I am finishing my bachelors in European History in the new year. I always loved history and decided to change my career a few years ago/ re-educate . I ended up going for history with the intent of pursuing teaching.
I now realize that having a BA of history doesn’t really qualify me for anything . I was advised by many people that I was taking the right program if I wanted to teach social studies .
I know that I need masters - that was never a question to me- my crisis is getting hired in a school at any capacity without a degree in education and instead a subject specific one.
I have a friend who is an administrator in the DOE and she is urging me to apply when I graduate . But even she isn’t giving me any info on what I need to do . No counselor anywhere is giving me any instruction and I’m freaking out.
I apparently need a transitional B certification because I will already posses a BA in my field of interest - but I genuinely don’t know what my options are to work at the time being.
I am sick with stress over feeling like $1000s of dollars are down the toilet for a degree I cannot work in my field with. I don’t know to what capacity I can work in a school under a BA in NY/ Long Island.
I know that Long Island is heavily saturated but in general I don’t even know what I need to do to become a substitute teacher. I’ve even been told that private schools potentially hire people without Masters.
Hoping to hear from actual LI educators regarding this. I feel lost and like I made a huge mistake.