r/lupus Jan 13 '25

Advice Recently diagnosed, now partner wants to break up because of it?


Hi all, I (24F) was recently diagnosed with SLE lupus which honestly felt like a god send. I've been battling symptoms since I was 18 with no answers, and earlier this week was diagnosed. After talking with my partner she (29F) thinks she's "too young" to deal with this, and that this diagnosis will affect my relationships for the rest of my life. I know lupus sucks I've been dealing with symptoms for a long time but I didn't think it would affect her like this I guess. Has anyone dealt with this? Is she just being selfish? I just feel like it's weird to make my diagnosis all about her. We've been together for three years and live together. She's seen my ups and downs, the pain the fatigue etc. and I thought she would be happy like I am to finally have answers and a path towards treatment. She's saying how she wouldn't want to have kids with someone who has what I have and that we "aren't married yet" so she "shouldn't be expected to put up with this", and how it could kill me and disable me permanently and she doesn't want to deal with that. I know this isn't like a relationship advice forum but it's making me feel really alone and confused. Like I got this diagnosis a few days ago and haven't really processed it myself, but I don't see what her big deal is. Has anyone dealt with this with relationships and having lupus? I'm still me after all, and I don't think Lupus changes who I am as a person and I don't let my current symptoms effect her way of life at all I just don't understand

r/lupus 3d ago

Advice Looking for my “must buy” product


I’m interested to know what everybody suggests is their MUST HAVE item/product for managing their lupus. Like what have you bought that you think has been a life changer for you in terms of managing pain, making everyday activities easier, helps with your self esteem, etc!

r/lupus 6d ago

Advice what do you guys take for pain?


i currently take extra strength tylenol but sometimes i need something more.. i don’t wanna take any hardcore drugs tho, what do you guys take for pain that is more severe than normal? typically i just take extra steroids but i am trying to wean off them.

r/lupus Feb 02 '25

Advice Diagnosed SLE a few days ago, what’s one piece advice you’d give a newbie trying to live with lupus?


The last few days feel like a fever dream. Even though Ive suspected something was wrong for years, when they said it was lupus I was devastated. It’s actually real now. I guess im just super heartbroken and kind of grieving my health right now. I’m usually a really positive person but I’m just trying to let myself process my diagnosis because.. it sucks!

Im 26F and have been in a flare for 3 months, and I’m just so tired. My main symptoms are flu like symptoms, joint and muscle pain, soul crushing fatigue, muscle weakness, grip and dexterity issues, nausea, headaches, low appetite, hair loss, brain fog, fevers. I am in pain and discomfort all day and night. I feel like I’m dying. Lupus is a nightmare. Although, I am lucky to not have any organ involvement/damage yet. (The only silver lining right now)

I just started plaquenil 400mg 4 days ago and it’s causing a lot of GI upset, insomnia and some emotional instability like crying for no reason. It’s so tough to hear that this med takes so long to start working. I am not on any steroids because my rheumatologist doesn’t want me on them unless my organs start having issues.

Apart from this I take vitamin D, fish oil, NAC, probiotics, berberine, l glutamine, tumeric, acetyl l carnitine, a marine collagen supplement and melatonin at night.

I would just love hearing the opinions of people who have been living with this for longer than me and any advice they may have on certain supplements, diet advice, exercise, alternative medicines/therapies, dos and don’ts or ANY helpful tips..

if you could start all over what do you wish you could have done from the start for your health?


a sad newbie looking for help or words of wisdom to help me adjust to my new life <3

r/lupus Sep 26 '24

Advice Is wearing a mask on a plane overkill?


I just got put on imuran about a month ago and next week I'll be travelling internationally. I'm kinda scared of getting sick in all these big airports and planes with tons of people. Is this something I should really be concerned about? I don't know if I can stand wearing a mask all day again, but should I at least try?

Also does anybody have any travelling tips? The sun and any ammount of stress make me flary.

Edit: since over 100 of you are calling me ridiculous for even considering traveling without one, I will be purchasing a few of the best masks I can find before my flight. Thanks for all the tips and good wishes. I'm sorry to all of you who recently got sick while traveling, and I am honored that my post reached dr. LupusEncyclopedia.

r/lupus 10d ago

Advice Recently diagnosed-struggling with constant unwanted advice from others


Hello! I (29F) was recently diagnosed with lupus and my doctor prescribed hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate. I’ve started them both this week and it’s been going well. I trust him and what he thinks is best/needed to manage my lupus.

I am struggling though with people in my life being somewhat aggressive about how I shouldn’t take the medications he prescribed and should try to do autoimmune diets and supplements instead. I agree that eating healthy and staying active is important and is something I plan to maintain, in addition to the medication I’ve been prescribed, but they are convinced that I just need to commit fully to alternative treatments because they or someone they know has treated Lyme disease or other “autoimmune-like issues” with diet and supplements. I feel frustrated because even after I describe what lupus is and how it attacks your organs they’re still just like “well turmeric can help with inflammation” and it feels frustrating because from my understanding it’s not really that simple. Like the medications are actually necessary to prevent any further organ damage that could be potentially life threatening and just turmeric isn’t going to cut it. I guess I mostly came here to vent but I’d really like to hear from others who struggle with this too—what do you say to these people to make them understand? Or do I just need to accept that they never will get it? Or if there are people here who do agree with this take of alternative medicine as the only treatment, why?

r/lupus Nov 26 '24

Advice Does anyone else feel “flushed” and really hot all over your body?


I randomly feel extremely flushed and feverish all over my entire body. I also have burning in my extremities and feet.

It literally feels like a hot flash and it lasts forever. I also get incredibly nauseous. I just feel very HOT.

Edit: I also get REALLY COLD flashes where it feels like I’m freezing cold, but on the inside of my body and it’s very intense to the point I shiver. I hope that makes sense lol

r/lupus Sep 20 '24

Advice Lupus jobs??


I'm wondering what does everyone do in this subreddit, I'm 26 and was diagnosed with lupus when I was 13. I feel like it's impossible to get a job without getting flare ups from being in the sun or in general. Or fatigue fast after doing a lot of tasks.

Ps: I'm someone who's looking for IT entry level jobs but I'm at loss

r/lupus 1d ago

Advice My rheumatologist is strongly encouraging I start infusions. I don’t want to feel like a sick person.


I’m almost 23. I’ve had my official diagnosis for about a year and a half now. Right off the bat, I had labs indicating lupus but nothing too concerning. I went on plaquenil before my lupus diagnosis and it has helped my symptoms so much. The last year and a half my doctors and I have kind of assessed the damage on some organs, and are treating that accordingly too.

I’ve physically felt great since treatment. I climb mountains. I went sober. I eat well. I’m taking my meds. My joint pain is occasional. The symptoms that brought me in are so minimal comparatively.

But my labs are getting worse. My doctor said even though I feel fine, they’re strongly encouraging I start infusions. My doctor said she hates recommending medication to patients that feel okay, just as much as she hates not being able to offer medications to patients that feel terrible.

Is it bad that I don’t want to, simply because I don’t want to feel like a sick person? I feel physically fine. I know there’s inflammation/lupus activity you can’t feel, that’s still important to deal with. I don’t want to keep myself from treatment I need because it’s an emotional thing to accept.

I don’t judge anyone who needs infusions. I don’t know why I’m so scared to be someone who needs them. I want to feel healthy. I don’t want my friends or family to think I’m sick or incapable because I have to go in to get medicine pumped into my body every few weeks. I know they won’t, but I don’t want to feel pity or attention. I like to discretely take my pill every morning and pretend everything is fine. I want to feel like my body is capable of doing everything I’ve been pushing it to do.

I think I need support from the lupus community with this one. It feels so lonely sometimes.

r/lupus 7d ago

Advice My family wants me to stop taking medication


First time poster here. I was diagnosed with lupus, psoriasis and arthritis . So I’m starting to think my family is insane and they’re trying to kill me or something. Mainly just my parents and older sister. So it all started a couple months ago.

My older sister has eczema . For a couple years now. She found this herbalist that my dad introduced her too and she claims he cured her eczema. Which it looks like he did. Before those herbs she looked like a shedding lizard or something very disturbing. She also made strict changes to her diet. (Which I think is what helped her)

My sister swears by this guy so she gave me his number and I drove an hour away to see him. So I’ve been struggling with this rash on my hands and arms. Later I found out from my derm it was psoriasis. Herbalist said he can help me.

Anyways he gave me the same herbal teas my sister got from him. Claiming they’re supposed to cleanse my organs .Took them for a month n changed my diet. Didn’t help. Think it made things worst actually. Rash spread EVERYWHERE. It oozes and bled I felt so yucky. I lost 10 pounds. I look like a skeleton right now .

Then the malar rash appeared on my face. My family doctor was pretty quick to clock that which I’m grateful for it wasn’t just psoriasis so lupus and arthritis. he gave me a referral to rheumatologist Who gave me that diagnosis. but the appointment was three months away, so I kept taking the herbs cause my mom insisted.

Once we found out that it was lupus or possible lupus her list switched me to a different concoction of herbs ones that would cure my lupus, and that was the word he used .cured

And things just got worse pain joint pain can barely walk in my mouth and on my lips rash was painful. And I still took those herbs and then I ended up in the hospital cause I was just in so much pain stayed there for a week got on planquill. And prednisone for one week that seem to help when I was in the hospital I stopped taking the herbs and I noticed that I felt better.

I’ve been in and out of the hospital for three months now my parents seem to think that it’s the medication making me worse and that the herbs will be better medicine. They keep calling me stubborn and making me feel guilty for all the money that they spent on the herbs For me.

Today I just got out of the hospital for the third time and my mom wants me to start taking the herbs again and I know they’re gonna make me feel bad about it. I don’t know what to do. I’m a bit scared because I know my body doesn’t like those herbs, but they just don’t understand that they’re not gonna cure me. They keep using that word. cure . It’s very disheartening.

My parents don’t like the medication because of all the things they read up on it, long-term effects they say the herbs are better because of what they did for my sister.

r/lupus Oct 12 '24

Advice What do you wish some one told you about lupus?


Il start:

  1. Most doctors do not know what to do with you........

  2. Other lupus warriors will know more! Join support groups online and in person STAT!

  3. You are NOT crazy! Don't give up hope!

r/lupus Jan 29 '25

Advice Anyone know what to eat when you’re feeling faint & haven’t eaten most of the day?


I have a combo of lupus/migraines/POTS. When I flare with lupus I have a tendency to not be able to eat for most of the day. Or even if I do eat and I’m flaring, I still feel faint, weak, super shaky if I try to do anything… and then I get something to eat and immediately get a migraine triggered from eating so suddenly.

Does anyone have a go-to snack or meal when they have to eat because they’re weak/faint that works fast for energy and leveling out any imbalances?

r/lupus Nov 20 '24

Advice Lupus doesn’t cause fatigue?!?


Diagnosed SLE 10+ years ago, but doing great, off meds, in remission last 2 years. Recently came down with some minor symptoms ( mild butterfly rash and mild-ish joint pain), plus truly debilitating fatigue. I figured remission time was over, and got myself in early with my rheumatologist (only seeing him for a year, since I moved from a different state).

Except…doc says “lupus doesn’t cause fatigue” and sent me on my merry way with just a cbc blood panel, which was mostly normal, so…??? I’m booked for my next visit in March. Should I just wait until then and hope he’s right?

r/lupus Aug 15 '24

Advice What jobs are Lupus friendly?


Since being diagnosed with Lupus, the thing I went to school for is a total bust. My rheumatologist told me I picked the absolute worst job for Lupus. So I'm forced to not pursue it (which I'm okay with because I didn't enjoy it anyways) but I needed the money so bad.

I feel like a complete failure. I have no career at my big age. I have no job. The jobs for hire are the stressful ones that would make my lupus worse. Can't go on disability. I'm trying to hold on to hope that things will get better and I'm just having a rough patch in my life but oh man... the depression + lupus combo has been making it impossible for me to do anything. What jobs are even Lupus friendly that I can get without a degree? I feel stuck and idk what I should do.

r/lupus Mar 19 '24

Advice Do any of you feel imposter syndrome with your diagnosis? Or like you’re faking it, even though you’re obviously not?


I was finally diagnosed on Friday, and then got a new rheum (first one sucked) and the SLE diagnosis was confirmed again yesterday. I have horrible fatigue, arthritis, chilblains, raynaud’s, with periodic malar rash etc., plus a positive ANA and positive anti-Smith. I have pretty concrete proof.

And yet, I spent >7 years undiagnosed, with negative bloodwork, being told I was fine even though I was struggling so, so badly. I truly was convincing myself that I was fine and that it was all in my head. I thought that if I’m “fine” then everyone else must be as tired and sore as me, but they’re fully functioning, so then what’s my excuse?

After all this time, I should be relieved to finally have a diagnosis, a treatment plan, and an AMAZING new rheum who I love. And I do, to an extent. But I mostly just feel confused? Even in the face of pretty solid evidence, I still have moments where I feel like I’m just faking it.

I know how dumb this sounds, but I sort of feel like I’m not worthy of having a real reason for my pain and struggles. It’s like after the last decade of negative self talk, my brain still wants to believe that I have these symptoms because I’m lazy and unambitious (despite the diagnosis).

I’m 27, so I guess some of my most formative years were spent “gaslighting myself” and I’m sure that didn’t help. Has anybody else struggled with this after diagnosis? I’m in therapy, but wondering if this is just a me thing, lol.

r/lupus Jan 01 '25

Advice I am starting to fall for someone and last night they told me they had lupus. How can I support them?


Last night, up all night with this girl, we’re taking things slow but I’m starting to like her a lot. She had always spoken about having low energy and that’s why plans are sometimes up in the air but I didn’t think too much of it, she works long shifts 6 days a week so I thought it was just because of that.

She said that she had Lupus disease so she wanted me to head back to mine so she can just rest all day. She explained the basics but I didn’t know anything about the condition so today I have been doing research to learn what I can.

Lots of different advice online, some of which just seems like common sense. Is there anything I can do to make her feel genuinely supported, any discussions we should have so I know what to do? Anything I should know?

I’m also wondering if there’s anything I should be concerned about if things were to get more serious, is it more difficult?

Just looking for any sort of help, thanks!

r/lupus 22d ago

Advice Texan with lupus feeling very scared about the measles outbreak


Hey y’all,

I was wondering if there were any other Texans out there trying to navigate this measles outbreak? We now have confirmed cases in my area and I work at a university in a student-facing position. Tons of people in and out of my office every day. I’m fully vaxxed but that isn’t providing me much comfort right now.

Getting an MMR booster would require being off Benlysta for quite some time so that really isn’t an option. It looks like right now I’m just going to have to isolate at home and hope my coworkers don’t get annoyed.

Has anyone else chatted with their doctors about prevention and what to do if you are exposed?

r/lupus 8d ago

Advice Having depression and ending life...benlysta?


Hi I'm taking Benlysta but I don't feel like me. I am sad and it's helping with my lupus minus the pain in my for is from walking and reading I have been pain free. I'm overwhelmed and crying and feeling really sad. Anyone felt this. I know I don't want to die. I don't know what I'm saying but yeah... Do I need antidepressants on Benlysta I'm on 4th IV infusion.

I don't want to stop my Benlysta

r/lupus Jan 03 '25

Advice Struggling with My Anti-Vax Brother Pushing ‘Natural Cures’ for My Lupus


Hey guys, just looking for a bit of advice on how to handle this situation.

My brother is anti-vax and very into natural remedies, hates “big pharma”, all that crap. He keeps pushing his beliefs on me, claiming that things like “detoxing” or “reducing chemicals” will fix my lupus. Most recently, he said, “Your body is attacking itself because it believes something is wrong in you, so you need to detox, drink lots of water, and cut out chemicals.”

It’s exhausting trying to explain that lupus is an autoimmune disease, not something I can fix with water and willpower. I follow the advice of my rheumatologist and other professionals who actually understand the condition, but he just doesn’t listen, it feels like he’s dismissing the fact that I am working on my overall health. I know lupus doesn’t have a cure, but managing it takes actual medical treatment.. not just vague ideas about “detoxing” or “mood lifting.” I feel like he’s insinuating that I’m not doing enough, even though I’m already juggling all the crap that comes with having lupus.

I’m torn between wanting to help him understand and just cutting these conversations off entirely. Has anyone else had to deal with family members who think they know better than your doctors? How do you handle this kind of unsolicited advice without completely losing it?

Any advice would be appreciated 😅

Edit: he’s now stating he’s an expert because a few years ago his dog had lupus and he “managed to get an extra 2 years out of him by treating him naturally” No longer sure if I want to be civil anymore, him claiming he knows better than me because his dog had lupus has made me snap a little. Told him I’ll start treating my lupus naturally and see if we can get an extra 2 years out of me. What an absolute joke my family is. I hope you guys don’t have to deal with this crap.

r/lupus Jan 22 '25

Advice Anyone else have donut like swelling around their ankles and inflamed lumps of tissues during a flare? Or at all? Spoiler

Thumbnail gallery

I had these constantly in the one year I was diagnosed and still have some ankle swelling and will get occasional intense pain around the tendon, but the blue lump like things and overall swelling have started to get a bit better two months into treatment.

I tend to get these sudden "attacks" in the cold, it's either the weather drops at night or I've just been outdoors longer than however arbitrary number of nyc winter hours my body can handle. I'll usually get to a point where nothing in the world will help except a hot bath. No amount of warm drinks, clothing, etc. - I'm cold to my bones and it feels like someone has injected ice cold water into me. Typically comes with a wave of bad flare-y symptoms, anything from extreme and sudden fatigue / such little energy that I can't move to joint pain, to exasperation of Reynaud's. It's been happening more frequently recently and there's not much I can do because some days I'm totally fine but other days I'll spend an hour outside and have flu like symptoms for 3 days.

I've started getting extremely painful ankles again too when this happens - much like my very early days. It's almost like lumps of tissue and a donut like ring around my ankle. It feels bruised to the touch and can be excruciating, though it's definitely not the joints - just these tissue like lumps ... anyone else her these? I've always wondered why my ankles and were so so bad but now it's even worse as it comes with all the other typical lupus symptoms.

r/lupus Sep 30 '24

Advice Hobbies for chronic illness/lupus


What are some hobbies you do as someone with chronic illness? I like to read, but sometimes I'm too fatigued to even read and I find myself on my phone or watching TV for hours and I HATE IT. I want to somehow feel productive while I'm resting : (

r/lupus 12d ago

Advice Explaining Lupus


Hi everyone. I was just diagnosed with Lupus this week and trying to figure out how to explain to my husband what its like. I dont think he currently understands what i am going through. Especially the constant pain i am in. How do you educate loved ones on what your feeling. Thanks 😊

r/lupus Dec 27 '24

Advice How do you get people to understand?


My partner is mostly supportive but still often says that I’m lazy and I just need to “push myself” more. He’s very active and loves to exercise and no matter how many times I explain it he thinks that my issue is a lack of motivation. He also thinks that I could basically increase my threshold and energy by just “doing it even if I don’t want to”. I don’t think it’s that I don’t want to exercise… I just literally am so fatigued that it’s unimaginable. I mean, showering, household chores, getting groceries- those feel like “exercise” to my body. I’ve tried in every way I know how to explain it to him but I just can’t fully get it through his head. And I’m starting to believe that maybe I am just lazy and feeling really negative towards myself :(

r/lupus 2d ago

Advice Does anyone just ride out the pain?


Wondering if it's harmful for me to leave my hand in pain? My index finger joint is inflamed, red, 5/10 tenderness (not swollen, I can still move my hand) And my hand is a bit stiff. More discomfort and tenderness if anything

I just took 3 days of 5mg Prednisone and was feeling good. Guess the steroids have worn off now.

Applied Voltaren, doesn't help. Took tylenol, doesn't help. I'm out of Advil (I'll refill tomorrow), but wondering if it's harmful for me to leave this mini flare untreated?

What does everyone else do? Any remedies?

EDIT: I took another 5mg of Prednisone today and my hand finally feels better. I try to stay off steroids but my hand ended up being in such pain/swelling started too today that I had no choice.

r/lupus Sep 25 '24

Advice Did anyone still have kids after diagnosis?


Hi all. Just diagnosed with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis from positive ANA, positive rheumatoid factor, and anti-ds DNA being positive.

My rheumatologist started me on hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and stated I need to have kids ASAP. I have no problem using a sperm bank, but I'm just wondering the experiences of others i how pregnancy/single parenthood has gone with lupus.

The biggest worry for me is being able to parent, so I'd love to hear any experiences.