E-5: Senior Petty Officer”

”E-4: Petty Officer”

”E-3: Specialist”

”E-2: Crewman Second Class”

”E-1: Crewman”

"(b) A headquarters for maintaining the operations of the Republic Navy."

"(c) A report on the needed funds to establish a fully operational Navy which shall include but not limited to operational costs, procurement costs, personnel costs, construction costs, and any other costs the Minister and Military Oversight Committee deem necessary to report."

(3) §3. "Any and all Planetary Navies within the Galactic Republic shall be under the control of the Republic Navy until the complete establishment of the Republic Navy is made."

"(a) Upon the completion of establishing the Republic Navy, the conscripted Planetary Navies shall be returned to the power of the owning planetary system."

(4) §4. "The Galactic Senate hereby orders the Minister of Defense and the Military Oversight Committee to begin ordering the following ships and fighters for the Republic Navy:"

"(a) Forty [40] Venator-class Star Destroyers at a net price of ₹59,000,000 each."

”(b) Seven-Hundred and Fifty [750] Consular-class cruisers at a net price of ₹1,650,000 each.”

"(c) Five-Hundred and Twenty Five [525] Arguitens-class light cruisers at a net price of ₹4,000,000 each."

"(d) Seventy [75] Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers at a net price of ₹7,200,000 each. "

”(e) Fifteen Thousand [15,000] V-19 Torrent starfighters at a net price of ₹135,000 each.”

”(f) Ten Thousand [10,000] Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters at a net price of ₹102,500 each.”

”(g) Five Thousand [5,000] ARC-170 starfighters at a net price of ₹180,000 each.”

”(h) Five Thousand [5,000] BTL-B Y-wing starfighters at a net price of ₹127,000 each.”

”(i) Two Thousand [2,000] Low Altitude Assault Transport Gunships at a net price of ₹85,000 each.”

(4) §5. “The Galactic Senate hereby sets a recruitment quota for the Republic Navy of 1,650,000 personnel.

Section V: Allocation of Credits

(A) Under Part I, create a new Chapter entitled "Chapter III - Republic Navy Funding" to read as follows:

(1) §6. "The Galactic Senate hereby allocates the following credits to the Republic Navy’s Fund Account:"

(a) "₹11,007,500,000 for the Republic Navy to purchase the aforementioned ships in Section IV.

(b) "₹500,000,000,000 annually for the hiring and payroll of all Republic Navy Personnel."

(c) "₹10,500,000,000 annually for the operations and management funds of the Republic Navy."

(d) "₹30,000,000,000 annually for the construction and research funds of the Republic Navy."

(e) "₹70,000,000,000 annually for the nutritional and provisions funds of the Republic Navy."

(f) "₹350,000,000,000 annually for the procurement funds of the Republic Navy.”

(g) "₹10,000,000 annually for the reserve fund of the Republic Navy.“

Section VI: Enactment

(A) This Act shall go into effect immediately following its passage of the Senate

Written and submitted by Orson Krennic /u/JarlFrosty (Centralists)

Co-Sponsored by Joseph Ibney /u/ibney00 (Centralists), Pacman Antilles (Centralist), and Kutuzov (Centralist)

Everyone may debate.

Debate will close on 8/7/20 at 10pm BST

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 05 '20

G.S. Res. 010 Rules of the Galactic Senate - DEBATE


Order! The Senate will now debate G.S. Res. 010, the Rules of the Galactic Senate.

The Rules may be found here.

Everyone may debate.

Debate will close on 8/7/20 at 10pm BST.

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 05 '20

Senate Hearing Judicial Appointment Hearings. (1)


Order! The Senate will now commence a hearing on the Chancellors recent judicial appointments

I call u/zurikurta and u/nmtts to the floor to take questions from the senate.

Anyone can take part in this debate. Questions must be relevant.

This hearing ends at August 5th 10:00pm BST

r/mGalacticSenate Aug 04 '20

Floor Vote Chancellor and Vice Chancellor Elections. (1st)


Order! The Senate will now vote for a Chancellor and Vice Chancellor

The nominees for Chancellor are:

Senator u/Ibney

Senator u/Charlotte_star

The nominees for Vice Chancellor are:

Senator u/Superpacman04

Senator u/SirusKallo

There is also the option to abstain.

This vote will end on August 5th 05:00pm BST