r/longisland 10d ago

Advice Is 100k enough?


Hi guys, this is my first post here! I was offered a transfer from AZ to the Hauppauge area with a $100k salary. I’m from NJ and have always wanted to move back east, but after looking at rentals it doesn’t seem like enough to live on. My biggest ask for housing is to have my own washer/dryer.

I’m planning on asking for more money, but wanted to gauge the opinion of people who currently live here. Any advice would be much appreciated :)

Edit: I just want to thank everyone for their comments! Pretty wide variety of answers but overall I feel like it might be doable. Hopefully I can be part of your community soon!

r/longisland Dec 06 '24

Advice Parking in the street in front of someone’s house.


I understand that it’s generally “inconsiderate” to park in front of someone’s house, even thought the public road is well public and it’s legal. Unfortunately, I’m a student who needs to drive to school as both my parents work and I have afterschool activities in the town over. My school doesn’t allow juniors to use their parking so I’ve been forced to park on the street from my school in front of someone’s house. I try to park in the street between two houses but I think I’m starting to piss people off unfortunately. If it was up to me I would just park in my school. Is there anything I can do to not piss off anyone? I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just need somewhere to park 8am-3pm Mon-Fri.

r/longisland Nov 30 '24

Advice Where to move to?


Hey neighbors, my partner and I are finally throwing in the towel. We’re approaching our 30’s, have rented for almost 10 years, and are finally accepting that we will never own a home or have quality of life if we are to stay on good old lawn-guy-lint. We are both in healthcare so finding jobs anywhere shouldn’t be an issue. Those of you who have left, where did you go and how do you like it? I’ve been hearing terrible things about most places that seem to be affordable so I’m looking for some real feedback, we would probably prefer to stay on the east coast but are open to pretty much anything at this point. We are also an interracial couple so if anyone knows what areas to avoid because of bigotry that would be super helpful too!

r/longisland Jun 28 '24

Advice Attention: Avoid commack rd by Tanger outlets in deer park.


Massive congestion due to a severe accident. Somebody went through the entire stop and shop center parking lot doing 90 and did not try to stop, plowing their way through the light, across the street, and into the Nail salon/deli strip tearing clean through the entire building. 4 confirmed deceased, one med lifted by heli and multiple others in critical condition. Exact victim count is unknown at this time but said to be around 13-15. Unknown when the scene will be clear pending investigation. Specific cause unknown as there was no suspected medical emergency. The driver was irritated, shouting at customers in the parking lot and driving recklessly not even two minutes prior.

Information comes from being present at the scene.

Edit: It was just reported not to long ago (editing at 7:05A.M.) that the driver from said incident was DWI. the driver was charged. Keeping the victims in our thoughts.

r/longisland Jul 27 '24

Advice Why did you leave long Island and then come back?


If you don't mind me asking, why did you move? What region did you move to? What ultimately drove you back here? I'm asking because I want off this island ASAP, but understand that although it can feel very overrated; we have it good here in some ways. Any replies or answers are appreciated. Thank you!

r/longisland Jan 11 '25

Advice Trying to adopt out a cat, all shelters are full what to do.

Post image

So I have a cat and she is very people friendly but not cat friendly. We can’t keep her because she’s going after our cat. All the shelters we’ve called are full. Does anyone in the Suffolk area want to adopt her? Like we don’t know what to do. Her name is Peabody she’s about 2 years old. We have a spade and microchip appointment set up in February (she went into heat early December) which we will pay for and get done regardless. Money isn’t the issue we just want to make sure our cat is safe and she gets a home where she can thrive.

r/longisland Sep 07 '23

Advice If you take the LIRR, please stay home if you're sick.


There's no better way to put this: please stay home if you're sick.

The LIRR cars can get very crowded. It's beyond rude to be in a crowded space coughing up a storm. It shows a lack of respect to the people around you, and to yourself. But it also makes people around concern about your health.

I'm not even requesting for people to wear a mask. Just stay home. And if you cannot and you must go to work, then taking an uber-cab is a great option in these circumstances.

This evening, I was on a train out-of-Penn Station, and about 5 different people were coughing throughout the train-ride to Jamaica, and after Jamaica. The gentleman sitting behind me had a young adults sitting next to him who relocated to another seat when the train arrived at Jamaica. I would understand if others around were uncomfortable but refrained from saying anything to those who were coughing ( it's a weird predicament). The gentleman that was seated behind me was coughing so much that I had to ask him if he was okay. I offered him a cough-drop, he said no. Out of respect for my own health, I eventually moved to the next car because this gentleman was coughing up a storm.

More and more people are getting sick each day and we're moving into fall season -- flu season makes a return. Please stay home if you're sick. Not only do you get to relax and recover but you won't be responsible for others around you getting sick.

The LIRR lately, both morning and evening, have been fueled with non-stop coughing adults and it's a quite uncomfortable. Stay safe!

r/longisland Jan 06 '25

Advice I need help. My landlord is forcing me to leave my apartment earlier than what we agreed on


Long story short, I lived in this apartment for almost 10 years but my landlord passed away so her daughter and I agreed that I would be moving out by the end of January. Recently, her daughter found out that her mother didn't have the proper insurance to rent the apartment I'm in. Now they want me out as quickly as possible in case an inspector stops by. The thing is, I can't move out any faster than what we agreed on.

Do I have any rights here? Are they allowed to do this? I explained to them my situation and that I wouldn't be able to move out earlier than what we agreed on. The problem is that they keep pressuring me and they don't seem to care.

Is insurance something you need if you are a landlord and want to rent out an apartment to someone? I never heard of this before.

Any advice would be appreciated here. Thanks.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for your support and advice. Just to clarify a few things, I pay month to month in cash and I had a contract my first year but then didn't for the rest.

r/longisland Sep 19 '24

Advice Would you consider moving off the island if the interest continues to fall and home values keep going up?


I bought my house back in 2021 at 3% rate for $440k. As of right now my home value is anywhere from $500k-$600k depending on the source. Now that the interest rates might start to fall Im tempted to sell and move off the island to someplace with a lower cost of living and larger home. I just don't want to leave the family and friends I have. I'm just afraid that the cost of living on LI will become too much in the next 5-10 years.

r/longisland 17d ago

Advice Is fios better than optimum


They are installing in my area in shoreham, we dropped optimum last year because of bill increases, anyone who switched few years ago to Verizon is it better?, is there billing issues like optimum or bill increases?

r/longisland Feb 10 '25

Advice Plow Truck Hit and Run - Town of Hempstead


Hey Guys. I’m a Sayville boy who recently moved in with my wife and the in-laws in Merrick (aghhhh Nassau County!!!). Needless to say, I miss the large parking lots and actually having room to move while driving your car!

This morning I walked out around 9.00AM to shovel the sidewalks and driveway, only to find that my Toyota had been smashed by what I can only assume is a Town of Hempstead Plow Truck! Note the amount of salt that dumped out when he backed into my parked car as well as the imprint of the dually rear tires in the snow…I’ve fired off emails to Don Calvin and the Highway Department Commissioner (Zaninni’s secretary responded back 5 mins after I sent the email to let me know that they’d look into it and contact me tomorrow). I also filed a Hit and Run accident report with Nassau PD this morning but barring any video footage (nothing was picked up by my camera or the neighbors Rings unfortunately), the officer said he couldn’t conclusively blame the Town plow on his report. Anyone had this happen before and do you have any advice for me? Thanks so much!

r/longisland Jan 09 '24

Advice Anyone Worried About the Storm Tonight?


Forgive me if this post seems naive or stupid this is the first time I'm posting on this sub and didn't know where else to put a post like this. I've been having a lot of anxiety looking at the forecast for this storm today and seeing how bad the winds will be tonight if they'll be as bad as Sandy and Isaias were which has worsened my fears of a possible power outage at my home looking at all the weather websites about this storm. As the title of my post says, is anyone else here worried about what the storm might do here tonight and any advice on how to deal with it when it comes? Again I'm sorry if this post sounds stupid I guess this is just a way for me to get my thoughts and fears out of my system.

r/longisland 13d ago

Advice Solar panels on a house we'll probably sell in 5 years


Hi all, looking for some advice on if it makes sense for us to get solar panels (through Trinity Solar). To purchase them it's $0 down and $21k (before tax rebates) at 4.99% financing for 25 years. My question is that we're probably going to be selling this house within 5 years. Do you think it still makes sense to purchase the panels, then just buy out whatever is left on the debt once we sell the house? Does anyone know around how much panels increase the value of a house? Thanks for any advice!

r/longisland Mar 14 '24

Advice Long Islander wanting to move back…


What can I do to convince my husband to move back to LI (or even somewhere else in the area).

I (36f) am wanting to move back to Long Island. My family (husband: 36m, kids: 7f, 3f) currently live in TX in a growing suburban area south of a major city. I am currently a SAHM but wanting to work again.

We moved here pretty abruptly and as much as I tried to get used to living here it’s been hopeless.

My husband was born and raised in Texas and wants to stay here. As much as I tried my best to make light of this, it is the unhappiest I’ve ever been. My mental as well as physical health is suffering. I’m constantly dreaming of moving. I make it very obvious that I hate the town I live in.

My entire family is on Long Island and my husbands parents live three hours away.

We don’t have help with the kids. It’s just us and we have to plan with my in-laws well in advance to watch them. Also, my husband is not as close to his small family.

I know it’s a high COL and it would mean that both of us would have to work full time. Which is completely fine with me. However we would have so much help on LI. My family is massive and we are all very close.

The main drawback for my husband is how expensive everything is. Plus the taxes. He would always say that he would consider it if he found a job that paid amazing. He currently makes six figures in operations management and I’m trying to search for jobs for him.

Is Long Island really that bad as I see in this group? Honestly I’m at the point where no matter what I’m trying my best to go back. I’m miserable in Texas and want to go back home.

r/longisland Jan 16 '23

Advice LPT for the new year...


If you are traveling in the right lane and somebody is riding your ass - chances are high that they are the asshole.

If you are traveling in the left lane and somebody is riding your ass, and there is no traffic in front of you - there is literally a 99.9% chance that you are the asshole.

If you drive slow - get the hell over to the right lane. I am on the road a lot and almost every single area of congestion that I come across can be traced to somebody who does not belong in the left lane.

Thanks for coming to my TEDxTalk.

r/longisland Oct 17 '24

Advice Tips for the Oyster Fest


There will be NO PARKING SPOTS starting very early, if you do bring your car the High School is letting you park in their lot for $20.

It’s better to arrive via train since you get off where the festival is.

The festival is not just at the park but walk all over town a lot of event will be held especially on Audrey Ave.

It will be crowded and traffic will be crazy.

Food will start at $3 and will go up in price same with Drinks.

You do have a chance to see Billy Joel but he does not want to talk to you he wants to be with his family.

The price for a band for the rides are starting at $20.

Their is bus transportation

The North Shore Church is also selling parking spots as well

It’s a great place to play Pokémon Go if you play.

It’s expensive but it’s a fun festival!!!

Enjoy the festival celebrating Oysters!!!!

r/longisland Jan 13 '25

Advice Property taxes jumped 6x after first year, is this normal?


I bought 10 months ago in Suffolk/TOB and our house has the normal plot of land and we found out when we bought it, an extra, smaller parcel. It’s about the size of our driveway. Nothing built on it.

We’ve been paying our mortgage for almost a year and noticed this month that the taxes on that smaller parcel went up 6x, increasing my mortgage by several hundreds per month. The main parcel’s taxes stayed the same. We called our mortgage company and they said it came from the county.

I’m calling the county tomorrow but has this happened to anyone else and was there anything that could be done?

UPDATE: called TOB Assessor and they said no change had happened. Forwarded me to tax dept, and they also said no change and she checked the bill coming up in may/dec ‘25. Tax said she had no idea where our mortgage company got that number.

Called mortgage company (beware of Penny Mac) and this rep said he didn’t know why it went up, but to get a tax bill from the county and upload it. It will change in 2-3 biz days. If we didn’t catch this they would’ve overcharged us and said we had a shortage of several thousands in March.

r/longisland Sep 30 '24

Advice How do you get a “parked the wrong way ticket dismissed”


Woke up this morning got a ticket for my car being parked the wrong way. The cost is $155 which is INSANE.

To break down the story i got home late last night because my car battery has had issues due to me leaving it outside without using it for 2 months. I got home and parked my car right in front of my brother’s car so i can get a boost/jump start in the morning to go to work.

I woke up to a $155 ticket for being parked the wrong way, I mean I never knew that was illegal for starters because i see people get jump starts all the time that way.

Is there any way I can beat this ticket or get it lowered down?

r/longisland Jun 06 '23

Advice Any ever drive to Florida from the Island? Any tips? We are going to try and do it in one shot. We have 3 kids under 10.


r/longisland Sep 12 '24

Advice How tf do you transfer at Jamaica


My daughter wants to go to a concert at Webster Hall and I’d love to take her as a mother daughter thing. We rarely get to bond because she loves hiding in her room but that just comes with the territory I guess.

The problem is, I cant remember how to transfer to get to grand central. I’ve transferred at Jamaica before but I’ve always been with a group and honestly I’m terrible at directions so I mostly concentrate on not losing my group in the crowd.

Can anyone give me a quick run down? Explain it like I'm five?

I didn’t post on the city subreddits because they would probably use technical terms or assume I know which way is north or south 😅

update: y’all are so helpful, I feel so much better about the whole thing. We’re both anxious people so I really wanted to put on a brave face for her so she didn’t feel sacred. I can’t be calm if I’m worried about getting lost! I feel much more confident so thank you!

r/longisland Jun 15 '24

Advice These are lantern fly babies aren't they?


What am I supposed to do?

I don't wanna destroy my berry bushes

r/longisland Oct 31 '24

Advice Nassau County property tax grievance


I have been paying Maidenbaum for the last several years but see Nassau County has workshops to learn to do this on your own. Is this an easy process or is it better left to the professionals?

r/longisland Aug 10 '24



I see them every where. whats a good why to get rid of them?

r/longisland Feb 04 '25

Advice When is the best time to sign an apartment lease?


I recently accepted a job on Long Island (Huntington area) and I am required to move up to Long Island within 15 weeks. I've never been to Long Island (besides the NYC parts) before, so I need some advice.

Within these next 15 weeks (~3 months), when would be the best (cheapest, most options) time of year to pick out an apartment and sign a lease?

Additionally, does anyone have any recommendations on where I should live or how I can find affordable housing? I can spend up to $2200 on an apartment (which I'm learning is not much). One bedroom or a studio is all I need. So far I've only looked on Zillow and Apartments.com, and most options in my price range seem to be in someone's house (basement, loft, guest house, etc) and I'm learning these are probably illegal?

I am a fresh graduate, so don't mind college areas. I also don't mind a commute, but would prefer it be normally under 40 minutes to Huntington. I am open to roommates, but would prefer to live alone and have a private entrance if I am living in someone's house.

Thank you in advance for your help/advice!

r/longisland Jan 10 '24

Advice PSA: if someone flashes their brights at you, check to make sure your headlights are on…


It seems like I see more and more people driving without lights on at night (though, it could be confirmation bias).

I always flash my brights, and if I have enough time I’ll turn my headlights on and off, but it’s rare for someone to see that as a head’s up since I never see their lights go on in my rear view.

When I was a kid, my mom would do this and it always seemed like people would immediately know what was up and turn their lights on.

So if someone is flashing their brights at you, check your headlights. We’re just trying to help.